《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #33》

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5th November 1976, Hogwarts

Now that October had passed and November was passing, the cold had certainly increased. Snow had not fallen yet, but the mornings were chilly and foggy. And, if James was not wrong, even McGonagall had charmed her flask to hold extra hot chocolate.

Oddly enough, this didn't affect him at all. Cold never had that effect on James. Perhaps it was because he was a quidditch player or some other thing, but cold rarely affected him. Even now, he was holding a quidditch practice. While the team was shivering and sneezing, James was scoring goal after goal.

"F-fuck y-you," Sirius Black swore, his teeth chattering violently.

"What a lovely birthday he had two days ago," muttered Isadora sarcastically in the stands.

"Captain! Break please." Landon Hale sneezed.

"Go on," sighed James.

Gratefully, the team came down and hurried towards the warmth of the changing rooms. For Hestia and Emmeline, their girlfriends had brought them hot chocolates and warm cardamom tea while the boys either stayed with their girlfriends, friends or alone.

Isadora poured out a steaming cup of black coffee and handed it to Sirius, who accepted it gratefully. Beside them, Alice handed James milky tea and glared down at him.

"Woah, Donnell," Sirius said, grinning. "This coffee's amazing!"

"Thank you." Isadora smiled.

A little way away, Dorcas braided Emmeline's hair as the latter sipped her cardamom tea. Emmeline rested her head against the smooth wall of the girls changing room and sighed at the spicy goodness of the tea.

"That's really good," Hestia said, smiling at Nora Fawcett, her girlfriend.

"I'll call Ali, yeah?" Dorcas said after a while. "She just made a nice warm scarf up in the stands."

"Please do that, Dorky." Emmeline smiled gratefully.

"At this rate, we'll definitely win the match tomorrow," Hestia said to her. Emmeline only smiled, her cheeks flushed from the cold.


5th November 1976, Beauxbatons

"Oh my lady, never will I forget you!" Remus said, trying to keep a straight face as he lay on the ground of the auditorium stage, his hand on his heart.

"You have to, my lord!" Marlene pretended to weep.

"Never!" Remus said, slowly closing his eyes.

"NO!" Marlene screamed.

"Yes," Remus muttered suddenly.

"CUT!" The director of the play, Pappilionlisse Lydia Rowle, shouted in frustation. Lily, who was recording the whole thing with the other cameraman, Xavier Smith, groaned.

"Cut the light effect, Frank!" Xavier called out grimly to Frank, who was keeping the spotlight adjusted towards Marlene and Remus.

"Remus, you were dying. How the fuck did you ever come back to life?" Lydia demanded.

"We were half way done!" The first playwriter, Ombrelune Jennifer Loranzo, complained. The second was none other than Mary MacDonald, who glumly took a seat beside Lily.

"I just couldn't help it!" Remus laughed. "The way she screamed 'no' I was like: weren't you just saying that I had to forget you? And why the fuck am I dying for a woman I don't even love?"

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