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The next morning, Harry, Ron, Jaiden and Ginny being excused from all their classes. They took that as a chance to sleep more than usual.

When Remus woke up, the first thing he aware of was that his daughter. She still sleeping peacefully. He smiled to himself and put his hand around his sleeping daughter and waited for her to wake.

After a few minutes, Jaiden being awoken by a light of sun from the net curtain. She can felt a strong arm around her waist and looked at her right where she saw smiling Remus.

"Morning, Cub."

"Morning, Dad. What time is it?" She said while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

He shrugged, "Past breakfast I think." Jaiden's eyes widened.

"Oh, shit." Before she can do anything, Remus stopped her.

"Albus told me that you're being excused from your classes today. So does with Harry, Ron and his sister." He said gently. Jaiden's body relaxed.

"That's good. I'm still tired." She said while shutting her eyes. Remus chuckled.

"Don't you want to eat breakfast?" She shook her head.

"You can go if you want. You can come back after you eat your breakfast to wake me up." Remus nodded even though she can't see it. He got out from bed and walked out from his bedroom.

After he ate his breakfast, it was 9 in the morning. He decided to let her daughter sleep for five more minutes. But before it hit five minutes, Jaiden walked out from his bedroom while rubbing her eyes.

She lay her head on his father lap and shut her eyes again. Remus chuckled at her.

"Don't you want to see Hermione?" Remus asked. Jaiden's eyes shot opened.

"Hermione! Yeah, I forgot about her. But I'm tired." Remus chuckled again at her.

"Well, I have classes to teach today. You can stay here if you want." Remus said while stroking her hair. Jaiden shook her head.

"I'll just wander around." Remus nodded. After a few minutes, Jaiden walked out from her father chamber and made her way up to the Gryffindor Tower. When she walked in, she saw Ron and Harry was talking on the couch. She went there and sat with them.

"Where are you?" Harry asked.

"My father chamber." They nodded. "What are you two talking about?"

"I freed Dobby. Turns out, he was belonged to the Malfoys. After you guys left, Lucius Malfoy came in and started to change words with Dumbledore. There when I realized that Lucius Malfoy was the one who gave the diary to Ginny after Dobby gave me a sign. After that, I chased him and threw my sock to him. He threw it away which Dobby got it."

"So, Dobby is free. That's a good thing." Jaiden said which Ron agreed.

"We got two eventful years. I just hope that we have a year that we can end it without getting killed." Ron said. Harry and Jaiden nodded.

"But I need to admit. It's fun. You know, we have a chance to explore everything in this castle." The boys smiled and nodded.

"We definitely can't denied that one." Harry said and they all laughed.

That day they spent their time all together. At the end of the day, they were joined by Hermione. They filled Hermione everything about what had happened after she petrified. She congratulated they three and spent their time together all evening until it was time for them to sleep.

Finally, after a few more days after that Chamber stuff, it was the end of the year. Jaiden didn't followed the other students to the train. She will apperated along side with her father.

She made her way down to the dungeon to annoy Snape for the last time for that year. She knocked on his office door and waited. But she got no respond. She knocked again but still no respond.

Little did she know, Snape was at the of the dungeon corridor, looking at her while smirking. He knew that Jaiden will come to annoy him. Before she came, Snape went out from his office and waited for her.

"What do you think you doing?" His voice echoed through the dungeon corridor. Jaiden jumped out from her skin and snapped her head to where the voice came. He walked to her and opened the door.

"Now, what do you want?" Snape asked once he sat on his chair. She shrugged.

He sighed, "Go pack your stuff then. Why you wasting your time here?" Snape asked.

"Dad said we'll be leaving tomorrow. So, I have nothing to do. All of my friends already gone to their home." Snape shook his head but stayed silent.

"Do you think Dad will have another partner for DADA for next school term?" She asked while wander around his office and started to organize his potions.

"I don't think so. After what had happened, I don't think you guys will have two teachers for DADA." Snape said without looking up from the papers he was grading.

She went to his side and peered at the paper. There she can saw a fifth year paper that have a lot mistake. She looked at Snape and he obviously annoyed with that student's paper. He put down his quill and looked at the girl at his left.

"What classes do you take for your third year?" Snape asked.

"All the class I have now, Care of Magical Creature, Ancient Runes and against my will, Divination." She said.

Snape chuckled at her, "Against your will? Then why do you take it if you don't like it? You can take Muggle Studies instead."

She hummed while thinking, "Well, put it this way, me and my father doing everything around our house using muggle way. So, there's no reason for me to take Muggle Studies." She said. Satisfied with her respond. Snape rolled his eyes.

"We're Half-blood. Half-blood gang, right?" She lift up her hand for him to high five. He looked at her hand and her face. Sighing, he did.

Jaiden giggled, "Well, I'm going now. Maybe annoy Minnie. Who knows?" She shrugged. Snape stood up and walked her to the door.

"Well, I'll see you next term then." Snape said.

"I'm still here tomorrow, remember?" She raised her eyebrow at him. He chuckled.

"But I'm not, little one." He said and ruffled Jaiden's hair. She nodded and hugged him around his waist. It was already became normal for Snape. Whenever Jaiden came to visit him, she will hugged him before she left. Snape hugged back and placed a small kissed on top of her head.

They broke the hug and smiled at each other. She waved at him and walked out from the dungeon. Snape went back to his desk and stared at the pile of papers on his desk.

"Yep. That girl will be the death of me. Must be losing my touch." He shook his head and chuckled to himself.

Jaiden made her way to Minnie's office and knocked on her door. "Minnie? Are you in there?" The door swung opened itself. Jaiden saw Minnie was sitting behind her desk and smiled at her. She returned it and walked in.

"What are you doing?" She said while sitting down in front of her.

"I'm just thinking wether I need to give you summer homework or not. You don't have your exams this year." She smiled mischievously.

"Na uh. Nope. No no no. It's school break." She pointed out. Minnie just chuckled at Jaiden.

"What are you doing here, by the way?" Minnie asked. She shrugged.

"I just came up from the dungeon after annoyed Sevy. Dad have a meeting with AD. So, instead of being left alone, I come to you." She smiled innocently. She shook her head and went back to her paperwork.

"Don't act like you don't like my company, Minnie." She smirked.

"Quite enjoyable." She muttered to herself. Jaiden stayed there about half an hour then left to her father office.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now