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Albus Dumbledore

Currently Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.

Harry and Jaiden silently read the card to themselves. When the information finally sank in, they looked up at each other in realisation.

"This is it!" Ron exclaimed excitedly. "This is why we thought Flamel is a familiar name. It's on Dumbledore's card." Harry and Jaiden nodded in agreement. They felt excited because finally, they've got something that could lead them somewhere.

"So, now we just need to know what Nicholas Flamel is famous for, right? Then we'll know what he got to do with all these." Harry questioned and his friends replied with a simple nod.

"You need to tell Hermione." Jaiden said after a short silence stretched between them.

"Actually, before Hermione went off for the holiday, she told us to find out about Flamel in the restricted section." Ron said.

"Whatever it is, Snape is trying to steal it." Harry continued confidently. Jaiden frowned.

"Oh, come on, Harry. Snape seems nice enough to me. Sure, he gives us a hard time but I don't think he is that evil." Jaiden stated. "Why do you think Snape would want anything that dog is guarding, by the way?" Jaiden asked.

"Actually, there's something I haven't told you guys." Jaiden and Ron shared a look before leaning closer towards Harry. "Remember that day when we saved Hermione from that troll?" They nodded. "I saw Snape's leg had this wound like he had just been bitten. And now he is limping around the castle. And if you realise it, Ron, Snape and Quirrell came in late to the bathroom."

"Your thought is?" Jaiden asked after seeing Ron nodding his head after recalling the event.

"I think Snape was the one who let the troll in to distract everyone while he went to the third-floor corridor. But, somehow, Quirrell stopped him." The boy guessed.

"Wait a minute, Harry. Do you really think that Quirrell would stand a chance against Snape?" Jaiden asked. Harry stared at Jaiden for a few seconds as his brain worked on searching for any reasonable cause.

"I don't know." He said hesitantly.

"Whoever wants to steal it, they won't get a chance, right?" Ron asked suddenly."I mean, this is Hogwarts. It's the safest place on earth. And who would want to steal something under Dumbledore's eyes? They won't get a chance."

"I agree with you, Ron." Jaiden said, nodding along.


The next morning came rolling around quickly. When Jaiden walked into the Great Hall, the small pack of students who stayed back at the castle were sitting around the same table. However, Jaiden noticed a boy sitting by himself by the fireplace. Harry.

Jaiden walked towards the table once she'd spotted Ron. "Ron?" She called. The boy immediately looked up at the girl by his side. "What's wrong with Harry?" Ron chewed on his food before his eyes went over to Harry.

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