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The two weeks of waiting will finally come to an end. Jaiden had drowned herself into her school books as she thought there were nothing better to do other than preparing herself for Hogwarts. She also had practiced a few spells and, of course, some of them didn't work but she got the hang of it for the easier ones.

The day was finally over and Jaiden was getting ready for the moon. She silently cursed the moon for choosing that night to be the night it wanted to shine. She was looking forward on experiencing the whole journey to get to Hogwarts, but after knowing the full moon will happen, Jaiden instantly knew she more likely would be resting.

As she made her way down the short set of stairs, the familiar pain of bones changing engulfed her. She hurried her steps and went into the basement, locking the door. Jaiden fell on her knees as she groaned in both pain and discomfort as the wolf slowly took over.

The transformation would usually be long and way painful, but that night, it was different and Jaiden noticed it. It was a short pain and Jaiden didn't let out as much screams as she normally did. It was a good thing, but also, was a wonder. However, she didn't pay any mind to that and decided it was because she had something to look forward to after.

But, she could never imagine how the transformations goes for other werewolves. Jaiden was fully aware that her transformations wouldn't caused her a serious type of pain, giving the circumstances being born with lycanthropy. She also knew that most werewolves wouldn't be able to control themselves while being under the influence of the full moons, but for Jaiden, she will still be aware of her surroundings. In other word, she can control it and she was grateful for it.

In the darkness of the damp basement, a curled up little wolf cub panted heavily from her transformation. She slowly got up and went to the corner, lying down. She rested her head on her paws as her eyes stared on the floor with thoughts running around in her head. She felt happy, excited but also.. lonely. She was happy and excited for Hogwarts. But, lonely because no one was there. Not her mother. Not her father. No one. And, that upset her.


Right after she was done with her breakfast, there was a knock on the front door. She knew it would be Dumbledore. But, it was just 9 in the morning. After putting the dishes away, she opened the door and Dumbledore greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, Jaiden. I know it's still early, but since I'm a headmaster, I need to be there early. And, I couldn't find anyone that can take you to the station later. Are you ready to go?" Dumbledore asked Jaiden who nodded.

"I'll just take my trunk. Give me a minute."

She made a quick turn into the kitchen and washed her plate before going up to her room. She already packed her stuff for Hogwarts two days earlier since last night was a full moon. And, she would like to save up her time.

Soon, Dumbledore apparated both of them to the King's Cross station. Dumbledore handed her the ticket of the train and started to walk her to the barrier.

"Now, Jaiden, just run straight through this wall and you'll find yourself in platform 9 3/4. This is where I leave you. We'll be meeting again at Hogwarts." And with that, Dumbledore walked away. Probably wanted to apparate at more private spot.

After another minute of convincing herself, Jaiden took a deep breath and close her eyes. This is it. She thought before running straight to the wall. When she didn't feel any hard cement collided against her, she opened her eyes and saw a huge scarlet train with a Hogwarts sign on the front. She smiled to herself in satisfaction before making her way into the train.

It was still early so the platform weren't crowded by many people. Soon, Jaiden found an empty compartment and claimed it as hers. She took a seat and pulled out her book then she started reading.

When Jaiden got bored with her book, she closed it and placed it on her lap. The clock showed 10:30 and people started to fill in. Jaiden stared at all the childrens who were hugging and biding goodbyes to their parents.

"I wish you're still with me, mum." She whispered to herself. She were pulled out from her thought when she heard a knock on the compartment door.

When she looked up, there was a man with brown hair and a kind smile yet, a tired look was on his feature. This man was too old to be a student, Jaiden decided.

"Hello. May I join you?"

"Sure." Jaiden nodded and gave him a small smile. The man nodded gratefully and shut the door before choosing the seat across from her.

"Is this your first year? I've never seen you before." The man asked after settling in his seat. Jaiden nodded her head politely.

"Yes, sir. This is my first year." She answered. Deep down, she felt really awkward. Before Dumbledore, it had been months since Jaiden had any interactions with people. When Dumbledore showed up, she didn't feel as awkward as she was at the moment because Jaiden was still around her house. She felt safe. But, now, on the train, with an unknown man, she didn't really know how to talk. How to interact.

"That's good. Bet you're excited. Well, I'm professor Lupin and I'm going to teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts." He smiled and extended his hand. Jaiden looked down at his hand for a second before hesitantly shook his hand with a short smile.

"Nice to meet you, professor. I'm Jaiden Rookwood. I'm looking forward for that subject." To be perfectly honest, Jaiden didn't look forward for the said subject. She had gone through the textbook and to say that it wasn't on her top list of favourite subject was an understatement.

"It's nice to know you too, miss Rookwood." Lupin smiled at her. A tired smile and Jaiden caught up on that.

"Please, professor. Just call me Jaiden."

"Alright, then." Remus smiled. He dug into his coat pocket and pulled out a half bar of chocolate. He showed it in front of her. "Chocolate?" Jaiden politely decline. She might have been raised away from people but Elizabeth had never forget to remind Jaiden to never accept things from stranger.

"I don't really like chocolate." She loved chocolate. Remus smiled and nodded in understanding before taking a small piece for himself. "How long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?" Jaiden suddenly asked.

"I just started last year. Oh, and I won't be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts all by myself. But, since you're a first year, I'm going to teach you." Stated Remus. Jaiden titled her head in confusion.

"What do you mean, professor?"

Remus chuckled a bit, "Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taught by two professors. Me and professor Quirrell. Professor Quirrell will be teaching a 4 to 7 year students while me, taking  a 1 to 3 year."

"Oh. I bet you brilliant." She smiled a bit.

"Just as good as your other teachers." He smiled.

After their little chat, professor Lupin fell asleep and Jaiden continued with her book. Without her knowing, her attention now was on professor Lupin.

She examined Lupin's face and realized something. Professor Lupin had a werewolf symptoms. But, it can't be she thought in her mind.

He looked tired when she first saw him. The tired smile, the tired look, and he also had some scars on his face. Maybe. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind when she didn't see the point of thinking about it. She continued to read her book and soon, she fell asleep too.

A/N: In this story Harry is still in his first year. How is it? I don't want to put Quirrel at first but then I still want the golden trio action. Do you know what I mean?
But Jaiden will not be joining them with their adventure. Hope you enjoy it. Rewritten 3/10/2023.

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