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After The Fat Lady potrait closed, Jaiden slowly made her way up to her dorm. No one was at the common room so she thought everyone already went to sleep.

She walked into her dorm and waved her hand. In the blink of eyes, she was already in her night wear. She flopped down in her bed and cover herself with a blanket.

She stared up at her ceiling and remembered back Snape's words.

"Distract yourself with something you like."

"Sevy said no pranks." She said to herself and chuckled. "But he didn't say anything about not to create something for Fred and George."

"Stop living in the past."

At this word she stopped smiling.

"He's right. I can't live in the past. I have to move on." She said to herself and nodded in determination. She sat up. "I can't let Voldemort to enter my mind anymore. I have to be strong."

"And, Umbridge. I can't let her insult me anymore. It's not a filthy thing to be a werewolf."

"Study?" Snape's word came back. She nodded.

"Study. I have to prove myself to her. I'll not going to allow her to get on my nerves anymore. I have to be strong." She said in full determination.

The next day, she woke up and started her day like normal. She started smiling back which made the trio relief. At lunch, they all sat together and Harry started to talk about continued with their group.

"So, we'll start tomorrow." Said Harry. "We'll start working on Patronus Charm." He added and looked at the three.

"Guys, I have to tell you something and I know you won't like this." Jaiden said. They all looked at her with furrowed eyebrows but nodded. "I can't teach with Harry anymore."

"What?" Harry asked.

"Why?" Ron.

"How?" Hermione.

"Jaiden, we need your help." Harry said.

"I know, Harry. But I have something else to focus on."

"Like what?" Hermione asked from across her.

"I have to prove myself to Umbridge. She will do everything to make me down. I have to focus more on my study so that she couldn't do anything to me anymore. She thought that all the half-breed are stupid and worthless. She thought that half-breed don't have any place in this world. I want to change her mindset." Jaiden said while looking at her three friends with pleading eyes.

"Please understand me. That's all I ask for."

The trio looked at each other. They knew what Umbridge had put Jaiden into. They knew what Jaiden had to face every day at school. Ron, was the first one to nod.

"Alright, Jaiden. We're not going to force you." Ron said. Harry and Hermione nodded too and smiled at her.

"Thank you so much. Oh, and Harry?" He hummed in respond. "About the Patronus Charm, I'm sure you will doing great." Jaiden said with an encouraging smile and patted his back.

"Of course. I learned it from the best person in the world. Uncle Moony." Harry said and smiled. His statement made Jaiden smiled.

"So, we have free period after this. What's your guys plan?" Hermione asked them.

"I'm off to the library." Jaiden said.

"I think I'll just go to the common room and rest." Ron said which Harry agreed with him.

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