《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #11》

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A/N: Time flies. Not kidding. Chapter dedicated to @Revetaar for being such an amazing friend and reader. Also, CONGRATULATIONS ON 10K ON YOUR ONE-SHOT BOOK, OMGGGGG!

25th July 1976, France

Once, someone said that love didn't exist. It was a mere four letter word in fantasies.

Sirius Black thought this too. Until the summer of 1972.

'Love at first sight' was something he didn't believe in. Except he was the victim of this case. That sort of thing was for James or sappy people like that, not Sirius Black, player, womanizer, Marauder, pranker extraordinaire.

He had seen her, and had fallen in love, hard. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea whether she liked him or not. And even if she did, he didn't deserve someone like her.

Now that one question you all desperately want an answer to: Who is this her?

The smart ones there would have figured it out, if you haven't, then here's your answer:

Marlene Ashley McKinnon

Odd, right? They don't seem to get along at all. But I, the author, have said many times: Two people most unexpected to fall in love can fall in love. Because love has it ways.

If they would get together has to be seen, for neither I nor you can see the future. Love is something not even a celebrated Seer can predict. It is like a branch of science about which no theory has been made.

But, as I said earlier, all shall be revealed in good time.


26th July 1976

Bellatrix Black, the second eldest child of Cygnus and Druella Black, was lesbian, as I've previously mentioned.

Currently, she was in a relationship with Phoebe Greengrass. They were found near The Eiffel Tower, staring at sunset and enjoying each other's company. Just for your information, it had been two years of their relationship.

"Eb?" Bellatrix said after a while.

"Hm?" Phoebe hummed. She took a sip of her soda and looked at her girlfriend.

"Have you ever thought about marriage?" Bellatrix asked. Phoebe raised an eyebrow at the question but smiled.

"Yeah. Many times. A nice quiet ceremony, probably at a beach. And then some adopted children. And you?" She said.

"Whatever you want."

There was silence as Phoebe processed her girlfriend's words through her brain. It clicked and she stared, wide-eyed at Bellatrix.

"Bellatrix Naomi Black," she said slowly, "y-you..are you proposing?"

"Depends," Bellatrix said seriously. "It depends on your answer. Will you, Phoebe Ruth Greengrass, marry me, Bellatrix Naomi Black?"

In response, Phoebe kissed her passionately, pouring her answers into the kiss. There were people around, cheering, but they didn't hear. For them, it was just the two of them in the world. Just Bellatrix Naomi Black and Phoebe Ruth Greengrass.

"Yes, yes and yes!" Phoebe beamed when they broke apart.


27th July 1976

Lily Evans and all her other female friends were having a nice girls day out in Paris. Odd day to do it, as it could rain anytime, except rain couldn't dampen their enthusiasm.

Originally, the idea came from Isadora Donnell. So that was how they were in the spa, having skin treatment and stuff.

"Oh Cir-God," Marlene muttered, "this paste is so sticky."

She said that in english, so none of the shop attendants understood. Her friends did and would have laughed if their skin packs hadn't made their skin dry and parchment-like. It hurt to speak, or smile. Let alone laugh.

But Katherine Madison-Williams managed a "I know, right?"

Lily leaned back as the attendant kept two cool, round slices of cucumber on her eyes. She sighed. Of all the places she could be in, it was a freaking spa.

A spa.

She didn't care about her looks so much. It was weird, sitting in front of the mirror and admiring your flawless skin and amazing hair. She could study in that time.

Her wand was hidden safely inside her bag, concealed with a charm, thanks to her sister, Brielle Evans. She could have done some interesting tricks, but she was with muggles.

On the other hand, Katherine was eager to change her hair. Her muggle friends thought she dyed it a lot, except she didn't. This morning, it was dark brown. She had changed her previous golden brown after her first day back here.

The attendant removed the cucumbers over her eyes and Kate opened them. The mask washed off. Marlene's was removed last and she hopped off the pink seat.

"Never coming here again," she mumbled as she payed the lady at the counter.

"Thank you for visiting us! Hope we see you again!" The lady beamed.

"I wish I could say the same," Marlene sighed.


Now, the boys. They didn't have as much like as the girls because Remus dragged them into a bookshop.

A bookshop.

A goddamn bookshop.

Sirius couldn't spell 'library' because he'd never been there, except that one time for a quick shag, nothing much.

He stared, bored to tears, at the shelves and rows full of books. Remus was standing at the counter, waiting for the shopkeeper to arrive with some book called The Lord of The Rings, part two. The Two Towers.

"I can't believe you read it and I didn't," Remus grumbled while pointing at a very smug James Potter.

"Tolkien's series are amazing. Bet you won't like the end. You are a Frodo and Samwise shipper, right?" He smirked.

"Yeah," Remus said, staring at him suspiciously. James's smirk only widened and he walked away towards the fantasy section, humming 'Build Me Up Buttercup' under his breath.

"What odd names." Sirius rolled his eyes. "Frodo? Samwise? Meriadoc? Peregrin? Aragorn? Boromir? Faramir? Arwen? Leogolas? Gimli? What the actual fuck?"

"Language!" Frank chided.

"Oh shut up plant boy," Sirius said, staring at the book on gardening in Frank's hand.

"Don't call me that!" His friend said, cheeks faintly pink.

"Sir, here's your book," The shopkeeper said as he handed Remus a thick black book with a large red ring on it. Large white letters spelled 'PART TWO OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS SERIES: THE TWO TOWERS'.

"Thanks, Sir. Here's the money," Remus paid him and they left the shop.

"I am never stepping inside a bookshop again!" Sirius swore.

A/N: Did I make Remus and James Tolkien fans because I myself am one? Yes, maybe. His books are amazing and I totally recommend The Hobbit and it's sequel series, The Lord of The Rings. The characters are so well-defined, fantasy lovers will surely love it. Anyway, hope you liked it. Take care and stay safe.


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