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The next morning, Jaiden woke up and quickly took a shower. She was so excited even it was a last day. She put on her robe and ran out from her dorm.

She walked in to the common room and saw Hermione was sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace. She went and sat beside her.

"Good morning, Hermione." Jaiden said happily.

"Morning, Jaiden. I see you going to your classes today." She said smiling when she saw Jaiden was wearing her robe. Jaiden nodded.

"Yeah. I need to beg at AD, you know. He-" Before she can continued she was cut off by Hermione's hand.

"Who's AD?"

"Dumbledore." She replied simply.

"You call him AD?" Jaiden nodded. "Jaiden he's your Professor. More than that, he's a Headmaster." Hermione had a disbelief looked. Jaiden shrugged.

"And?" Hermione was speechless. Jaiden laughed at her which Hermione slapped her arm playfully.

"By the way, why you look so anxious?"

"We're going to get our exam results today."

"And? I'm sorry Hermione, but I don't understand. You can pass it without a problem. You know that, right?"

"I don't know, Jaiden. What if I fail?"

"Stop overthinking Hermione. It will just make it worst. Geez, girls." She whispered the last part, but little did Jaiden know, Hermione heard her.

"Jaiden, I remind you, you're a girl too." She said and raised her eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, you right." They both laughing.

"What's happening here?" Came a voice behind them.

"What's so funny?" Said another voice. They turned around and saw Ron and Harry.

"Nothing." Hermione and Jaiden said at the same time. The boys look weirdly at the girls. They went into the Great Hall and started to eat their breakfast.

"We get our results today." Hermione said.

"Hermione, stop remind us. We're trying to have fun." Ron whined. Jaiden and Harry laughed.

"Alright. I'm just worry." Hermione said. The three looked at her and sighed.

"What you so worry for?" Ron asked.

"You can easily pass." Harry added.

"I told you, Hermione." Jaiden pointed it out.

"I'm just worry about potions. It's hard to score even E." Hermione said.

"Hermione, relax. I'm sure you can pass. Just relax. Snape isn't that bad." Jaiden said.

"Jaiden, you said that because you're in a good term with Snape. I bet you will get O for potion." Ron said.

"Even if she's not in a good term with me, I still will give her O for her skill." Came a cold bored voice behind them. Hermione and Harry eyes widened and looked passed Jaiden and Ron.

Ron turned around slowly and he had a terrified expression. His eyes widened at the sight of Snape. Remus was there too. Jaiden turned around and she had a mischievous smile on her face

"Hi, Professor Lupin. Hi," Before she can speak again, Snape did a quick Legillemency on her. He said to her 'I dare you to say it. If you do I'm going to change your potions result.' Then he smirked. ".. Professor Snape."

"Hi, you four." Remus replied. Jaiden gave Snape unsatisfied looked. Before Snape followed Remus to the Professor's table, he said to Jaiden.

"I'm going to know if you tell them. We have a deal, remember?" He smirked when Jaiden groaned. He then walked away.

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