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After dinner, like what Jaiden have been asked to, she made her way to Umbridge's office. Before she went off, her friends had told her to be careful.

Jaiden just waved their words away and said that she would be fine and there wasn't a worse thing that could happen. 

Harry, Ron and Hermione just worried about her. They all saw the way Umbridge looked at her and the way she talked about Jaiden. Clearly she really hate Jaiden.

When she arrived at the front door of Umbridge's office, she knocked and waited. Then she heard Umbridge's voice came from the other side of the room.

"Come in." She opened the door. The room was very different than before. When her father was the teacher for DADA, the office looked normal. When it was 'Moody', it looked weird. This time, Jaiden will throw up anytime.

The room was pink from the walls, to the floor and to the furniture. There were a plenty of cats picture which was hanging around the room too. Everything that were in that room was in pink color. Everything, including the person that was in there.

She saw Umbridge was sitting at her desk while waiting for her to come in. "Miss Lupin. Sit down." She said and nodded to the desk across her own desk. Jaiden nodded and settled down herself.

"Before we start anything, Professor, I just want to apologize. I know I'm not supposed to talk back at you. I know it was wrong of me to just stormed out from our class and ignoring you. It was disrespect of me. I'm so sorry." Jaiden said while avoiding eye contact with her.

Umbridge was taken aback with what she just heard. She didn't expect for her to apologize. She smiled.

"No worries, Miss Lupin. I assure you after this night lesson, you will learn more from your mistake. You will learn to not disrespect people. You will learn and realized what kind of person you are. You will learn where is your place and who is your superior." She said and let out her annoying laugh.

Jaiden furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but just shrugged it off. Umbridge then stood up and took a paper with her. She put it on Jaiden desk and smiled at her.

"You will write a line." She said.

"That's it?" Jaiden asked. She chuckled and nodded. "What am I supposed to write?"

"I'm not supposed to disrespect my teacher. I'm a filthy werewolf. There's no place in this world for someone like me." Umbridge said and again, she laughed using her tone that Jaiden had to hold herself from punching her straight in her throat.

Jaiden ignored her urge to slap her and just walk out leaving her again. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"How many times?" She asked.

"Let's just say, until it sinks in."

She nodded again and went to reach her bag where her quill was but immediately stopped when Umbridge called.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're not going to use your quill. You're going to use a rather special quill of mine." Umbridge went back to her desk and took one quill with her then placed it in front of her.

With one last sickening smile she sent to Jaiden, she walked to the nearest window in that room.

"You can start." Umbridge said with her back still facing Jaiden. Jaiden shook her head slightly and reached to the quill Umbridge gave her earlier. Without thinking, she started to write.

Five minutes after she started wrote down that three sentences, she started to feel something on her left hand. It was burning and sting. Jaiden ignored it and kept writing until she felt something pricked on her hand.

She gasped and looked at her hand. Slowly, there was a word started to carve on her hand.

'I'm not supposed to disrespect my teacher.'

'I'm a filthy werewolf.'

'There's no place in this world for someone like me.'

She looked at her hand and the quill in shock. Umbridge who heard her struggling smiled evilly. She turned to Jaiden with an innocent face and pretended to concern.

"Something's wrong?" She asked. Jaiden stared at her in shock. She couldn't form a word. She composed herself and shook her head.

"No. Nothing." She said quietly. Umbridge nodded.

"Very well, you can continue." Umbridge said and went to her desk and sat down.

Umbridge held her until it was 12:40. When Jaiden walked out from her office, she let out a breath of relief. She held back the tears that threatening to come out from her eyes. Her left hand was shaking. It was really bad. Slowly, her blood started to dripping out from her hand.

She started to make her way back to the Gryffindor common room. On her way, her vision became blurred. Her head was pounding. She couldn't think straight. She had to hold the walls to support herself. It was very dark. She held out her right hand and there was a blue flame came out from her hand.

She turned it into a ball and let it floated and gave her a light that she needed. She didn't even think about getting caught. She just hope that she will make it to her dorm before passed out. 

The flames that gave her light, started to fade. She was too weak to control it.

"No, no, no. Please." She whispered weakly. At last, the flame was gone and the dark met her back. She fell on her knees. At this rate, she couldn't feel her left hand. She rest against the wall and shut her eyes, hoping for someone will find her.

Then, she heard a whispering voice came from the end of the corridor. She opened back her eyes. "Help. Please." She whispered weakly. Then, there was a light.

"Did you asked for my help, Jaiden?" She recognized that voice. Her breath became quick. The light moved slightly and standing there, Voldemort.

She can't fight him at this state. Voldemort started to laugh evilly. He stopped and walked towards Jaiden who still pressing her back against the wall.

He crouched down at her side and took her left arm. Jaiden tried to resist but she was too weak which made he laughed even more. He pointed the tip of his wand on Jaiden's left forearm and looked at her.

"It will sting. Morsmordre!"

Jaiden's eyes shot up opened. She looked around and saw nothing but dark. She quickly got up. Ignoring all the pain from her body. She took her bag with her and walked to her dorm with a fast paced.

After she gave the Fat Lady their password, she ran up to her dorm. She threw her bag on her bed and rolled her left sleeve up. There was no sign or wound on her forearm. Just a dried blood that came from earlier in her detention. She didn't know what kind of magic Voldemort had performed on her. Nonetheless, she just sighed in relief.

She waved her hand in front of her wounded hand and the blood was gone but not the wound. She made a mental note to ask Snape for a blood Replenishing Potion tomorrow. She went to her bed and lay down but she couldn't close her eyes.

She sighed. "I must be fallen asleep in that corridor." She looked at the clock and nodded. It was 2:10. "Yep, I did fell asleep." She chuckled. "It was just a dream." She said and just stared at the ceiling.

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