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The night that she had planned finally came. She was sitting at the edge of her bed, debated to herself whether to do it or not. If she don't do it, it would be a waste because she already knew how to do it. But if she do it, it would cause her a pain. 

She had been thinking about it for the passed four hours but she couldn't make her decision. It was nearly midnight though. She stood up and let out a frustrated groan. She started to pace around her room while rubbing her face using her hands. 

After a few minutes of pacing, she stopped when someone knocked on her door. She straightened up herself and went to her door to open it. It was Parvati Patil. She opened her door wider and smiled at Parvati.

"Hi, Jaiden. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you."

"Not at all. What's up?" Jaiden asked. Parvati then pulled out a note from her pocket and gave it to her. "What's this?" She asked while slowly opened it. 

"Some guy gave it to me and told me to give it to you. He's from Slytherin. Blaise, if I'm not mistaken." Jaiden nodded while reading his note. He told her to meet him outside of her common room. "What is it? Is that a love note?" She teased. Jaiden laughed and shook her head.

"It's not. Thanks though. I have to go." She said and Parvati nodded before walked away. Jaiden went back into her dorm and grabbed her jacket before walked out from her dorm and common room. 

When she arrived outside, she saw Blaise was leaning his back against the wall beside the portrait, waiting for her. When he saw her, he pushed his back from the wall and smiled at her. 

"Hi, Jaiden."

She smiled back. "Hi. What are you doing here? Won't you get caught?" She asked while looking around for any sight of Filch. Luckily there wasn't. 

"I thought you will go to the library, because you didn't tell me what's your plan. As what you said, it's a good idea to steal more books so I went there to accompany you, but you weren't there. So I came here to ask if you're going to the library." She looked at him while shaking her head before chuckled.

"So, your point is, you want to follow me tonight." She asked while still chuckling. Blaise nodded his head quickly. "I don't know, Blaise. I think I'm gonna cancel my plan. I still need to think about it." Blaise squinted his eyes suspiciously at her but nodded nonetheless. 

"Right." He said. 

"But, since we are outside right now, why don't we go and give a visit the empty library. It's a good idea to steal more books, isn't it?" Blaise smirked at her. 

"It is." He said and they chuckled together. They silently started to make their way to the library. Soon, they were standing just outside of the library. 

"Let the pro make her job." Blaise said and smirked. Jaiden rolled her eyes but had a smile on her face. She slowly opened the door in attempt to not make any sound. She slipped in through the door and gave Blaise a sign to follow her after she made sure there was no one inside. 

Jaiden led their way to the restricted section with Blaise following from behind. They went inside the restricted section successfully without making any sound. They smiled at each other before celebrated it quietly. 

"Now, what are we going to do in here?" Blaise asked, just above a whisper.

"Try to find an interesting book, then steal it." She said, whispering back and started to make her way to the shelves.

"What if Madam Pince does find out?" He chased after her.

"Don't worry. She wouldn't. She barely check the books in here. Wands out for the light then you can choose one from these books. Remember, Blaise. Just one." Blaise nodded in understanding and walked away. After 10 minutes, she heard Blaise called her. She followed his voice until she found him at one of the shelves.

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