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There was only two days left until school end. Jaiden was excuse from her classes for that two days. She tried to resist but AD and Poppy said she still have to rest.

Jaiden was at her father office waiting for his last class to end. She thought about what had happened for that year. She hoped next year, they'll have a peaceful year.

After Jaiden checked out from the Hospital Wing, many students came to her and apologize. What Jaiden had said in Gryffindor common room have spread to the whole castle.

When it came to the Professors, they all just congratulated Jaiden. They all knew exactly what she need to face with all of that. It's not Jaiden's fault she snapped.

Everyone that Jaiden came across will smiled at her. There was no more insult, punches and slaps. Everyone seems terrified with Jaiden threat. 'If I know this is how they will shut their mouths, I'll do it earlier.' She thought to herself after every students apologize.

She were pulled out from her thought when her father walked in. She smiled at her father which Remus returned it.

"How do you feel?" Remus asked.

"It's been three days since I'm out of the Hospital Wing. Like I said, I can go to my classes."

"I'm fine with it. Really. If you really want to go to your classes, go tell Albus."

"Dad, you already know what he's answer will be. I doubt he will let me. Why AD being so paranoid? I'm fine. I don't like to be leave behind in my classes."

"Cub, you already know that you will never leave behind. You're more advance than the others. I'm sure what they learnt in class, you can do it with a snap of your finger." He said while kneeled in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay. What if I say, I miss my friends. Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins. We never got a chance to pull a prank in a while."

Remus sat beside Jaiden and put his arm around his daughter. 'I'm sure Minnie will going to be crazy.' he thought.

'Dad, you know I can hear you right?' She looked at her father with raised eyebrow. Remus chuckled.

"Oppss.. I forgot about that." They both laughed.

"Hey, Dad. I just got an idea. If I can't answer the question in my exams, I can ask for your help. It's brilliant right?" She asked her father. Remus laughed.

"Now Cub, I need to admit that that's a good idea. But I'm not going to do it. That's called cheating. I'm not going to let my Sweetheart to cheat in her exams."

"Oh, come on, Dad." She whined.

"Jaiden, you know you can easily pass your exams, right? There's no need for me to help you." She sighed in defeated.


"That's my girl." He said while ruffling her hair.

"Is every werewolf have their mind link with their family?" She asked.

"I don't know, Cub. But, it's cool. We can know if one of us is in danger." She smiled and nodded.

"So, are you coming with me?" He asked.

Jaiden tilted her head in confusion.


"You know, staying with me at my house." He looked nervously at his daughter.

"What about mom's?"

"That means we have two houses then." Remus smiled at his daughter which Jaiden returned.

"Let's make it this way. Half of the summer, we'll stay at my place. Another half, we stay at yours. Sounds good?" Jaiden nodded.

"Dad, can I-" Remus cut her.

"Take a train home? Sure. Why not? I'm going to pick you there."

"Thanks, Dad. I love you." She hugged her father. Remus hugged her back.

"I love you too, Cub." She pulled back from their hugged and stood up.

"I'm going to see AD. Maybe I can convince him for the last time, to let me go to my classes tomorrow. It's a last day after all."

"I highly doubt he will let you. But it's worth to try again." Remus said and laughed. Jaiden slapped his arm playfully.

She made her way up to Dumbledore's office. She knocked on the door and came Dumbledore's voice.

"Come in." Jaiden pushed opened the door and saw Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk and Snape was there too.

"Hi AD. Hi Snapey." She said happily. She heard Snape sighed.

"No? Okay. Hi Sevy." She and Dumbledore laughed.

"I'm going to kill you."

"Oh, come on. I just call you that when we're alone." Snape rolled his eyes.

"Why you come here, Jaiden?" Dumbledore asked gently.

"I just wondering if I can go to my classes tomorrow, AD. Like what you see right now, I'm fine. There's no need for me to rest."

Before Dumbledore can speak, Snape spoke.

"It's only one day left. Why you bother to go to your classes?"

"That's the point. It's last day. That's why I want to go. And maybe pull a prank. Please AD. Please let me." She gave Dumbledore her puppy eyes. Snape and Dumbledore exchanged looked.

"Alright, Jaiden. You can go." Dumbledore said and Jaiden immediately have a mischievous smile on her face.

"But, if I were you, I'm not going to pull a prank. Or else, Minerva will chase you around the castle."

"I'm not promising anything, AD. And thank you." She ran to the door. Before she went out she turned back to the oldest.

"Good day, AD." She looked at Snape and smirked. "Good day, Sevy."

"You-" Before he can say anything, Jaiden already shut the door. They can heard Jaiden laughing outside. They both laughed a bit. He turned to Dumbledore.

"Believe me, Albus. Me and Minerva will win this bet." He smirked.

He sighed. "And that was stupid of me."

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now