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Months have past. Blaise, Draco and Jaiden will keep going out every night to hunt each informant they found and killed them. They also killed every Death Eaters that they found in the Knockturn Alley. Sometimes, not in just Knockturn Alley but, everywhere else they saw Death Eaters were wandering.

Every time they killed someone that worked for Voldemort, the next day, there must be a news about how many people they killed. So far, they didn't get a chance to kill those Death Eaters that Voldemort trusted most but, killing regular Death Eaters were better than nothing. 

As for the Order, they all knew about how Blaise and Draco have switched side. The thing that they didn't understand was, why don't they come to them? And they all knew about how many dead bodies have been found in the Knockturn Alley.

For Voldemort himself, he was furious. He lost too many followers and it wasn't helping when he knew they three were still out there. He sent lot of his followers to go and find them but, they all ended up been found lifeless. He swore to himself that he will kill Blaise and Draco instantly when he see them. 

Blaise, Draco and Jaiden had no problem at all. They knew they did their job very good because none of the Death Eaters that tried to hunt them came out alive. They were well prepared before go out and when they came back, none of them would be hurt. That was how they helped the Order against Voldemort. They killed as much Death Eaters they can find so that when the war start, they have more advantage. 

Since Remus knew that Jaiden was out from being under Voldemort, he kept contacted her but as usual, he got nothing. He always reassured himself that Jaiden could hear him but, she just didn't reply it. He thought, at least if he keep give Jaiden some information, she will know what to do so he did. Jaiden was really grateful that Remus did so. 

'I know you can hear what I'm saying, Cub. Maybe, you have your own reason as to why you don't want to reply. I understand. But please, make it out alive so that I can meet you back. Let me know if you're in danger and I swear, I will come and help you.' Jaiden heard Remus said in her mind one day. 

One night, Draco decided to go out alone. They wanted to take a day off from hunting so, Draco said he will go out to find some information that could be useful for them. Blaise and Jaiden simply stayed at their small cottage and waited for Draco to come back in the living room. 

While they were waiting, there was a knock on the front door. Blaise told Jaiden to stay while picking up his wand and walked to the front door. He opened it and saw Draco but, he pointed his wand at him.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, we've been friends with Jaiden at the start of our fifth year, I took Jaiden out from my house and we're currently hiding here with Blaise Zabini. We called He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Voldy." He said casually before he lowered his voice. "And, you have a crush on Jaiden." Blaise rolled his eyes before lowering his wand. 

Draco laughed a bit before stepped in into their house and closed the door behind him. They walked in to the living room where Jaiden was waiting for them.

"Did you find anything?" She asked once they had took their seats.

"Harry has been sighted in Hogsmeade tonight." Draco told them.

"He's near Hogwarts. Should we go?" Blaise asked and they both looked at Jaiden. She shrugged.

"My father don't tell me anything yet." Jaiden said. "But I think, we better get ready." She added. Blaise and Draco nodded and they three started to get ready themselves. 

'Jaiden, Snape's just run away from school. Minnie is sending all Slytherins to the dungeon. We need you at school. The war begin now.' She heard Remus said. She quickly walked out from her room, and burst in into Blaise and Draco's room. 

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now