《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #17》

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12th August 1976, Paris

"So, you say that there's a prom in here," Dorcas Meadowes raised her eyebrows as she and the rest of her friends were chilling in the city.

"I do, and I suggest we go," Marlene said.

"What's your favourite flower, McKinnon? I'll arrange my suit," Sirius smirked at her as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Hydangeas," Marlene told him sweetly.

"Unique," Sirius commented.

"Also, please wear that in you hair bun. It'll look good," she told him.

Sirius had a terrifying image of himself in a toga with a garland of flowers around his neck and on his hair, with a hydrangea in his bun as he danced around Marlene, serving her mocktails.

"No thanks," he shuddered and scooted closer to Lily.

"What about you, Evans? We'd look good together," he winked. She glared at him. And he said, "Oh, sorry! I forgot you were taken." He winked at her and then James, both of them looked away.

Isadora looked rather unhappy about this, though no one noticed that.

"My favourite flowers are dandelions," she said, glancing sideways at James.

"Ah, well. Aren't you a sunshine?" Mary smiled at her.

"I like tulips," Alice said loudly, looking at Frank pointedly.

"I'll arrange them," he laughed and kissed her.

"Simp," Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Fuck off, Black," Alice told him.


After some time, near the evening, James and Lily were near the waters at the Eiffel Tower. Awkward silence had settled between them.

Janes tried not to look at her lips, the same lips that had been connected to his a few days ago.

Lily tried not to look at his hands, the very hands that had grasped her waist and moved across her back.

In short, they avoided looking at each other. But, finally, James raised the matter.

"Um, so we have to talk about that...kiss...that night," he said carefully, trying not to get killed by the pretty redhead beside him.

"I--" she started, but he interrupted her and said:

"Listen, Lily, I don't want to get this awkward between us. We have been friends for a long time and I'd never want it to end. It was just a drunk kiss, don't make yourself uncomfortable."

Lily wanted to protest, to tell him that she liked him. Except, she could not. She was coward. Instead, she just nodded and gave him one of those smiles which hide a dozen different emotions behind them.

At that moment, they couldn't stop thinking whether they truly belonged to Gryffindor and Bellefeuille.

They were goddamn cowards.


13th August 1976

"Hey, Donnell, is that a pimple I see?" Sirius said gleefully and Isadora entered the dining room for breakfast, a pimple visible on her cheek.

"Shut up, Black," she scowled and threw a piece of corn at him.

In response, Sirius threw a slice of carrot at her.

The French Redhead☆Jily AUWhere stories live. Discover now