《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #10》

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A/N: I hate my wi-fi. More than that, I hate cyclones. Am writing this chapter on the 28th of May.

24th July 1976, Paris

"Ha! I knew it!" Frank exclaimed truimphantly when he, and the others, saw Dorcas and Emmeline walk out of The Potter Manor, hand-in-hand.

"Of course you did." Marlene rolled her eyes but congratulated her friends as well.

They walked out of the huge gate and started walking towards the city park. The day was cool and breezy, with the streets full of people and the sky a clear blue.

James and Sirius lagged behind as the latter grudgingly handed James ten galleons.

"They look cute but I lost ten galleons because of them!" Sirius grumbled as he stuffed his fingers inside the pockets of his ripped black jeans.

"Duh." James rolled his eyes. "You've got--he lowered his voice--hundred thousand galleons in Gringotts!"

"Says the bloke who's got five hundred thousand galleons in one vault. And his family's got five other vaults," Sirius retorted.

"We are--"

"Financially comfortable. I know," Sirius said, bored. "It's called 'filthy rich'."

"Shut up."


In front of them, Lily and Frank were talking in hushed tones.

"Frank Leonardo Longbottom," Lily muttered, "you will ask her out today. We'll leave you guys alone near the forest in the park, understand? Then you ask her out. You will not follow Marlene's plan and use a hex or love potion!"

"Understood," Frank whispered back. The two friends straightened and started talking casually, as though no talk about hexes or love potions had ever occured between them.

"When will you ask him out?" Frank asked her after a while, grinning knowingly. Lily blushed and cleared her throat.

"Don't act now." Frank rolled his eyes. "I know--"

"What?" Lily said. 

"You don't--"

"I do--"

"Ha!" Frank exclaimed, grinning broadly. Lily turned even redder and scowled at him, trying not to smile.

"Why are we talking in low voices in here?" Sirius threw an arm around each of their shoulders.

"Hypocritical, aren't you?" Isadora raised an eyebrow. Sirius ignored her.

"It's sibling stuff." Lily waved her hand casually.

"Oh?" Sirius said suspiciously.

"Yes, Black." Both Lily and Frank rolled their eyes together.

"You guys do that a lot," Katherine noted.

"Maybe." Lily shrugged.

Once in the park, they started exchaging stories about their school year.

Between me, the author, and you readers, these were all made-up. Whatever interesting incidents happened at Beauxbatons and Hogwarts involved magic. And the other side consisted of 'muggles'. Remember The Statute of Secrecy?

Lily and James sat side-by-side, listening as Sirius told them an incident which happened in his boarding school, which oddly consisted of a mad caretaker and a weird cat.

"I swear to Mer-God," Sirius said, "I absolutely hate that cat. More than that, I hate the caretaker. Has taken an oath or something to ruin the fun of the Marauders!"

"He's dramatic as ever," Remus sighed.

"No surprise," Sirius grinned.

"No indeed," Lily agreed.

After a little while, Marlene gave Mary a meaningful look. The latter understood the sign and pointed towards an ice-cream stall.

"Oh! That's a really famous one! We have to try it!" She squealed convincingly.

"Oh man, yes!" Lily nodded furiously. She stood up and all but dragged the others, minus Frank and Alice, towards the stall.

"Why did everyone leave us?" Alice frowned. Frank cleared his throat.

"So, um..I've been thinking," he started. Really smooth, Longbottom. You rock, man! He thought sarcastically.

"Oh?" Alice raised an eyebrow, looking genuinely curious.

"Yeah. So, I-um, like you. I mean, romantically. Oh Gods, I suck at this. Anyway, spare me the embarresment, will you go out with me, Alice?" He said, blushing a deep red.


For a scary moment, Frank thought she'd refuse. Instead, she threw herself at him and kissed him.

"Of course I'd go out with you!" Alice squealed gleefully, looking giddy with happiness.

In the distance, their friends hi-fived and grinned widely.

"Oh Mer-God," Dorcas giggled, "they look so amazing together!"

"Couldn't have phrased it better myself," Emmeline said and threw an arm around her girfriend's shoulder. Dorcas, obviously flattered, turned her head slightly and kissed her.

"Oi! Get a room!" Sirius barked at them.

"Fuck off, Black." Emmeline rolled her eyes at him.

"It would be a mercy," Dorcas added with a sigh.


In the Blacks' Lair, Regulus Black was waiting to introduce his girlfriend to his family. He paced his garden until a very familiar voice said: "Is that the way to greet your girlfriend? Come here and give me a kiss!"

Regulus turned and beamed at Maddison, who smiled back. She entered the garden, moved closer to him and leaned up for a kiss.

"Mhm, that's more like it. Sorry," Regulus smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and held his hand.

"Come on, Mr Regulus Black the Second. We've got a giant joint family to meet," she said and pulled them towards the Manor. Regulus pushed the door open and was greeted by the sight of his aunt and mother, talking about Merlin knows what.

Walburga stared at the beautiful and elegant girl standing beside her youngest son, waiting for an introduction. Regulus cleared his throat and said: "Mum, Auntie, this is my girlfriend, Maddis--"

"Maddy. Just Maddy. Maddy Vance," The girl, or Maddy, interuppted smoothly. She sent Regulus a 'don't you dare!' type of glare and then held out her hand for Walburga.

"Mrs Black," she smiled, "I've heard a lot about you. Reg respects you so much, I'm very pleased to meet you."

"You too, Maddy. So you are a...?" Walburga trailed off.

"Witch, yes. I go to Hogwarts alongside him," Maddy nodded.

"Oh. May I know your house?" The elder witch asked curiously.

"Gryffindor," Maddy said, a proud gleam in her eyes, not unlike the one Sirius had when the topic came to Gryffindor.

"Wow! Same here!" Druella said, surprised.

"You were a Gryffindor? Oh wait, Druella Adams, obviously. One of the most famous Ancient Ruins extraordianaires at Hogwarts!" Maddy exclaimed.

"The very same," Druella said smugly.

As the women talked, Regulus stood away from them, smiling. The first sigh that your relatives like your girlfriend/boyfriend: They completely forget you, focusing entirely on your partner.

A/N: *laughs* Look, I'm so kind! I made TWO ships happen! Stan Doreline/Demmeline and Fralice! Anyway, hope you liked it. Take care and stay safe!


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