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The all staff there stood stunned. They all noticed that Jaiden had a few bruises but didn't paid much attention.

"I need Minerva, Remus and Severus to stay. The rest may leave now." Dumbledore said. The other staff went out from Dumbledore's office and started to whispered between them.

"She's different." McGonagall started.

"She can't keep it anymore. She just angry and we need to understand that. We all know how the other students treated her after they know Jaiden is a werewolf. We can't blame her about her outburst." Snape said which the other Professors agreed.

"We need to try to help her. But, honestly I don't have any idea how." Dumbledore said which the three Professors just sighed.

"Remus, I need to tell you something." Dumbledore said. Remus looked at Dumbledore and nodded.

"This will come a shock for you but I want you to take it well. Jaiden is your daughter." Dumbledore said.

Remus's jaw dropped. McGonagall seem like she was going to having a heart attack. Even Snape can't hide his emotions.

"What?" Remus whispered.

"Jaiden is your daughter, Remus."

"How? I mean how do you know?"

"Let me tell you. When I sent you to your mission years ago, do you remember how they all hunting you to get to the Potter's?" He nodded. "And I'm sure you remember how exactly you hide for two years. Do you know who Jaiden's mother is?"

"She have told me once. Her mother name was Elizabeth." He said.

"Albus, you didn't think.." Remus can't finished his sentence. Dumbledore already know what Remus going to say so he nodded.

"I think Elizabeth thought that you had died in your mission cause you don't coming back. Then she decided to ran away. She probably changed her and Jaiden's last name so that they won't be tracked. That is my thought. How about yours?"

"I don't know. When Jaiden first told me about her and her mother, I just thought that is a coincidence. It make sense with what you said." Remus said.

Remus stared at the ground. After all this time, his daughter just in front of him. He spent his time together with her daughter without his knowing. But his wife died. 'Wait. My wife died. Elizabeth died. Jaiden live alone!!' He thought. He started to panicked.

"Jaiden had living alone for three years!" He shouted like a crazy man.

"Remus.." McGonagall tried to calm him down.

"I need to see my daughter." He started to turn around and ran out of there but Snape stopped him. He placed both of his hand at Remus shoulders.

"Remus." Snape said but Remus tried to get out from his grasp. "Remus calm down. Remus, Remus look at me!" He shouted and finally he got Remus attention.

"I don't think Jaiden wants a company right now. Let her cool down. Like what you saw earlier, she was angry. She's tired. Let her be with herself first. You can talk to her tomorrow. The moon's going to show up soon. Go and don't forget to take your potion. I left it on your desk." Remus nodded and Severus let go of him. Remus started to walk to the door when Severus called him back.

"Straight to your quarters, Remus. It's not worth it to go to the Gryffindor common room." Snape said and Remus just nodded.

"Why you waiting this long to tell him, Albus?" McGonagall asked.

"I just waiting for the right time, Minerva." He simply replied.

"And believe me. I tried to tell Jaiden first, but before I could, Miss John interrupted me. She heard that me and Jaiden was discussing about her lycanthropy."

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