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The next morning, Jaiden went out from Remus quarters. Last night, Jaiden fell asleep on Remus's lap. Remus then brought Jaiden to his quarters.

On her way up to the common room, she came across with Hermione.

"There you are. Where are you?"

"I fell asleep in my father's quarters." Hermione nodded.

"Well, let's go. Harry's game will start in 30 minutes. You need to go and change." Before Hermione can walked away, she grabbed her arm.

"Hermione, this is just my theory." Hermione nodded to mention her to continue.

"What if all the voices that Harry heard, is from a snake? We all know that Harry is a Parselmouth. Is it possible?" Jaiden said. Hermione looked thoughtful and nodded slowly.

"You go to Harry's game and I'll go to the library to check about it."

"Wait, we can search it after Harry's game."

"We don't have much time. You go first and tell them. Maybe you can tell Ron first, then after the game end you can tell Harry. After the game, come and meet me at the common room, alright?"

"But.." She sighed. "Okay. We'll meet you there." Hermione nodded and walked off. Jaiden went to her dormitory and changed. 

She met up with Ron on her way to the Quidditch Pitch but she didn't get a chance to tell him. When they all were waiting for the players to come out, McGonagall made an announcement.

"This Quidditch game has been cancelled. All the students go back to your common room." All the students went back to their common room whining. Before Jaiden and Ron can climbed up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, Mcgonagall stopped them. Harry was with her.

"I need you three to come with me." McGonagall said. Without questions they followed her. McGonagall led them to the Hospital Wing.

"This may become shock for you." They entered the Hospital and McGonagall brought them to one of the bed. There they saw Hermione was laying on it and made no move.

"Hermione." Ron breathed out.

"She was found with this." Poppy held out a mirror. "Is there anything to do with it?" She asked which the three of them shook their head. They stayed there about an hour then walked back to their common room.

In their way back, the floor in the corridor had flooded with water.

"What is this?" Jaiden said.

"Must be Moaning Myrtle flooded the bathroom." Harry said and ran to the bathroom. Ron and Jaiden followed behind him.

When they arrived there, the bathroom floor was full with water.

"Myrtle?" Jaiden called.

"It's you. Come to throw something to me?" She asked.

"Why we want to do that?" Ron asked.

"Don't ask me. I'm here, minding my own business, and suddenly there's a book fell from my head."

"Who did that, Myrtle?" Harry asked.

"I don't know! I was distraught!" She shouted.

"But, it's not going to hurt you right? I mean, it'll just pass through you." Ron said. Jaiden eyes widened at what Ron just said.

"Ron!" Jaiden whispered yelled. Before Jaiden can warned him, Myrtle came in front of him.

"True! Let's true a book on Myrtle cause she didn't feel anything. 5 points if it go through her stomach! 10 points if it go through her head!"

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now