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The next day Jaiden woke up and started her day. She cleaned her dorm a little and started to change into her robe. She worried that people will treat her different after they knew that she was a werewolf. But the twins said if they caught people who treated her badly they will hex them.

She walked in to the Great Hall and everyone looked at her. At first she was nervouse, but she tried to ignore them. She sat at the end of the table and started to eat.

Every minutes she'll caught other students talking about her. Even if they're whispered with each other, Jaiden still can heard them. Thanks to her lycanthropy.

After her uncomfortable breakfast, she walked out of the Great Hall. She can felt that everyone staring at her. She ignored them again and kept walking until she was stopped by the one and only Skya John and her goons.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. I'm surprised you're still here. I thought you already left or kill yourself." She said and her goons laughed. She tried to walk past them but only being pinned to the wall.

"You're thinking to run away, are you?" John asked. "Not this time. I'm sicked with your game. Walked away when people talking to you like you're innocent. That's rude, you little monster."

"Get off me, please." Jaiden said.

"Are you begging me? Pathetic." She laughed so with her goons.

"What are you doing?" Came a voice behind them. "Oh it's you."

"Marcus. What do you want?" Skya asked.

"You can't having fun without me you know." He said with a smirk.

"So you're a werewolf?" He asked Jaiden and looked at where Skya was for confirming and she nodded.

"What are you doing at our school, half-breed? Why don't you go and leave this school? You don't worth to stay here."

Jaiden just looked at the ground and silent. He looked furious with what Jaiden did so he punched her on her stomach.

"You better look at me when I'm talking to you. Scum Gryffindor. Always bring a trouble at this school." This time he punched her on her face.

"Come on. Let's leave before we get caught." And they left. There's a cut on Jaiden's lips. She can tasted blood in her mouth. She quickly wiped her lips with her sleeve and went to the Charms class.

The class went well. Jaiden sat alone in the class not that she cared about it. After that they had Transfiguration. When she made her way to the Transfiguration class she sat and waited for McGonagall.

When she was writing her essays, she will caught McGonagall staring at her. It's like McGonagall worried about her. McGonagall mouthed at her 'Are you okay?'  Jaiden nodded and gave her a small smile.

After that they had lunch. Jaiden made her way to the Great Hall but being stopped by three Gryffindors. They all her age. Again for the second time that day she got punched by a students on her stomach.

Two weeks have past. In those two weeks Jaiden just being bullied and all the insulting she got was about her parents. About how they didn't love her and she just a burden and that's why they died.

This week was a double full moon. With all the punches she got, it just made all the pain worst. The pain from punches she got and the pain from the upcoming full moon.

Everytime she got bullied she just shut her mouth and let them punched and slapped her. Until one day she lost her temper.

She was walking from her last class for that day when there's a five fifth year approaching her. Three of them was a Ravenclaw and the other two was a Hufflepuff.

They dragged Jaiden to this empty corridor and pinned her at the wall.

"Why are you still here, huh? Why don't you leave this school? With all the punches you got, you think it's a good idea to stay here?"

"Let go of me, now." She said while gritted her teeth.

"Or else? Do you think that we scared of you? Just one first year student. Weak."

Little did they all know there's a four pairs of eyes who watching them.

"I said, get of me." She said again with a very strong warned in her voice.

"Or what? Tell us. What are you gonna do? Called your mom?" All of them laughed. With a blink of eyes they all being thrown back and they all hit their back at the wall. They laying there, unconscious. She stared angrily at the five of them.

"JAIDEN!" She whipped her head and looked at the end of the corridor. There stood Professor Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin and Quirrel. They all stared at Jaiden with wide eyes. They slowly walked to Jaiden who still breath heavily and glared at the five unconscious students.

When they approached her, they can saw that Jaiden had a few bruises on her face. Some of the bruises looked new. There's a finger mark on her neck. She got it a few days ago when the older students tried to kill her by choking her.

"Jaiden, I need to tell you what you did earlier was wrong. You not supposed to do that. What if one of them get killed?" Dumbledore said once they all at Dumbledore's office.

The all staff was there but Madam Pomfrey. She needs to stay at the Hospital Wing to heal that five students. She didn't meant to make them hit the wall. It's just came out. She felt so angry. She can't control it. Even when Dumbledore was speaking to her that time she still felt angry. She kept all the thing she being bullied to herself.

"And I want to ask you. Where did you get all that bruises?" He asked again. All the staff was looking at her.

"I've been bullied because of what I am. Everyday, different students came to me and started to insult me and hurt me." She said while looking at the ground. She still felt angry but she tried to keep her temper.

"Why don't you tell us?" McGonagall asked. Jaiden laughed bitterly. It made all the staff shocked.

"Do you really think, if I'm telling you what they did to me, they'll stop from kicking, slapping, punching or choking me?" She said and glared at McGonagall which made her shocked.

They all can saw the pain, angry, tired and how depressed she was in her eyes. They really wanted to help but they don't know how.

'How can she became like this?' It's the same question everyone thought about. A girl who was clever, kind and funny became a totally different person.

"At least you need to try and tell us." Said Flitwick. Jaiden became angrier.

"How am I supposed to do that, when the only thing I know that everytime I'm out of my dorm and classes I was going to be punched!?" She shouted which made the staff more shocked even Snape and Dumbledore.

All the glasses in Dumbledore's office started to vibrate. The staff looking around the office with horror. Quirrel on the other hand act to looked around in horror while inside him he knew that his master like this thing. Which he immediately heard a whispered, "This girl is powerful. I like her."

"Jaiden, calm down. I know you're depressed right now. I know you're tired and you're angry. But please, calm down." She took a deep breath and stated to calm down. All the glasses stopped from vibrate.

"I've got to go." Without waiting for replied she left.

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