《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #40》

191 22 153

13th December 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

Sometimes, Kate felt really incongrous when with her friends. They were all rich pure-bloods, apart from Emmeline, even though her mother was a pure-blood and she was rich, yes. What was Kate? A dead half-blood mother and a muggle, who was also an inveterate alcoholic, were her parents. She was rich but her life was a big joke.

Of course, her friends certainly did not think her as an outcast. Kate was one of them, a part of their group. Still, she was a human and these thoughts kept popping up in her mind. Pushing them aside, Kate focused on Professor Dietz's Anicent Runes.

"This is so boring sometimes," Emmeline complained in a whisper.

"Let's skip then," joked Kate.

"Dietz will chew us alive," grumbled Emmeline.

"What are we Gryffindors for?"

"My Ravenclaw side says that we should not do this."

"What are you? A Ravendor?"

"Gryffinclaw, I prefer."

"Miss Madison-Williams and Miss Vance!" Dietz called out, glaring at them. "May I know what is more important and interesting than my lecture?"

"Sirius Black's arse," answered Emmeline jokingly. Dietz gawked at her, while Kate tried to stifle her giggles. The whole class burst out laughing, even though some girls agreed with this.

"Detention!" squeaked Dietz, her face a bit pinker. Perhaps from the cold wind blowing from a nearby window? Or perhaps she had not failed to notice this tiny detail? Blair Dietz was only twenty-four after all...

"Sure thing," smiled Kate.

That evening, they sat in the Great Hall, chatting about their day and eating dinner. Mid-air candles floated around them, laughter was often heard and everything was cheerful and bright. At least, it was until Minerva approached Sirius and Regulus with a grave expression on her face.

"Mr. Black and Mr. Black, you are requested in Professor Dumbledore's study," she said solemnly. The brothers exchanged worried looks and followed her out of the hall.

"I don't think it's good news," said Alice. And she was right.


14th December 1976, Beauxbatons, France

"Ow! This thing fucking hurts," winced Frank as he planted Tentacula seeds in the greenhouse. While they were not grown up, the thorns still hurt like hell.

"Obviously," said Remus, rolling his eyes. "But who landed us in detention?"

"Marlene. Who's scrubbing windows which is a far easier and safer job that this," said Frank in disgust.

"Pain makes you tough," said Remus randomly.

"What are you? Some wrestler?" demanded Frank.

"With this body? Never." Remus looked down at his tall and thin frame.

"Right. Even Mira would crush you." Frank nodded.

"Wow, that's a big encouragment," said Remus sarcastically. Frank wisely chose not to answer him. The see-through glass clearly showed that night had fallen and they still had two more sacks to plant. Professor Ferny would be sleeping in his room and they were working they asses off.

"First thing when we get back," panted Remus, "I'll grab a comforting sleep potion from Mare and sneak some aspirin from the Hospital Wing."

"How clever of you," said Frank drily.

Finally, they sat on a greenhouse bench, exhausted from their task. Frank passed Remus his bottle of water and the latter gulped it down, making Frank give him a disapproving look. Remus only shrugged.

"Written to Alice yet?" Remus asked Frank as they went inside their dotmitory.

"Yep." Frank blushed slightly. "I told her, in an honest way, how much I missed her. She wrote back and told me that she missed me much, much more."

"Good for you," laughed Remus, extinguishing the lamp with a tap of his wand.


15th December 1976, Hogwarts, Scotland

"Let's get this straight," said James slowly. "You niece is not well? All of a sudden?"

"They think it's some sort of pox," said Sirius grimly. "Dora's not eating and she's got high fever. It's definitely not Dragon Pox though. Thank Merlin."

"She'll be fine." Emmeline patted his knee.

"Oh surely. Little Dora's a real fighter," said Dorcas firmly.

"Well she will be fine," Sirius agreed. "But it's Meda now. She's five months pregnant and her due date is sometime in May or April. She should not be taking stress, but knowing her, I would not be surprised if she forgot to eat and sleep."

"C'mon," James sighed, "Bellatrix is there and her wife. Then your aunt, uncld, parents and Ted. They'll take good care of Dora and Meda."

"Hope so." Sirius shrugged.

Of course, in situations like these, you can only hope. No one is prescient in this world, neither you, nor I. Here, you have to work with your brain. Remain calm, but not exactly stoic. You cannot lose your mind and start crying, because that will definitely not help the one who's in pain. Keep hope.


16th December 1976, Beauxbatons, France

"Oh my God, we've to present the play four days from today!" Mary shrieked like a harpy, hitting Lily, Xavier and Remus with rolled parchment scrolls.

"Speak in French!" yelled Xavier, dodging a particularly fierce blow on his nose.


"Shit," said Xavier.

"That's right! Big shit!" Mary groaned.

"And killing us won't help," Remus added, reaching out to kiss her which made her look all dreamy and unfocused.

"Gross," announced Lydia Rowle.

"Now, don't be jealous, Rowle," chided Marlene.

"I'm not, McKinnon. Sarah's waiting for me at our date spot," said Lydia smugly. No one noticed it, but Xavier's eyes drifted towards Lily, who was talking to Jennfier Loranzo, and back to the floor, his cheeks slightly redder. Oh...

"Alright guys." Jennifer clapped her hands together. "We gotta try again. Marlene's turned out to be a nice professor for Remus. You'd be hired somewhere, if the principal doesn't mind swearing."

"So funny. Ha ha ha." Marlene laughed sarcastically.

And with that, the team started off again. With Xavier sneaking small glances at Lily and blushing. Seems like someone's not gonna be single for long.

A/N: Ana, that's payback for Carlos x Lily. To Abbi, that's payback for Aliona/Esme x James. Take care and stay safe.


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