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Sirius slowly made his way down the stairs. He wanted to walk in back into her room to talk with her but after he heard Jaiden shouted at her bird, he decided against it.

When he arrived at the kitchen back, the Order were starting to clear out but stopped when they saw Sirius.

"What happened to her, Sirius?" Minnie asked. He sighed and took a seat. Everyone that were standing, sat back down and waited for Sirius to start the story.

"She accidentally killed two muggle boys." They all gasped.

"How? When?" Molly asked.

"When it was her full moon last night. She said, the wolf inside her took control of her body. She said again, the last thing she remembered is she was running to their direction. When she woke up, her clothes was soaked with blood."

"How did she find out?" Dumbledore asked.

"Before she wanted to go to get some rest, she saw a bunch of people were gathering at the front of the forest from her window. She went there and one woman told her everything about what happened to that two boys."

"How is she now?" Snape asked.

"Horrible. She blamed herself for it." Sirius said while shaking his head.

"But that's not her fault." Said Kingsley and the others agreed.

Sirius nodded. "That's exactly what I told her but she didn't listen. She said she can control that wolf before but now she can't and she feel guilty."

"We need to call Remus and tell him to come back." Minnie said. They all agreed and started to clear out from there.

"You might want to tell her friends, Black. She needs a lot of support by now. With Remus went away, you're the only hope she has." Snape said to Sirius before he walked out.

When the time came to lunch, as what they all expected, Jaiden didn't come down. Sirius already told the children about what happened to Jaiden.

They all tried to talk to her but she just shouted at them and said to leave her alone. They didn't know what to do anymore so they all decided to just wait for Remus.

Jaiden was in her room, pacing around while blaming herself. She hated herself. She hated the wolf inside her. She hated everything that happened to her.

When she was pacing, she heard something was tapping her window. She walked there and opened the curtain. She saw it was Jake and she instantly sighed but when she saw Jake had a letter with him, her face changed into confusion.

She opened the window and Jake flew in. He dropped the letter on her hands and went to his place.

'Jaiden, listen. I know you want to be alone right now. I know you want me to leave you, and believe me I really wanted to leave you alone too. But someone spotted me and gave this letter to me and said it's for you.'

"It's okay, Jake. I'm sorry I shouted at you. I can't control it."

'Don't worry. I understand.' Jaiden smiled gratefully and went to him and pet him.

"From who this letter again?" Jaiden asked while trying to find if there was any name from who on the envelope but there wasn't.

'I don't know. I'm not sure who that person is but she said to send this to you.'

Jaiden nodded and started to open it but stopped on her move. She looked up at Jake with a furrowed eyebrows.

"How come she know that you are my owl?" Jaiden asked.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now