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Jaiden's weeks passed without a problem. All her classes went well, and the six boys served their detentions without questioning it. The boys and Jaiden suddenly became friends with Jaiden but not so close.

Deep down, Jaiden knew that her father and Snape made the detention horrible for the boys, but the boys didn't mentioned it to Jaiden. As in they knew they deserved it.

One day, Jaiden, Ron and Hermione were eating dinner at the Great Hall. They waited for Harry but he never showed up.

"Where's Harry? He supposed to eat first before going to his detention, right?" Jaiden asked. Ron and Hermione nodded.

"Let's find him." Ron said. They walked out from the Great Hall and made their way to find Harry. When they turned into a corner they came across with Harry.

"Did you hear it?" Harry asked the three. Ron, Hermione and Jaiden changed looked.

"Hear what?" Ron asked.

"The voice." Harry replied.

"Voice? What voice?" This time Hermione asked. Harry stood there stunned for a few seconds.

"I think it's going to kill." Harry said and ran. Ron, Jaiden and Hermione looked at each other before followed behind Harry.

They followed Harry until they arrived at one corridor. There's a water on the floor. They kept following Harry when suddenly he stopped.

"Guys, look at this." Harry said. Jaiden, Hermione and Ron came to Harry and looked at what he pointed. There's a spiders.

"I didn't know that spiders will act like this." Jaiden said.

"Ron?" Harry called. They all turned to Ron and saw that he got a horrified face.

"I hate spiders." Ron said.

"Guys, what is this?" Jaiden asked and pointed at the wall.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware. It's written with blood." Hermione said.

"Oh no." Harry said and looked at something that was hanging on the torch bracket.

"It's Mrs Norris. It's Filch's cat." Jaiden said and stood beside Harry.

Out of nowhere, all the students have gathered at that corridor. All the students gasped at the sight of Mrs Norris. And some of them pointed at they four.

"Enemies of the heir beware." Said Draco Malfoy. He turned to look at Hermione. "You'll be next Mudblood."

It's the second time Malfoy called Hermione, Mudblood. It took Jaiden a lot to not punch him in the face straight away. She will do it if she wasn't interrupted by someone.

"What's happening here? Make way. Make way." Came Filch's voice from the crowd.

"Potter? What are you..?" He looked at his cat who was hanging on the torch bracket. Suddenly Filch grabbed Harry's collar.

"You murder my cat. I'll kill you. I'll kill you!" He shouted.

"Argus. Argus I-" Dumbledore came. He took a looked at the wall. "Everyone, go back to your common room. Everyone, except you four." He pointed at Harry, Ron, Hermione and Jaiden when they wanted to make their way.

"Shit." Jaiden whispered so that only her friends can hear.

"We're doomed." Ron said. They turned around and faced the Professors.

"Argus, she's not dead. She just petrified." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Ah, so unlucky I wasn't there. I know the exact counter curse that can save her." Lockhart said. Everyone looked at him and he immediately shut his mouth.

Jaiden and Ron gave each other looked that said 'Sure he know.' And rolled their eyes. They looked back at their Professors.

"If I may, Headmaster." Snape said. "Maybe, Potter and his friends were at the wrong place at the wrong time. However, I don't recall seeing Potter at the Great Hall."

"I'm afraid that my mistakes, Severus. Harry was with me in my office to help me writing back to my fan mail." Lockhart said.

"That's why me, Ron and Jaiden was looking for him, Professor." Hermione said. "We just found him when he said.." She looked at Harry.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Snape said.

"When I said I wasn't hungry. We were on our way to go back to our common room." Harry said. Snape raised his eyebrow at the four of them and turned back to Dumbledore.

"Innocent until proven guilty." Dumbledore said.

"My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment." Filch said.

"No worries, Argus. As I understand, Professor Sprout have a Mandrake that can cure her. When the Mandrakes is mature enough, we'll brew a potion. But, I must remind everyone, we need to be careful." And with that Dumbledore dismissed all of them.

The four of them made their way back to Gryffindor Tower. No one said anything until at the stairs Hermione said.

"It's weird, isn't it?"

"What?" Harry asked.

"You heard a voice. A voice that only you can hear it."

"You think I should tell Dumbledore. About the voice, I mean." He said.

"No, Harry. Even in the Wizarding World, hearing a voice isn't a good sign." Then she walked up to the common room entrance.

"She's right, you know." Said one of the painting. Jaiden and Ron looked at him weirdly and followed Harry to the common room.

It was the day of the first Quidditch game. Jaiden, Ron and Hermione made their way to sit with their other friends at the pitch. They waited until all the player came out and mound their brooms. The game went good until Jaiden realized that the bludger followed after Harry.

Then, Harry and Draco flew after the snitch. At the end of the game, Harry caught the snitch but he broke his right arm. Ron, Hermione and Jaiden ran to where Harry was. Then, Lockhart approached them.

"It's okay, Harry. I'm going to fix your arm straight away." Lockhart said.

"No. Not you." Harry said.

"He doesn't know what he saying." He pulled up Harry's sleeve and took out his wand. Jaiden and Ron looked up at Hagrid which he just shrugged. "Now, this wouldn't hurt." He pointed his wand at Harry's arm.

"Brackium immendo." Lockhart said and picked up Harry's broken arm. Harry's arm became flexible.

"Well, the thing is, it's not broken anymore." Lockhart said. Jaiden rolled her eyes.

"Broken? There's no bones left." Hagrid said.

"It'll happen sometimes." Lockhart defended himself. Jaiden groaned.

"Come on, Harry. Let's take you to Madam Pomfrey." Jaiden said and helped Harry up.

"Someone clearly didn't know what he was doing." Ron continued and helped Jaiden picked Harry up.

When they arrived at the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey told Harry to lay down on one of the bed. Then, Jaiden saw Madam Pomfrey walked in with a bottle of Skele-grow. Madam Pomfrey gave Harry a cup of that potion and Harry drank it.

"It wouldn't taste good." Jaiden said and true to her word, Harry spit it out.

"What'd you expect? Pumpkin juice?" Madam Pomfrey said.

Ron, Hermione and Jaiden stayed with Harry about a few hours. They three walked back to the common room and rest there. They talked with their other friends a few more hours and went to sleep.

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