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Draco had gone out to find Jaiden her clothes and luckily, he got a chance to take his money out from his vault before the Death Eaters could control it. He bought Jaiden enough clothes for her from Diagon Alley and went back home without getting himself caught. 

Weeks passed and Jaiden would be lying if she say that she didn't miss her family. She heard every day how Remus talked to her, pleading for her to reply, but she just couldn't. She tried her best to not reply back because she knew, if she reply, there was no way Remus would let her go again.

In those weeks, Jaiden and Draco will change for lookout every night unless it was a full moon for Jaiden. They will make a round from their cottage to their surrounding to see if somebody have found them. Sometimes, they will go out and seek for information about what happened so they won't leave behind.

Their weeks weren't going so good. Sometimes, Draco's mark will burn when Voldemort called for the Death Eaters meeting. Jaiden will help him by bringing him a wet napkin and wrapped it around his mark to make him felt better. The other times, when they saw Death Eaters was flying outside of their house, they have to hide because they knew they were looking for them too.

Luckily none of them stopped to check in that cottage.

Every time one of them came back from look out, that morning, they will share it with each other. It was like a meeting or something.

One morning among 6:15, Jaiden was awaken by Draco who was banging on her door room. She went to open it and saw Draco who was out of breath.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Let's talk about it in the kitchen." He said and walked away. Jaiden nodded and went back into her room to get ready.

When she walked into the kitchen, she saw Draco already set a cup of tea on the table for her. She sat down, thanked him and took a sip.

"The Orders will remove Harry from his Uncle's house this weekend. I've heard some of the Death Eaters talked about it in the Knockturn Alley." Draco informed her. She nodded.

"We have to help them." Jaiden said while staring at the table in front of her. Draco looked up at her in disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind?! They could see us! And, tell me Jay, what'd you reckon we can do to help them? Think about it, they won't apparated him because he still have his trace on him. And, I'm very sure that they will fly on a broom to get to wherever they want to move him. Tell me, Jay, where are we going to get a broom? Death Eaters are everywhere right now."

Jaiden saw his point. She said without thinking first. How come they can get a broomstick when it was too risky for them to go out? She sighed and leaned her back to the chair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think about that. What's your thought?" She asked and saw him sighed.

"I've thinking about it on my way to come back. And, I think we could do this. When they move Harry, I'm very sure that Voldy is going to send most of his followers to catch him. As they're doing that, we're going to fetch Blaise with us." He said. A smile plastered on her face.

"That is the best idea I have heard from you." She said and Draco chuckled a bit. "So, we just have to get ready for weekend then." Draco nodded.

"And, Jay." He called when she started to not pay attention. She hummed in respond and looked at him. "I have another news. This will be so good for you." He said with a smile.

"What is it?" She said and looked at him weirdly.

"Last night when I was at the Knockturn Alley, I wasn't just heard about Death Eaters talking about Harry being move out from his house, I also heard this," Then, he silence while looking down with this stupid smile on his face. Jaiden rolled her eyes in annoyance.

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