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Jaiden was laying on the floor with a pool of blood. Her own blood. She was unconscious. The five Professors rushed to where Jaiden was.

When they were closer enough, they saw Jaiden had a big gash on her back. Remus immediately placed his daughter on his arm and rushed out to the Hospital Wing.

Every students that saw Jaiden's state shocked. Jaiden's shirt was soaked with blood.

Soon they arrived at the Hospital Wing. Remus put his daughter on the nearest bed. Madam Pomfrey asked the three man to wait outside while she put a curtain around the bed. She and McGonagall started to clean Jaiden's wound.

When they took off Jaiden's shirt, they saw Jaiden have another wound but there was just dried blood left. After they cleaned it up, Jaiden just wearing a pants. Her body was wrapped.

After they done, Madam Pomfrey opened the curtain and the three man rushed to Jaiden's bed.

Remus winced at Jaiden's sight. He being a werewolf for 30 years, but he never have a wound like that. Remus turned his head away from Jaiden. He could not bear to see his daughter in such a state.

Severus put a reassuring squeeze on Remus shoulder. He knew it's hard for Remus. He just got his daughter back, but all this thing happened.

"I heard her last night." The rest of them looked at Remus. They all said nothing after they saw Jaiden state in her room.

"I think it's our werewolf thing." He continued.

"You mean, it's your link between her. Because you two is family." Severus said which Remus nodded.

"She said she felt different. Then she said about emotions. I didn't heard anything after that."

"Have you ever heard her thought before this?" Poppy asked which Remus shook his head.

"I think, that because you both didn't aware that you're related." Dumbledore said.

Remus sat on the chair beside Jaiden's bed and held her hand. The others changed looked and McGonagall said.

"We'll leave you with her." Remus nodded and they walked out of the Hospital Wing. Remus gripped his daughter hand tightly and gave it a squeeze.

Remus looked around and saw Harry. He smiled.

"You're so much like your father, Harry. Always go looking for trouble." He lied his head on Jaiden's bed and fell asleep.

It's been two days since Jaiden last full moon. She still didn't wake. Remus will stayed at Hospital Wing everytime he didn't have classes to teach. Since Professor Quirrel gone, he was the one will take all year classes.

Jaiden woke with a groaned. She was wearing a short sleeve white shirt. She can felt her body was being wrapped. She sat up and she felt dizzy.

"Hi, Jaiden." Came a voice beside her. She turned to her right and saw Harry. Harry was eating Bertie Botts Beans on his bed.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" She asked while groaning.

"We already saved the stone. But it's not Snape who wanted to steal it. It was Professor Quirrel. It's creepy but, Quirrel had Voldemort on back of his head."

"Huh? What a.. Whatever. You can tell me more later." She said and Harry nodded.

Just then Hospital Wing door opened and Remus walked in. He looked up from the ground and saw Jaiden was sitting on her bed. He rushed to Jaiden and gave her hug.

"Ow ow ow.. Professor." Remus let go and apologize.

"Are you alright, Jaiden?" He asked.

"Just a bit sore." She replied.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now