《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #18》

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16th July 1976

James was in the library of the Potter Manor, flicking through random books about random things. Currently, he was staring at a book in the corner of the library, titled A Guide to Patronuses.

His was a stag, quite obvious from his nickname. Silently, he picked up the book. It was heavy and slightly dusty. The cover was dark blue with the title written in silver. The author's name, which he could vaguely make out, was Cassandra Peverell III.

"Cassandra Peverell, the third," James muttered. He kept the book on a nearby table and considered the family tree.

It turned out that Cassandra Peverell the third was his great-great-great-great grandmother and she was a known writer and excelled in Patronus charms.

"Interesting," James remarked as he sat in an armchair and opened the book. What he found most interesting was the soulmate section. Ut saud that if two patronuses compliment each other, their owners were soulmates.

He could only imagine Sirius's reaction to this. He'd laugh and say that if that happened, there would be thousands of love triangles in this world. Though, for some odd reason, he kept the book safely in his room.

He had an odd suspicion that he might need it in the future...


Sirius Black often cursed his stars.

Why, you ask? He had been left with a PMSing Marlene McKinnon and now he was left with a confused Isadora Donnell.

"Listen, Donnell," he said seriously. Isadora looked at him and blinked. He said, "you are like-able, understand? You are smart, good-looking and a pure-blood, nice enough for a sane guy. But the thing is that Prongs is in love. He has been bonded to Evans and he'll never like another woman in his life, even if she refuses him, but that's highly unlikely, if you know what I mean."

"But I like him too!" Isadora said. Sirius let out an irritated sigh.

"Have you been listening to me?" He demanded, clutching her shoulders. "I said, he's in love. He will never betray the woman he has pledged himself to. It's awful that you can't accept the goddamn truth! Move on!"

"I-I understand now..." Isadora said, a slight glimmer of sadness in her eyes.

"Good, because you had to," Sirius told her. "You needed to. You don't get everything you want in life. Maybe there's someone else for you."

Isadora didn't need to be a Ravenclaw to understand what he meant.


17th July 1976

"Olivia, clean your room," Mary said as she threw a dark green notebook at the couch in Olivia's room. The place was littered with papers, quills, empty sweet packets and a dozen other things she couldn't name yet.

Olivia, from her position at the bed, looked up from her book The Hobbit and blinked at her sister.

"I said," Mary repeated, "clean your room."

"Later," Olivia waved her hand casually and stared at the pages of the book, excitement visible on her face.

"Why did I get Remus to lend you this book?" Mary grumbled as she folded a light blue hoodie and stuffed it in the wardrobe.

"I find it interesting. Gandalf here is so much like Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" Olivia said.

"How would you know that 'Liv? You've never met him," Mary laughed.

"Hm, Adele's cousin is British. She told us about him!" Olivis said, as thought it was obvious.

Mary spent the next two hours listening to her sister compare Gandalf the Grey to Albus Dumbledore.


18th July 1976

"Aw, they are cute," Narcissa gushed as she knelt down in front of Adelaide and Cynthia Black-Greengrass. The sisters were getting used to living with Phoebe and Bellatrix pretty quickly.

The family had a flat near Black's Lair. They were quick and helpful too. Cynthia, at the mere age of five, could easily make the bed, clean her room and set the table during meals and Adelaide was always happy to help her.

The children were British and knew english, for which both Phoebe and Bellatrix were glad. They didn't let them do work, according to Phoebe, 'childhood should be enjoyed and not spent in waste.'

Adelaide smiled at her, showing off her straight, pearly white teeth.

"I'm Narcissa, Cissa for short, and I'm your aunt," Narcissa told them as she offered Cynthia some sweets.

"Auntie Cissa?" Cynthia suggested as she accepted the sweet.

"Auntie Cissa," Narcissa agreed with a smile.

"Okay, Auntie Cissa!" Adelaide beamed. "But can we eat now? I'm hungry!"

"Of course," Phoebe smiled as they walked towards the kitchen. They took their seats and started eating. Everything was fine, normal and calm until a plate full of salad flew in the air and landed in front of Cynthia.


"She's a.." Narcissa gaped at Cynthia.

"Witch," Bellatrix and Phoebe whispered together.


19th July 1976

Trust Marlene McKinnon to mess things up.

It was not supposed to be how it happened. But it happened...

They were in that new night club near her house, The Night Queen. Marlene was flirting with a cute guy at the bar, Lily and James were laughing in the corner, Isadora, Mary, Remus, Emmeline, Dorcas and Katherine were dancing, Alice and Frank were snogging and Sirius was missing.

Marlene left the guy and was walking towards Mary when she caught sight of Sirius. He was snogging some girl. It was quite an...X-rated kiss. The girl's hands were practically all over him and so were his.

"OI! Black!" Marlene shouted, without thinking. "Can't get girls, can you? She's ugly as fuck!"

Then, she giggled as the girl broke the kiss to gawk at her direction. Marlene ran for the exit, laughing. She came into the parking lot amd propped herself up against the wall.

"McKinnon! You had no right to interuppt me and Camille!"

She looked up and saw Sirius storming towards her, anger visible in his face.

"Hm? She was ugly you know," Marlene smirked at him.

"Not as much as you," Sirius sneered at her.

Marlene's face burned red and she took slow steps towards him, then she raised her fist and it...collided with his nose. He staggered back, cursing.

"Don't you dare say that again!" Marlene shouted at Sirius.

He opened his eyes and, roughly, pushed her against the wall before his lips collided with hers. And she made the biggest mistake of the night: she kissed him and well...it turned more than snog within ten minutes but I'm sure you don't want the details.

A/N: *runs from the room* TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE, DON'T KILL ME!


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