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While still laughing, Harry stepped towards the front of the fireplace where Ron and Jaiden were sitting. Harry had to take a deep breath to calm himself and he exhaled slowly. He sat down next to Ron with Jaiden on Ron's left on the floor, crossed legs.

The boy looked over at his friends' faces, ready to tell them what he'd just witnessed. But when the image came to mind, he started chuckling uncontrollably again. Ron and Jaiden looked at each other. Ron was getting impatient; meanwhile, Jaiden only shrugged and looked at Harry again in amusement.

"Oh, stop it, Harry," Ron said in annoyance. "What is it? We want to know, too." He slapped Harry on his upper arm to get him to stop. Finally, Harry stopped laughing but there was still a huge smile present on his face.


Head down, eyes down. That was how the young Potter looked like as he dragged himself from the Great Hall and up flights of stairs. His mind kept going back to the event from the last night he'd had. The image of his parents looking at him with that huge, proud smile. It looked so real.

"Harry," The sound of someone saying his name was just like a faded call. It was as if, it was in his mind. But when a louder voice said his name again, that got his attention. Harry's ears perked up, and before he had a chance to turn around, he felt two arms wrapped around his shoulders as his body jerked forward slightly from the impact.

"Hiya, Harry." One of the twins greeted him with a smile. Fred and George. Harry sighed internally. Not that he didn't like the twins, but they were just too happy and energetic, and Harry was not in any position to reciprocate that.

"Why are you alone?" The other twin on his left asked. Again, before he had a chance to react or anything, he was cut off when one of the right ruffled his hair.

"You shouldn't, you know? There's a lot of mysteries in here." The redhead said.

"You don't wanna be in the middle of it. Besides, I heard a lot of first years missing when they're alone." They both stopped Harry from climbing any more steps. Harry looked up at the twins, seeing the sweaters they were wearing and the initials on them. That was Fred.

"No, they didn't. Nobody's ever got missing on Hogwarts' ground." Harry stated.

"How'd you know that, eh?" The other twin on the right spoke up, George.

"Who's been in this school longer?" The other said, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows, silently daring Harry to keep arguing.

"You should come with us." George suddenly suggested, which made his brother nod his head in agreement.

"Yeah! We've got something we've been working on, you see." Fred said excitedly with a huge smile on his face.

"Something you need to see."

"Something you don't wanna miss."

"It's something!" They both exclaimed. Harry's head kept going between the both of them and when they were finally done and were waiting for him to say 'yes', Harry blinked his eyes a few times, trying to get his head off the way the twins talked. He'd always wondered how they do that.

"Sorry," Harry shook his head slightly. "I want to go and lie down." Out of nowhere, Fred made a fart sound by putting his tongue out and blowing it.

"Not the answer we're looking for, mate," George said before he turned Harry around and forced him to descend the stairs, Fred following suit.

"Get off." Harry struggled against George but his feet kept going down the stairs.

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