Sequel + Author's Note + Special Thanks

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The story of Lily Jasmine Evans and James Fleamont Potter will be continued, in a new phase, in the sequel to The French Redhead.

I welcome you to read...

“The Londoner Marauder.” 

Where I complete their epic love story.

New phase?


New friends?

Of course.


Oh darling, love dwells in the darkest of places.


Who ever said that love stories were easy?


A special thanks to everyone who read the book! The plot-writer, aka @breesiena_914  or Bree, you are the reason why this book exists. Thank you for the brilliant idea!

@DoraTonksPotter aka Dora for the support she has given me since the day we became friends.

@Revetaar aka Ashley/Rev because she's amazing, sassy, sweet and has always supported me. If you haven't read her Blackinnon and Jily one-shots, I'm sorry, you are doing something very wrong.

@-marvabell- aka Anastacia because she's the sensible one who managed to spot the faults in Isadora Emily Donnell, but also saw her good qualities.

@JamesPotterBlobb aka Angela because of her crazy threats and lovely comments.

@Gryffinclaw4evr aka Ella for being my dramatic partner.

@HermioneEvans12 aka Lily for the way she protected me against JilyOcGang and for speaking in my defence.

And once again, to every reader who came late, I still love and adore and am grateful to you.

One last thing I want to say:

If love has the power of healing, it also has the power of breaking. Love heals, but also breaks. One thing we all should know: Love has a drastic, incredible effect on people. The darkest people can be cheerful after falling in love and the most cheerful people can be the darkest after their heart breaks. There is no cure for someone who's in love. And, first love is like a dangerous wound. It seeps to the darkest corners of your heart, but leaves a scar on your life, a scar which will never fade, however hard you try.” 

~Aurora Esmeralda Potter,
Daughter of Zeus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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