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Jaiden was in the middle of nowhere. She was standing on the grass with nothing around her. Then she saw someone was coming towards her place. She couldn't tell who that was but she knew it was a woman.

When she was closer enough to Jaiden, she stopped. When Jaiden realize who she was, she ran to her.

"Mom!" She squealed while throwing her arm around her mother. Elizabeth hugged Jaiden tightly.

"Hey, Sweetheart. How you were doing?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm doing just fine, Mom." She said. They started to walked until Jaiden saw a lake. A very beautiful lake. She can saw all the fish were swimming in the lake. Elizabeth sat down on the grass while Jaiden picked up the rock from the ground.

"Mom, Dad and Uncle Siri is in a relationship." Jaiden said while threw a rock in the lake. Elizabeth chuckled and it made Jaiden looked at her in confusion.

"Why are you chuckling?" Jaiden asked and and sat down next to her mother.

"Your father had told me that he used to have a relationship with Sirius back then. I don't mind at all. He's bisexual by the way." Elizabeth said.

"Really?!" She asked in disbelief. Elizabeth nodded.

"How'd you figure that out?" Elizabeth asked.

"One day, I was walking down the stairs and I saw they two kissing." She said and Elizabeth laughed. "And this morning, I accidentally interrupted their shagging time." Jaiden said and shook her head at the memory. Elizabeth laughed even more.

Jaiden lay her head down on her mother's lap and shut her eyes. Elizabeth played with Jaiden's hair which made Jaiden relaxed. Jaiden then told her about the dream she had earlier which Elizabeth calmed her down.

"Why is this feel so real, Mom?" She asked.

Elizabeth sighed, "Sometimes, I can reach you and come into your dream but sometimes I can't."


"Because of you, Sweetheart." Jaiden opened her eyes and sat up.

"I don't understand." She said.

"I just can come to you every time you need to be comforted. Only your brain can tell me if you're in really really in needed comfort. So, sometimes I can't." She nodded in understanding. Then they heard a loud screeched.

"That's my sign to go." Jaiden didn't want Elizabeth to go but she knew better. She sighed and nodded. They hugged and Elizabeth placed a kiss on top of her head. They broke the hug and stood up.

"Goodbye, Jaiden. I love you." Elizabeth said.

"I love you too, Mom. See you next time." Jaiden said and Elizabeth disappeared.

When she woke up, she was in Remus and Sirius arm. They both had decided to stay with Jaiden that night. Just for a precaution if she had another nightmare. She had to hold her laugh at how loud they were snoring. She just stayed in their arm and waited for them to wake up.

About 15 minutes later, Sirius started to stir. He looked at Jaiden who was smiling at him. "Morning, Uncle Siri." She whispered so that she wouldn't wake Remus up.

"Morning." He whispered back. They stayed on the bed until Remus woke up. He woke up with a groaned and looked at Sirius and Jaiden.

"How long have you been up?" Remus asked.

"I just woke up." Sirius said.

"15 minutes before Uncle Siri." Jaiden said. Remus nodded and sat up. They cleaned themselves and walked down to the kitchen. They made their breakfast and sat down to eat. After that, they just relaxed on the couch.

"Thank you," Jaiden said, broke the silent between them. "For staying with me last night." She looked at the older. They smiled at her and nodded.

"It's not a big deal." Remus said.

"Can we know about your dream last night, Jaiden?" Sirius asked. She knew they will ask this question to her. She sighed and nodded. She started to tell them everything about her dream. At the end of the story, Remus and Sirius were by her side, comforting her.

"When I go back to sleep, I dreamt about Mom." She said and smiled. Remus smiled at this.

"What did she said?" Remus asked.

"She told me that you're a bisexual and she didn't mind that you have a relationship." Jaiden said. Remus laughed.

"Oh, Elizabeth." He muttered under his breath.

The next day, Jaiden was at her study table in her room. She was debating with herself wether to send Harry about her dream or not. When she wanted to start to write a letter for him, Sirius burst in to Jaiden's room.

"Jaiden, come on. We need to go." Sirius grabbed her hand and dragged her out from their cottage. She saw Remus was waiting for them outside. She didn't get a chance to ask them what happened because Sirius apperated both of them to the Burrow. When they landed, Remus and Sirius knocked on the door. Jaiden followed behind them.

Then, Mrs Weasley opened the door. "Remus, Sirius, Jaiden. What are you guys doing here?" She asked while ushered them to come in.

"We just heard the news. Is everyone alright? How about Harry?" Sirius asked. Molly raised her hand to calm them down.

"They're all fine. They're in the living room right now. Why don't you go there while I make a tea for you?" They all nodded and went into the living room. Sirius rushed to Harry to check if he was okay.

After Molly served them with their tea, they talked among them and joked around.

"Harry. Can I talk to you? In private." Jaiden asked Harry who was sitting next to her. He nodded and they walked out from the Burrow.

"What is it?" Harry asked once they were outside.

She took a deep breath before asking, "Have you had a dream about Voldemort lately?" She asked. Harry looked around before nodded.

"You had the same dream too, right?" Harry asked. She nodded.

"We saw each other in that dream. What was that mean?" He asked again but Jaiden shook her head.

"I don't know, Harry. But the one thing I know is, we need to be careful this year. He will try everything he can to go after us." Harry nodded and they walked back inside. Luckily, no one asking them about what they were talking about outside.

Remus, Sirius and Jaiden them excused themselves to go back to their house. Let's just say, Jaiden spent the rest of the day thinking about what would Voldemort do to go after them.

Remus and Sirius noticed that Jaiden just locked herself in her room. They have thought to ask her if she was okay but decided against it. They just gave Jaiden a space to think, to be alone with herself. But it doesn't mean they will leave Jaiden to face it by herself.

She didn't even paid attention at what she did. When they were eating, Jaiden just eat a little and played with her food. When they were talking, Jaiden just zoned out. When Remus and Sirius tried to ask her to play outside with them, she rejected it. They tried everything they could to distracted her with her thought but they didn't make it.

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