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The three Professors stood there, stunned by what Jaiden had just done. After a few seconds, Dumbledore and Remus had already composed themselves, but not Snape. He was still looking at where Jaiden had turned the corner and disappeared.

"That was unexpected. But she is cute for that." Dumbledore said with a tiny smile.

"She is." Remus agreed with him, showing his own smile. They looked at Snape, who was still frozen. They had to admit that Snape wasn't a person who was used to physical contact. So when it came to things like this, it was understandable.

"Oh, come now, Severus. You said she is your favourite student. Little one hug would not kill you." Remus said, letting out a small chuckle.

"It was unexpected." Snape said before tearing his eyes away from the corridor and to his colleague. "She is getting too comfortable." He said in his usual monotone voice. Remus only smiled as Dumbledore chuckled, putting a hand on Snape's shoulder.

"What's bad about that, Severus?" He asked gently, showing a kind smile. "A little child being comfortable in your presence would be something you should cherish. It brings colours to your life. I know I would love some grandchildren, but well, that's not gonna happen." Remus chuckled as Dumbledore removed his hand from Snape's shoulder.

Snape sneered slightly upon hearing this. "You are as good as a Santa for these students, Albus. You passed being a grandfather a long time ago." Dumbledore smiled as he watched Snape who had a bored expression and Remus who was grinning hugely at what Snape had just said.

"Well, thank you, Severus."

"What's happening here? I can't find anyone anywhere." Suddenly, the sound of McGonagall's voice entered their ears. The men turned around and saw the woman walking towards them. Even from afar, McGonagall could make out the ridiculous thing Snape had on his head but as she got closer she realised what it was. She can't help but chuckle.

"Planning on being the Easter Bunny this year, Severus?" She ended up laughing, followed by Remus and Albus who were giving away slow chuckles. Snape sighed in annoyance, closing his eyes momentarily. He didn't know how long he could stand having people laughing in his face.

"Your favourite twins, Minerva," Snape said through gritted teeth which only fuelled the older woman to laugh again.

"Good news, it lasts for 24 hours," Remus said proudly, ignoring the deadly look Snape was giving him.

"Do you know when to shut your mouth, Remus? Or do you need me to do it for you?" Snape said in annoyance.

"That's enough, you two." McGonagall shook her head, letting out the remaining laughter. "Anything else that I'd missed?" She asked again and Remus sniggered which Snape sent him a glare for. Dumbledore chuckled at his employees.

"It's Miss Rookwood, Minerva." The headmaster said, turning to look at her. "She hugged Severus." McGonagall was shocked to hear such news. Usually, the students wouldn't dare to get near Snape within ten feet, but hugging? That was new. 

"Care to explain more about that?" Snape sighed in defeat.

"Go on, Remus. You enjoy it, aren't you?" Remus laughed again at Snape. They made their way to the staff room and Remus started to tell everything to McGonagall.

"Well, I'll admit that she is one of my favourite students too. She's brilliant. No wonder you like her." She said. They all chatted again about Jaiden. How she'll spend her free time with Lupin and sometimes Snape.

When they all chatting Dumbledore had something on his mind. 'Remus and Jaiden are the same. Their appearance is all the same. I'm sure when Minerva finds out that Jaiden belongs to Remus, she'll realise from where her mischievous comes.'

"So what happened after we left?" Harry asked when Jaiden came in from the portrait hole and sat with them in front of the fireplace. Jaiden started to tell them everything.

"And now you guys know that Snape isn't a bad guy," Jaiden said.

"I'm not sure," Harry said.

"Whatever, Harry. Hey, let's play snowball outside." They nodded.

After a few hours of throwing snowballs at each other, they changed back and went to eat lunch.

The next day was a full moon for Jaiden. She woke up and started to change. She went down to the common room and saw Ron and Harry were already there playing chess again.

"I win. Again." Said Ron proudly. Harry just groaned.

"Morning guys."

"Morning, Jaiden." The two replied.

"Breakfast?" Jaiden asked.

"You don't need to ask me," Ron said.

"Let's race," Harry said and with that, they all raced to the Great Hall. For Jaiden as a werewolf, she was faster than the boys.

Harry and Ron lost Jaiden when they ran down the stairs. When they reached the Great Hall, they saw Jaiden already sat down at the table.

"That-was-fast-of-you." Ron said between his breath while Harry still panting. Jaiden just giggled at the two. When they're halfway through their food, the Weasley twins come and sit between Jaiden. Harry and Ron sat in front of Jaiden.

"Sorry for interrupting-" said Fred.

"-But we need to borrow your friend for a moment." George continued. And with that, they dragged Jaiden out of the Great Hall. They had this mischievous grin on their faces which Jaiden already knew what that meant.

"Let me guess. You want me to help you with your prank." Jaiden said and the older nodded. Jaiden replied with a mischievous smirk and the boys got her massage. They started to plan the prank and walked back into the Great Hall.

"What did they want from you?" Harry asked.

"Nothing." She simply replied.

That evening Jaiden went to lay on the tree branch in front of the Black Lake. She climbed the tree easily and lay there. She closed her eyes but she was not sleeping. She just makes a sound in her surroundings.

After a few good minutes, she heard footsteps nearing her but she didn't pay attention. Maybe just an animal. The footsteps neared her then it stopped.

"What are you doing up there?" Came a voice from the ground. She jumped a little and looked down. She sighed in relief.

"Professor Dumbledore. You scared me." He chuckled.

"Doesn't it cold out here?" He said and Jaiden jumped off of the tree.

"A little. Do you need anything, Professor?"

"No. Not really. Tonight is a full moon if I'm not mistaken?" Jaiden nodded to confirm it. Dumbledore nodded, "If you feel sick after your transformation, you can go to the Hospital Wing. And one more thing, if you don't mind, I already told Madam Pomfrey about your condition. Is it okay with you?"

"It's okay, Professor. As long as you trust them, I will too. But I don't think I will go to the Hospital Wing. Besides, it's a holiday now. I can just rest all day in my dorm." Dumbledore nodded.

"If you say so."

That night after dinner, Jaiden walked up to her dorm. She must hurry. When she reached her dorm she already felt the hurt of transformation. She growled in pain and at the end she was in her wolf form.

Her wolf form was a white soft fur. Her eyes were yellow. She has grey strips on her leg and tail. She curled up on the floor and fell into darkness.

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