《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #23》

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6th September 1976, Beauxbatons

It seemed like summer still lingered in the gardens of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. The air was sweet and the wind light, but the trees were laden with golden leaves and they made a soft and plesant crunching sound when you stepped on them.

All around Clarence the Swan, in the lake, small water lilies, lotuses and water hyacinths floated, while she peacefully swam around. The nymphs sat togethet in groups, singing old and forgotten songs, in some other ancient language.

The fairies sat on the boughs of the trees and flew around the waterfall. The sky was always clear and light blue, the valley as pleasant as ever. Nothing could destroy the peace of the Academy.

"The moon shone in her hair and her eyes were the color of forget-me-nots," a gentle voice sang in the garden.

"Forget-me-nots," the other nymphs echoed in the sane gentle voice.

"And her robe was sprinkled with dots."

"Sprinkled with dots."

"Oh, lady fair she was!"

"Fair she was!"

"Nothing can compete the beauty of this place," Frank Longbottom said with a smile. He played with the golden maple leaf in his hand idly.

"Nothing," Lily Evans smiled.

If James Potter would have been here, he would have said Lily Jasmine Evans was better than all the most beautiful things in this world combined.

But he was not here. He was in Scotland, at Hogwarts. Fighting an inner war with himself.


7th September 1976, Hogwarts

When I, the author, said inner war with himself I don't mean that he had a gun pointed at his chest and a dagger between his eyes and he didn't know how to kill himself. Be a little sane, will you?

By inner war I meant that he had been split in three different parts: Confused James, Hopeful James and Modest James.

In my opinion, all three were stupid and oblivious idiots. Shh, don't read that out aloud!

"She does not like me, why force that kiss on her?" Modest Jamas demanded, with the power of a lawyer.

"Well maybe she does!" Hopeful James snapped back.

"Maybe she does not," Modest James tossed back.

"She does," Hopeful James said firmly.

"She does not," Modest James shrieked.

"Shut up!" Confused James shouted.

Luckily, there was no one in the his dormitory, so he would not be dragged off to the mental illness ward at St. Mungo's. What a relief.

In my opinion, he needs to go there. Shh, quiet!

James washed his face with her throughly, shaking his head, as thought that would clean all the confusiom in it. He placed his hands on the sink, staring at his reflection.

"Prongs, I get that you're good looking, but there's no need to stare at yourself like that."

James sighed and turned around to face a very amused Sirius. He was leaning against the supplies cupboard, playing with a towel.

"What's your problem?" Sirius asked him curiously. "I've been listening to you debating with yourself, in a very maniacal way, mind you. A first-year bird actually ran to her sister, crying."

"I'm not that scary," James protested. Sirius snorted.

"Mate," he said, "you can be very scary when you want to be. Em had sworn that your eyes turn so very black, it's blacker than night and then there's your height. You've got these long ass legs that make you tower above everyone, everything, anyone and anything. Plus, that square, sharp jaw of yours hardens really bad."

"Why are you keeping track of my looks?" James narrowed his eyes at his best mate.

"Stop getting ideas," Sirius told him. "I'm in love with someone."

"And so am I!" James said, frustated.

"And you are debating with yourself," Sirius said firmly. "Have you ever thought that she may like you too? Do you understand how disappointed she would be feeling right now? That's your biggest flaw, Prongs, you never try to find out the truth, you simply accept what you see with your eyes. But remember, even some eyes can be betrayed."

With that he left, leaving James to wonder how such an important conversation took place in a damn, bloody bathroom.


8th September 1976, Beauxbatons

"Hey Marlene, how are you?"

Marlene McKinnon looked up from her book to stare at the guy in front of her. He was pretty good looking and was from Pappilionlisse: Kyle Okerley.

"Fine, Okerley. Wanted anything?" She asked him. Kyle took the seat beside her and cleared his throat.

"Erm, I wanted to ask you something...will you go out with me? I've like you since fourth year actually." He blushed cutely.

Marlene's eyes roamed over his face. Tall, bronze skinned, grey-eyed, cute, smart, atheletic...

Not Sirius, her sane side whispered.

Fuck Sirius, Marlene thought, he does not like me. Why ruin my fun because of him?

"Sure," she smiled at Kyle.


9th September 1976, Hogwarts

Dear Sirius and Regulus,

How are you both doing? The house seems so empty without you both. We miss you a lot. Also, you'll be surprised to know that Meda is pregnant again! In fact, the Healer says that she's a month pregnant! The baby is expected by April, or May. Meda's already picking names. She thinks that Zelanita Druella is good for a girl and Apollo Cygnus for a boy. We all miss you both so much...give our regards to your friends and (in case of Regulus) girlfriend. I'm looking forward to meeting Maddy again.

Loads of love,
Mum, Dad, Uncle, Auntie, Bella, Dora, Ted and Meda

P. S. There's box of dark chocolate too, make sure to SHARE ~Mum

Regulus's hand moved towards the box of chocolates while Sirius read the letter. He stood up, with the chocolates, and with light steps, left the room.

"Where's the chocolate--? REG!" Sirius shouted after him. Regulus grinned and raced towards the Ravenclaw tower.

A/N: Black brothers are the best. Take care and stay safe.


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