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The next morning, Jaiden woke up and took a shower. She changed into her golden and red robe. She walked out from her private dorm and started to make her way to the common room.

When Jaiden walked in to the common room, she saw Ron and Harry already there waiting for her. She sat down next to them.

"Okay. What happened last night?" Jaiden asked.

"Dumbledore's left." Ron said. Jaiden's eyebrows furrowed.

"What'd you mean?" Jaiden asked.

"Last night, when we arrived at Hagrid's Hut, he seems so anxious. Before we can asked anything, there's a knocked on his door. We hid under Harry invisibility cloak. There we saw Cornelius Fudge and Dumbledore." Ron said. Then he motioned Harry to continue.

"Then, they started to say that they will take Hagrid to Azkaban. Then there's a knocked again on the door. This time, it was Lucius Malfoy. All in all, Lucius made Dumbledore to step down which Dumbledore obeyed." Harry concluded.

"What? But if Dumbledore gone, there'll be killing next." Jaiden said and the boys nodded.

"That's what we thought too. But it's not just this." Ron said. "Before Hagrid left, he told us to follow the spiders which we did." Ron didn't said anything after that. Jaiden looked at Harry.

"Well, we did followed the spiders. It led us to the Forbidden Forrest. After we made it to their home, we were met by Aragog. Aragog said that he wasn't the monster last time. It means that Hagrid is innocent. Then Aragog said that 50 years ago, there's a girl that died in the bathroom. After that, all that spiders tried to kill us, but we made it out alive."

"It's a good thing you're safe." Jaiden said. "The girl who died in the bathroom?" Jaiden eyes widened. She looked at the two boys. "It's Moaning Myrtle." The boys nodded.

"At least that what we thought." Ron said.

"Shall we ask her?" Jaiden said.

"It's not going to upset her, right?" Harry said and shrugged.

"Okay. We'll asked her after lunch." Jaiden said. Harry and Ron nodded.

After lunch, Harry, Ron and Jaiden went to Moaning Myrtle bathroom. They walked in and started to call Myrtle.

"What?!" Myrtle shouted from her toilet. "Who are you?!" Ron and Harry looked at Jaiden.

"Myrtle, it's me." Jaiden replied gently. Myrtle flew out from her toilet looking furious but when she spotted Jaiden, she smiled. "Hello, Jaiden."

"Hello, Myrtle. How are you doing?" She said and smiled.

"I'm fine."

"Myrtle, do you mind if we ask you one question?" Jaiden said carefully.

"What is it?" She asked.

"We want to know how you died." Harry said.

"It's very dreadful. It happened here in this very cubicle. I was hiding because one boy students mocking me about my glasses. I was crying. Then, I heard someone walked in. They talked about something. A language that I don't understand. I opened the door to tell them to go away, and I die."

"Just like that? Do you remember anything?" Ron asked.

"I just remember that I saw one pairs of big yellow eyes over that sink." She pointed to one of the sink in the middle of the bathroom. Harry walked there and started to checked it.

"Well, thank you Myrtle. We're going now. Goodbye." Jaiden said and they three walked out.

"So it's really Myrtle." Ron said while they were walking to their next class. Jaiden and Harry nodded.

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