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They slid through the tunnel until they hit the ground which full of bones. They all dusted their robes and looked around.

"Right. Let's go. Any sign of move shut your eyes immediately." Harry said and started to walk. Jaiden and Ron pointed their wand at Lockhart.

"Go on." Ron said. They walked through the dark tunnel. After a few minutes of walking, they spotted something in front of them.

"What is that?" Ron asked.

"Looks like, a snake." Lockhart said with a terrified voice. Jaiden walked to the front and stood beside Harry. She looked at him and nodded.

"I'll go first." Jaiden said. At first, Harry hesitated but nevertheless he nodded. Jaiden walked to where the 'snake' was. When she was closer enough, she let out a sight of relief.

"It's just snake's skin. It's safe here." Jaiden said. The three walked to where Jaiden stood.

"This is a very big snake." Harry said and walked forward to it's head. They heard a thud and looked around. They saw Lockhart fainted next to Ron.

"Heart of lion, this one." Ron said. Out of sudden, Lockhart got up and snatched Ron's wand from his hand.

"The adventure end here, you three. But don't worry. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. And how you three tragically lost your mind upon her dead body. Now, you first Mr Potter. Say goodbye to your memory." Lockhart said and pointed Ron's wand at Harry.

"Obliviate!" But with Ron's broken wand, Lockhart was sent back and hit the cave wall behind him. He lay on the cold floor unconscious. The cave started to shaking and there's a rocks that fell from a top of them that made Harry being separated with Jaiden and Ron.

"Ron! Jaiden! Are you guys okay?!" Harry shouted from the other side.

"Harry! We alright!" Ron said. Just then, Lockhart chose that moment to wake up. He woke up with a groaned and spotted Jaiden and Ron.

"Hello? Who are you?" He asked Ron.

"Umm..I'm Ron Weasley."

"Really? And who..who am I?" Jaiden and Ron looked at each other confusedly.

"Lockhart's Memory Charm had backfired! He don't remember who he is!" Jaiden shouted at Harry.

"It's a weird place here, isn't it?" Lockhart said and picked up a small rock. "Are you living here?" He looked at Jaiden and Ron. Jaiden took the rock from him and she looked at Ron.

"No." Ron and Jaiden said in unison.

"Really? Then why-" Before he can finished his sentence, Jaiden hit Lockhart at the back of his neck with the rock she took from him earlier. He fainted.

"So, what now?" Ron asked.

"I'll go and save Ginny. In the meantime, you guys can try to move all this rock." Harry said.

"Okay. Just be careful, Harry." Jaiden said. Harry nodded and started to walk away.

"Let's start to move all of this rocks, Ron." Jaiden said.

After a halfway through to move all the rocks, Lockhart woke up again. Ron and Jaiden looked at each other and rolled their eyes. They followed every Lockhart's movement.

"Someone need to take care of him." Ron said and Jaiden just nodded.

"Can you believe it?" Jaiden said while still locked her eyes on Lockhart.

"What?" Ron said while looking at Lockhart too.

"All the books that he wrote is a lie. I mean, it's not that hard to realize it but, can you imagine all his fans reaction after this?" Ron nodded understanding.

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