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Jaiden Rookwood was a 10 years old little girl, living in an old cottage and away from most people. Her mother, Elizabeth Rookwood, brought her to that cottage when something bad had happened to their family. She believed, if they were away from people, they were away from trouble. But, another trouble happened when Elizabeth died, leaving his daughter behind. Since then, Jaiden had been living by herself. 

Her father left her when she was 1 month old. Not in a bad way, though. Her mother once told her when Jaiden was 4, that her father died when he was on his mission. She said it was an important mission and that her father died saving everyone. Jaiden was so proud to have that kind of man as a father because, to her, he sounded like a great soldier. He sounded brave. 

Jaiden never knew her father, even his name. Every time she tried to ask her mother about her father, Elizabeth will avoid it and change the conversation to something else. Jaiden wondered, if her father was a great man, why did her mother wouldn't want to talk about it? She had the right to know her father even though she'll never meet him, right?

For Elizabeth herself, she wasn't sure if her husband was still alive or not. She had been waiting for two years for her husband to come back to her, to their daughter. But, it never happened. Starting from that, she just thought her husband had died on his mission. It was a hard pill to swallow at first, but Elizabeth told herself, she had to be strong for Jaiden because that's what mothers do. Being strong for their children. 

Back to Jaiden, she was just like her father. Yes, she was a werewolf, too. That was the only thing she knew about her father. Luckily, her mother didn't show any hint of dislike towards Jaiden's similarity to her father. In fact, her mother will take care of her after every full moon. Elizabeth will keep track on when the full moon would happen every month and prepared Jaiden for it. Elizabeth also had prepared a basement for Jaiden every time it was time for Jaiden to change. Jaiden's transformation will usually go easy but not when she was in her wolf form. Somehow, Jaiden would be way aggressive as she grew up. And the reason Elizabeth had that basement was because on Jaiden's own request. She was worried she would hurt mother if she kept transforming in her own room which was very close to her mother's. 

Jaiden also had a body full of scars and a few on her face that barely noticeable. To say that that was a relief for Jaiden was right. Jaiden would definitely not be pleased if she get lots of people asking her about the scars on her face. It would make her uncomfortable. There was one time where Jaiden followed her mother to a market and an old lady asked her what happened to her face. Jaiden only looked down in shame and not responding until Elizabeth told that lady that Jaiden fell off her bike. Ever since then, Elizabeth had tried her best to convince Jaiden that being different doesn't make her less same than other people. 

But, sometimes, Jaiden didn't believe her mother. She thought to herself, she wasn't exactly normal as other 10 years old kids. While other kids wants to go outside and explore the world, Jaiden would rather stay at her house because she didn't feel the urge to make friends and have people know her. When kids her age wants beautiful dresses and outfit, her chosen appearance will always be the same one. A long sleeve shirt and a pair of trousers. If else, it would be a hoodie instead of long sleeve. The reason of this simple outfit was to hide all her scars when she went out and because they were comfortable.

Since her mother died, Jaiden had been taking care of herself. She cooked for herself, she did her own laundry and she also clean her wounds by the help of her own self. Transformations had been nothing but pure pain to Jaiden ever since the lost of Elizabeth. It was like, the wolf in her couldn't accept the lost of the woman who took care of them so, the wolf left more scars for Jaiden to bear as a punishment. 

A/N: Picture above is how I describe Jaiden.

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