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A few days had passed and it was the night they will announced the three champion for each schools. On her way down to the Great Hall, she came across with Neville. They decided to go there together.

"Have you put your name in the Goblet of Fire, Jaiden?" Neville asked with a slight chuckle. Jaiden looked at him with wide eyes.

"What did you mean?" She asked back. Neville shrugged

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but to hear your conversation you had with Ron a few days ago in the common room." He said while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Jaiden laughed and shook her head.

"No, Neville. I didn't put my name in. If I do, then that was the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life."

"Yeah, You right." He said. Soon they arrived at the Great Hall. When they walked in, Seamus and Dean called Neville and Jaiden to come over them. Neville and Jaiden made their way to both of them and sat down.

"Have any idea who might be a champion for our school?" Dean asked. They all just shrugged.

After Filch placed the goblet in the middle of the room, Dumbledore spoke up, "Settle down. Settle down, everyone. The time you all have been waited has come. Three champion will be chosen from each schools, but at the end just one that will have, Triwizard Cup." Dumbledore said while pointing at the cup which Barty Crouch just placed it in the front of the room.

"Cool." Dean and Jaiden said at the same time. 

"Now, let's see who has been chosen." Dumbledore dimmed all the light that was in the room until the only light came from the goblet. The fire changed from blue to red-pink color and one piece of parchment flew out of it. Dumbledore caught it and read it.

"Durmstrang champion is, Victor Krum!" Dumbledore shouted. The whole Great Hall burst out cheering for him as he went to shake hands with Dumbledore. He then went to the Trophy Room.

Again, the fire in the goblet turned to red-pink color and another piece of parchment flew out. Dumbledore grabbed it and shouted, "The Beauxbatons champion is, Fluer Delacour!" She stood up from her seat and went to Dumbledore. They shaking hands and Fluer was sent to the Trophy Room too.

Another name flew out of the fire and Dumbledore, again, caught it. "And the champion for Hogwarts is, Cedric Diggory!" The whole Great Hall cheered as loud as they can as Cedric made his way to the front.

"Excellent! Now, we have all our three champion. But, as what I said before, only one that can have-" Before Dumbledore can say anything further, the goblet turned again to red-pink color. Dumbledore caught the paper that came out from the fire and stared at it in wide eyes.

"Harry Potter?" Dumbledore whispered. But Jaiden still can heard it because of her werewolf hearing.

"What?" She said out loud enough for Seamus, Dean and Neville to hear. They looked at her confusingly.

"What is it, Jaiden?" Neville asked.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted. Jaiden saw that Hermione had pushed Harry up from his seat. He slowly made his way to Dumbledore to grab his name and went to the Trophy Room.

"All of you can go back to your common room. Prefect, lead them." Dumbledore said before went to the Trophy Room with the others teachers. Jaiden and the three boys got up and made their way back to the common room.

"Hey, guys. I'll see you guys later. I'm off to Ron and Hermione." Jaiden said and the three boys nodded.

"See you, Jaiden." Seamus said and they went up to their dormitory. Jaiden made their way to in front of the fireplace and sat down next to Hermione and Ron. They just kept silent until Ron spoke up.

"Did he do it?" Jaiden and Hermione looked at each other before Hermione replied.

"We have no idea, Ron."

He stared at the fire angrily and spoke again. "Sure he did. The question is, how?" The girls shook their heads and looked down. He sighed and got up from the couch and went upstairs.

"I'm off to bed to, Hermione." She said and stood up.

"You go first. I'll wait for Harry." She nodded and said goodnight to her before walked to her dorm. She shut the door behind her and let out a heavy sigh. She changed into her night clothes and lay on her bed. She just stared at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep. She looked at the clock and saw it was 1 in the morning. She didn't even realize she was staring at the ceiling that long.

She got up from her bed and walked out from her dorm down to the common room. When she was sure there was no one in the room, she snuck out. She put up and Invisibility Charm on her and made her way to the Owlery. When she arrived there, she waved her hand to conjure a quill and parchment. She started to write to her father and Sirius.

Dear, Moony and Padfoot,

            You probably receive this letter early in the morning. But back to the topic, Harry have been chosen to be the second Hogwarts champion. I'm sure he didn't put his name in the goblet.

            And, a few days ago, I have this dream. I was standing in the middle of the Great Hall and suddenly there was someone in the room also. I saw he was holding two pieces of parchment. One was Harry's name and another one is mine. That man made it to put Harry's name in the goblet but not mine. He didn't have a chance because Filch came into the room.

           I don't know if this is just a dream or a vision. But I'm scared. Ron is furious at Harry right now. I hope you guys reply to this.


She sighed. She went to find Jake who was asleep. "Hey, Buddy." She whispered. Jake opened his eyes and hooted but at the same time, Jaiden heard a voice in her head.

'Hey, jaiden.' She gasped. She looked around. It was unfamiliar voice. It wasn't her father voice.

"Is that you?" She asked Jake.

'Yep, it's me.' Jaiden titled her head in confusion. 'I didn't do it before because I'm not sure if you can hear me. But turns out, you do.' He said happily. Jaiden chuckled a bit.

"I'm sorry, Jake. But can you send this later to Dad and Pads?"

'Pads?' Jake asked.

"Uncle Siri."

'When did you start calling him Pads?'

"Just now. I'm sorry again Buddy for interrupt your sleeping time." She said with an apologetically smiled.

'It's okay, Jaiden. Here, tie it here.' He said while holding out his leg. Jaiden tied up the letter and pet him.

"Thank you, Jake."

'You're welcome. How did you snuck out from your dorm?'

"Invisibility Charm." She shrugged.

'There's a lot of think you can do if you're advance.' Jake said which Jaiden laughed slightly. 'Okay, I'm off now. See you later, Jaiden.'

"See you, Jake." And Jake flew off to the sky. Jaiden put up back Invisibility Charm around her and walked in back to the castle.

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