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Potions. The least class her classmates; minus Slytherins, looking forward the most. Sitting at the very back of the class gave her some information about the class. Potions will be taught by a professor named Snape. Apparently, no one really likes him.

Jaiden had also learned that the guy from earlier this morning with Professor Lupin was actually Snape. From what she had heard by eavesdropping, Snape favoured his own house, Slytherin, while despising the other three houses. Especially, Gryffindor. Based on her judgement, he wasn't easy to deal with. So, she decided to stay off his radar.

After a few minutes of waiting, the said Professor Snape came in with his cloak billowing behind him. Everyone fell silent as Snape made his way to the front of the class. He, then, turned around and scanned every face of his students.

"I'm Professor Snape, as you all probably have already known. I'll be teaching you how to brew varieties of potions." He said with a flat tone, his eyes going around from face to face. "And, I will certainly not tolerate any dumb actions in this class."

After that, he did roll call. He then started to give a speech while scanning the entire class. Jaiden watched as Snape's gaze locked on somebody. As she followed his eyes, she saw he was staring at Harry, who was oblivious to it. That was until a girl next to him elbowed him that he looked up at Snape.

"Mr Potter," Snape addressed. "Our new celebrity." All eyes turned to Harry. "Tell me, Mr Potter, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood." Jaiden watched as the girl next to Harry shot her hand up to answer, but Harry stayed quiet while shaking his head.

Draught of Living Death? Is it? I don't know.

"You don't know?" Snape asked and Jaiden could register a little bit of sarcasm from him. "Well, let's try again. Where, Mr Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Once again, the girl's hand shot up. She knew the answer.

Oh, I know this one, too. It's in the stomach of a goat.

Jaiden saw Harry turning his head to his side, giving a glance towards the girl next to him. He probably was thinking why Snape wouldn't let her answer the question. Harry looked back up at the professor.

"I don't know, sir." Jaiden heard his slow voice.

"And, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape continued asking. And, once again, the girl's hand was in the air.

There is no difference.

"I don't know, sir," Harry said, defeated.

"Pity," Snape commented with a hint of mockery. "Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Me Potter?"

"Clearly, Hermione knows. Seems a pity not to ask her." Jaiden's eyebrows rose slightly in interest. Harry got a gut to fight back and Jaiden liked that about him. But, Snape was quick to dismiss Harry. He even took points from Gryffindor's house.

Snape, then, ordered everyone to get a cauldron and to take out their books. Snape told them to follow the instructions for brewing the Swelling potion. While everyone was on it, Snape walked around the classroom to check on the students' work. Jaiden watched as Snape went on and help the Slytherin students while showing no interest in helping the others.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang came from the table in front of her. One Gryffindor student, whom Jaiden learnt his name to be Seamus from Neville, had blown up his cauldron.

"Ten points from Gryffindor! Clean up, Mr. Finnigan!" Snape bellowed with an annoyed expression almost immediately. She watched as Seamus awkwardly cleaned up his station with the help of his friends.

Jaiden had no problem brewing this potion. She had already read her potions book a few times and she had memorised every single instruction. So, she let her book lie in her bag. No one seemed to notice until,

"Where is your book, Ms. Rookwood?" The drawled monotone was heard. Snape had appeared behind her out of nowhere. She turned to face him. "Do you wish to blow up another cauldron?" He sneered.

"No, sir. I've memorised the way." She said with a calm face. Snape didn't scare her. Only that she felt a little uncomfortable by his vibe.

"Hm. Really, now?" Snape took a look into her cauldron. The whole classroom was silent. Everyone's attention was on the two of them. The Slytherins had started laughing silently due to her stupidity and they were just waiting for Snape to take another house point from Gryffindor.

As for Gryffindors, some of them gave her a warning look and some of them gave her an awed look. But Jaiden didn't seem to bother about the look all of them were throwing at her. She knew what she was doing and if Snape didn't approve of it, oh, well. Snape looked back at her. After a few seconds, he nodded and walked back to his desk.

This made Slytherins' faces drop. They couldn't believe what they'd just seen. How can Snape let her go without taking any house points from Gryffindor? Meanwhile, all the Gryffindors smiled at Jaiden and those who were sitting closer to her congratulated her silently. At least, no more points will be taken from them.

"After you are done with your potions, put it in a vial, write your name on it and put it on my desk," Snape commanded.

Jaiden turned out to be the first one to submit her potion. This caused her to receive a disgusted look from a few Slytherins which she ignored. She was trying to stay as low as possible but it looked like it won't be for long.

Rewritten- 1/01/2024

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