《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #14》

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3rd August 1976, France

Often, Remus wondered what would happen if Lily's hair was blonde.

He wasn't kidding, he had thought about it millions of times. Why, he didn't know, but it just seemed interesting to him. And that was why he was in her bathroom (she was out with her father), quietly adding blonde colored dye in her strawberry shampoo.

Sniggering, he came out and very innocently, sat at her desk, calmly flicking through the pages of his Charms book, as though he had never adulterated her shampoo.


He looked up and tried not to giggle as she entered the room, looking slightly surprised but pleased as well.

"Oh hey, Lils," Remus smiled. "Just wondering about this question in Charms..yeah, right here..."

After he left (they completed three chapters), Lily decided to take a bath. She had a nice one, cold water and sweet strawberry shampoo. That was until she took a look at herself in the mirror.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Lily shouted at it. Looking back at her was a girl exactly like her, except with blonde hair.

"It's me? What the fuck?" She gasped, running her hands through her hair. Then it dawned on her.


"Did you hear that?" A woman said to her daughter.

They were two miles away from Lily's home.


4th August 1976

Sirius thought that there was nothing worse than having an angry Marlene McKinnon beside you.

He highly suspected she was PMSing, because she looked irritated to the point of insanity.

"So, you see that café--"

"Of fucking course I can see!" Marlene snapped back harshly. Sirius looked at her.

"When did I say you can't see?" He asked her. She opened her mouth and then closed it. She resorted to glaring at him. So he continued: "Anyway, let's go there. We can wait until our dear friends come back."

She couldn't find a reason as to why they shouldn't go, so they came inside, took their seats at a table and ordered beverages. Sirius took a black coffee and Marlene accepted a milky cup of tea.

"So, Marlene, how was your day?" Sirius asked stupidly.

"Can't you see?" She glared at him.

"Why are you so grumpy?! Why did they even leave me here with you?" Sirius said, gritting his teeth as he clutched his cup hard.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with Vani or Oven, whatever the fuck her name is."

"What's Giovanni got to do with this?" Sirius demanded, keeping his tea cup on the table and glaring at her.

"Everything!" Marlene snapped back.

"Such as?"

"Hey guys!"

The two teens looked up from their fight to see a beaming Alice Prewett plop herself beside Marlene. Everyone took their seats, ordered their beverages and relaxed.

"So," Lily took a sip of her milky coffee, "what were you two fighting about?"

"We were?" Marlene asked.

"No," Sirius said sarcastically.

"No one asked your opinion, Black."

"I'll still give mine, thanks, McKinnon."

"I hate you."

"Who said I didn't?"

"SHUT UP!" Katherine slammed her fist on the hard wooden table, then winced as pain flowed through her arm. Sirius let out a quiet snigger. She scowled at him.

"Dude, just go out already!" Isadora said exasperatedly. "I can't stand the sexual tension!"

Both Sirius and Marlene turned very red and found a place to stare at over each other's shoulders. James and Lily exchanged smirks.

Did Sirius mention that he hated it when they did it?


5th August 1976

Often, rules are forgotten. And they were broken. Very often. Even I, the author, have broken countless rules. I must say doing that has a strange kind of satisfaction which I can't express in words.

And Lily Evans was experiencing the same feeling. She took a long drag of the drink in her hands and stared at Paris, below her.

She and her friends were on an abandoned building. It was quite high and they were on the top, drinking whiskey and cracking weird jokes.

Marlene was leaning against her, mumbling words she couldn't make out at all.

"Mhm, McKinnon," Sirius sighed dreamily. "I love your scent of honey..."

Marlene giggled loudly. She shifted towards Sirius and snuggled up to him. Lily rested her head on James's chest and sighed. He smelled a lot like autumn nights and the grass after rain.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and lightly brushed his lips against the top of her head, making her giggle happily.

"Guys, we should get home.." Remus muttered as he pulled back from Mary. They had been snogging for ten minutes.

"Duh, shut up," Mary mumbled as pulled him back for another long amd drunk kiss.

Alice was leaning against the railing, supported by Frank as she stared at the city in awe. The multicolor lights, dark blue sky and the other skyscrapers were around them.

Katherine and Isadora were giggling in the corner, saying random words and rhyming them.

"Cat," Isadora giggled.

"Mat," Kate giggled, too.







A little way away from them, Emmeline and Dorcas were full on snogging. Dorcas's hands were at Emmeline's waist as their lips moved frantically, desperately, against each other.

Emmeline was on top, as usual, and Dorcas was throughly enjoying it. Her hand was fisted in Emmeline's blonde hair and the whiskey in their veins just made the situation even better.

And, in the corner, James and Lily were rather...close. He pressed his lips to her temple, then slowly dragged them further down her face. She snuggled closer to him, and his fingers ghosted up and down on her back, leaving invisible hot trails where they passed.

Slowly, he dragged his lips across her cheekbones, leaving feather-light kisses there, sending shivers down her spine. Then, with an irritatingly slow pace, he moved towards her lips.

He pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, making her lips part ever so slightly as she took in a deep breath. She clenched her hand in his mop of messy hair and dragged his lips to hers.

And then, they were kissing and there was no one else in the world.

A/N: Mhm...you wanna complain? Curse me for the cliffhanger? Be my guest! Take care and stay safe.


P. S.: The satisfaction of seeing your readers beg for the next chapter is something I can't explain in words *evil laugh*

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