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When her first class that day came to the end, she was called to Dumbledore's office. She told her friends to go first to their Divination class. She made her way up to Dumbledore office.

When she walked in, she saw her father, Snape, Minnie, Dumbledore himself and.. Cornelius Fudge? She came near them with confused look.

"You call me?" She asked Dumbledore. Dumbledore nodded. She noticed that Dumbledore looked annoyed at Fudge.

"You are Jaiden Lupin, correct?" Fudge asked her. She nodded.

"That's me."

"Well, we need to discuss about something. Something you did yesterday on Hogwarts Train. I-" Jaiden cut him off. She realized why Fudge wanted to see her.

"If you're here to talk about using magic outside of school, then you're being so stupid." She said.

"Jaiden." Remus warned her. She ignored him and looked at Fudge in his eyes.

"I'm not going to let you to talk to me like that." Fudge said. Jaiden let out an annoyed sighed.

"You listen here, old man. If you didn't let that blasted Dementor came into the train, I have no reason to do magic outside of school. What do you want us to do? Just let that Dementor suck our lives? Die before we can start our third year? As I understand, underage wizards or witches can use magic outside of school if it's really an urgent thing. I ask you again, what'd you want us to do?" Jaiden said while glaring at Fudge.

All the Professors looked at Jaiden shocked. Slowly, Dumbledore smiled satisfied at her words. Fudge lost his words. Jaiden didn't meant to snap at the older man. She was just still tired from the previous moon.

"It still wasn't a right thing to do." That's all Fudge can said before he became silent.

"What'd you gonna do? Take me to Azkaban? Sure, I can help you to fill up Sirius Black's cell, right?" She smiled sarcastically.

Fudge just shut his mouth and looked at the ground. No one dare to say anything. Dumbledore seemed proud at Jaiden because she stood up for herself. He already tried to convince Fudge about the punishment Jaiden's about to have, but Fudge ignored him. But now, in front of him, Jaiden did something that made him proud.

"Fine. I'm not going to do anything about it. But I must remind you, that I'm going to keep an eye on you. If you do it again, I'm not going to hesitate to make a letter about you being expell." He pointed his finger at Jaiden.

"Don't try me." Jaiden's voice became cold which made the others flinched. "I'm more advance than you. You don't want to mess with me." He couldn't held his gaze with Jaiden any longer so he looked away. He cleared his throat awkwardly then looked at Dumbledore.

"I'll take my leave, Albus. I see you later." Fudge said and with one more glanced at Jaiden, who didn't take her eyes off of him, he walked out quickly. When the door shut, she let out a heavy sighed.

"Is is that's all?" She asked Dumbledore who nodded. "Well, I have to go, Divination. Bye." She said and walked out from Dumbledore's office.

"Remind me to not be on her bad side." Snape said.

When Jaiden came in to the Divination classroom, they all were reading tea leaf. She sat down with Harry, Ron and Hermione and started to change a cup with Hermione. All in all, suddenly, Professor Trelawney said Harry had The Grim. It was an omen of deaths. Jaiden didn't take that class seriously so she didn't paid any mind for that.

After the Transfiguration class end, they made their way down to Hagrid's Hut for Care of Magical Creature. Hagrid brought them into the forest and presented them Buckbeak the Hippogriff.

"Now, who wants to ride him?" Hagrid said. All the students stepped back so that it seemed like Harry was the one who stepped up.

"Well done, Harry. Well done." He looked back at all of them with shocked. "Come on, don't be shy." He walked to the front and slowly reaching Buckbeak. Finally, he got to pet him. Hagrid lift Harry up to the back of Buckbeak and he was off of ground. After a few minutes Buckbeak and Harry landed.

"Oh, please." Draco said and pushed people out of his way. "You're not dangerous at all, are you? You great ugly brute." He said while walking to where Buckbeak was. Buckbeak getting angry and slashed him arm with his claws. Luckily, he just slashed Draco's robe. But he fell on the ground and started to said,

"It's killed me. It's killed me."

"Calm down. It's just a scratch." Hagrid started to become panicked.

"Hagrid, he has to be taken to the hospital." Hermione said from the crowd. Hagrid nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a teacher, I'll do it." Hagrid lift him in his arm and walked away.

"You're gonna regret this." Draco said to Harry

"Class dismissed." Hagrid told all of them.

"You and your bloody chicken."

Ron and Jaiden had to hold their laugh at Draco. After he was out of sight Jaiden and Ron burst out laughing which Hermione gave them disbelief look. They took their stuff and walked out from the forest. They went into the Great Hall and sat down to start their lunch. When they were eating, Seamus burst into the Great Hall and slammed down the newspaper on their table.

"He's been sighted, he's been sighted!" Seamus shouted. All the Gryffindors came around.

"Duff town? It's not far from here." Hermione said.

"Do you think he will come here?" Asked one of the boy.

"With Dementors all around?" Another voice came.

"He passed them before. Who said that he can't do that again?" This time Seamus said. Jaiden getting more annoyed. She was really sure that her Uncle was innocent. She started to gather her stuff.

"That's true. Black is so smart. It's like catching a smoke with your bare hand." Said another one student.

"I'm going to go. Got to take some fresh air." Jaiden said to her friends and walked out from the Great Hall and made her way down to the Black Lake. She sat under the tree and started to do her homework a little.

After halfway through her homework, she heard something behind her. She turned around and saw a black dog. They looked at each other about a few minutes then the dog went into the forest. Jaiden's curiosity took control of her body. She got up with her stuff and walked into the forest.

After a few minutes of wandering around the forest, she heard something from her left. She turned to her left and saw the dog was there. She got a sense from her werewolf thing that this dog wasn't a normal dog. She waste no time to run to that dog and tackled him onto the ground.

The dog started to whimpering and struggling to get out from Jaiden's grip. "Relax. I'm not going to hurt you." Jaiden said. The dog stopped struggling.

"I know you're not a real dog. Show yourself, but, I must remind you, try to run I'm going to bring you straight into the castle and straight to Dumbledore, alright?" The dog nodded. That time Jaiden was really sure that, that dog wasn't a normal dog.

Jaiden slowly moved her arm around that dog and stood up. She waited for that dog to get off the ground. Suddenly, the dog transformed into a human form. Not just an ordinary people, it was Sirius. Jaiden looked at him with a wide eyes.

"Before you scream or anything you think you're going to do, please don't. I'm not going to hurt you." Sirius said once he transformed and saw Jaiden's wide eyes. Jaiden looked at him up and down and felt bad.

He looked terrible. She sighed and sat down on the ground. Sirius was taken aback with what Jaiden did. Whatever reactions he waited to get, certainly not this. Jaiden looked up at him and patted the place next to her. Sirius hesitated at first but sat down nonetheless.

"Why don't you screaming or running or something?" Sirius asked while eyeing the girl next to him. She shrugged.

"You said to don't." She replied simply.

"But, why you listened to me?"

"Because I know you aren't a bad guy. You're misunderstood."

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