《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #07》

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20th July 1976, London

There's an old saying which has passed through generations of Blacks. It says: 'Life is full of drama. You just have to accept it. But if you make the drama humourous, it'll be amusing rather than sad. Besides, laughing is a cure which can kill the most deadliest of diseases, don't you agree?'

So when the Potters and a Black arrived home, twelve-year-old Scarlett Artemis Potter jumped into her mother, Dorea Potter's arms and started 'sobbing'.

Her example was followed by Sirius Black, who ran at Euphemia Potter and crushed her in a hug.

"MOTHER!" Scarlett 'sobbed.' "I missed you so much! You don't even know. But, we have been reunited, finally!"

"SCAR!" Dorea 'sobbed' back. "My child, still so innocent! Worry not, my dear, for we have been reunited again!"

Over at the side of the room, Euphemia was off the ground, being hugged to death by her second son.

"OH MUM!" Sirius cried. "Seeing you after ten years, but my heart is full of joy and enthusiasm! Haven't you got thinner? Dad! Why don't you take care of my poor innocent mother?"

Between these dramatic people, Charlus Potter, Fleamont Potter and James Potter rolled their eyes.

"Ignore them," Fleamont sighed, a hint of smile playing at his lips. "Happy to have you back, son. I planned a few new pranks and some useful potions for The Marauders, we'll see them tomorrow." He ruffled James's messy hair, which the father-son duo shared.

"Yeah, had to help my dear brother for two hours," Charlus grumbled. He tugged at James's hair and said: "No improvement. Merlin, if you inherit Sleekeazy's, you'll be such a bad poster model. We'll just give that to Sirius, at least he's got stylish hair."

James pretended to feel offended. Fleamont laughed.

"SIRI, PLEASE PUT ME DOWN!" Euphemia squeaked. Sirius, grinning maniacally, released her. She stepped back, red hair ruffled and untidy but smiling broadly.

"Missed you too, son. But where's my family company disappointment? Mr Messy Hair and Glasses?" Euphemia asked. She looked over to the centre of the large sitting room and spotted James.

Grinning, he made his way towards his mother and hugged her, gently of course. She patted his hair.

"Aw, both of you are so tall!" She exclaimed. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"He is. 6'5, in fact. Am just 5'10," he said, miserably. Euphemia laughed. She ruffled his hair, causing him to squeal. 

"I don't care. You are my favorite son," she said affectionately. Sirius shot James a smug smile who said "Hey!" in protest.


"Tiff! Dorks's home!" Joshua Meadowes called. His daughter grinned and took a seat on the sofa in their sitting room. Tiffany Meadowes raced down the stairs and beamed when she saw Dorcas.

"Dorks! My cute little girl!" She grinned and hugged Dorcas.

They proceeded for dinner and Joshua recognised that look in Dorcas's eyes. It was the same look he often had, when he was pretty serious. That, by the way, was rare.

"Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something," Dorcas said carefully. Tiffany looked at her, concerned.

"You can, anything. We have already told you, we will support you, no matter what," Joshua said gently. Dorcas took a deep breath.

"I'm-I'm bisexual."

Her words were followed by silence. Awkward silence. It was broken by Tiffany.

"So?" She raised her eyebrows. "That doesn't change anything. I'm happy you recognised that, you are just you. You are still a normal teenager, being bi isn't wrong. I'm kinda proud, boys are harmful but girls are not."

Joshua nodded in agreement. The Meadowes family burst into laughter.

"Oh Merlin," Dorcas sighed happily. "Thank you so much for accepting this so casually, Mom, Dad. Love you so much."

"The feeling is mutual," her parents chorused together.


21st July 1976, Paris

It was a cheerful, sunny day in France. Paris was beautiful and busy as always. In the Frances Street, Frank Longbottom could be found with his father, taking a stroll through the city.

The reason behind this walk was that Frank had to explain about his crush on Alice Prewett to his Dad. Being the cool and calm father he was, he was more likely to understand when compared to his mother.

"Er..Dad?" Frank said after a while. Leonardo looked at him, a curious glint in his soft brown eyes which Frank had inherited.

"Look son," Leonardo chuckled, "I've raised you, alright? I know when there's a storm raging in your brain. So tell me anything you want to. As long as it's reasonable, I'll support you. Now, tell me."

Frank managed a weak smile. He said: "Um, I've got a crush on this girl...she's British and a muggle. Would it be...okay if I dated her?"

Leonardo laughed. He looked at Frank and said, very seriously, "Of course it would be okay! Haven't you seen a wizard/witch dating a Muggle? Love doesn't see blood status or useless stuff like that. The thing that matters is that you two like each other and want to be with each other!"

Frank decided not to point out that he didn't know whether she liked him or not. Instead, he grinned broadly and thanked his Dad.

Now, convince Mum. Mission Mother starts.


As soon as the sun had came up, it was replaced by dark, moody clouds. And very soon, it was raining. Rain has a charm of its own, does it not? The fresh scent, the glittering and wet green leaves, the amazing rainbows, it was beautiful.

That was how Lily Evans could be found on the terrace of her home, dancing in the rain and squealing like a five-year-old child. Her red hair was plastered to her forehead and her t-shirt was wet, but that didn't stop her from twirling and singing.

Giggling happily, she stared, in awe, as the rainbow appeared in the sky. A mixture of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow and red. It glittered beautifully in the sky, its shape made it look like it was smiling at the city.

"Beautiful, right?"

Lily heard Brielle come forward, she had an umbrella with her. Lily felt her sister's arm wrap around her shoulders as they stared at the magnificient gift of nature in the sky.

"Amazing," Lily smiled.

Moments like these made people happy. All you have to do is to smile and for once, forget all your worries. Be light and carefree, and just see the magic.

A/N: Oh man, am so happy with this chapter. The last scene was nicely written, I hope. It was raining when I wrote this. Anyway, take care and stay safe.


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