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One day in the afternoon, when she had done all her chores- but really just made her bed and cooked for herself, Jaiden used her free time to lay down on the couch and staring up at the ceiling with nothing in her mind. Wake up, shower, make her bed, cook, eat and rest. All done. Later, she would fall asleep and when she wakes up again, she'll take a walk outside for an hour and walk back to her house. Then, she'll take another shower and go to sleep.

But, not on that day. That day, her schedule got disturbed when a gentle knock came from her front door. Jaiden slowly got up from the couch with furrowed eyebrows. In her whole life living in this cottage, nobody had ever come to visit her and her mother. It made Jaiden wondered of who it might be waiting on the other side of that door. Another gentle knock was heard again as Jaiden raised her hand to the knob. She unlocked the door and slowly twisted the knob. She pulled the door opened cautiously and was met by an old man. The old man had a long white hair and beard, half moon spectacles and wearing a purple robe.

"May I help you, sir?" Asked Jaiden while looking at the old man in front of her up and down with cautious. It wasn't common for Jaiden to have someone from the wizarding world come to her house. Based on his appearance, Jaiden just knew this old man were from wizarding world. There was no sane person would shown up in front of people's houses wearing that type of clothes, unless they were wizards or they were just completely out of their minds. Then, something struck her brain.

Was the man here to take her away because she had no guardian left? That would be wrong because Elizabeth had died almost a year. There was no way people just found out about it after a year. There was possibilities, yes, but it was very unlikely. If this man really wants to put her under the government custody, she won't obey. She won't leave this house. The cottage was her mother's. Jaiden grew up here. Her memories were all from here. She won't leave.

"Hello dear, may I come in?" The old man asked with soft voice. Jaiden was hesitant at first because she knew she wasn't suppose to let any stranger inside the house, but nodded her head, nonetheless. She stepped aside and let the man walked in. "Thank you." Jaiden nodded and gestured towards the couch. 

"Have a seat. Would you like a tea?" Jaiden asked. Actually, it was only an excuse for her to get something to defend herself. This man could be anything. He could be threat. Better safe than sorry, right?

"That'd be wonderful." The man smiled.

She nodded and faked a smile before going into the kitchen. She started to brew hot water for the tea to make it look like she really was getting the tea ready. She slowly opened one of the drawers and searched inside. Anything would be great, and the first thing she saw was a fork and that was what she took. She slid the fork inside her hoodie pocket and went back to making the tea for the man.

She walked back into the living room and placed the cup of tea on the coffee table in front of the old wizard. She took a seat across from him and watched the man took a sip from the tea. Her hand was ready to reach for the fork if this man tries anything. The man in front of her suddenly smile and let out a soft chuckle, making Jaiden confused. 

"Something's wrong, sir?" Jaiden thought, maybe because the tea she made tasted funny for the man. That made her angry. She made the best tea in the whole world and this man didn't get to laugh at her tea. However, the man smiled even more and shook his head.

"No. There is nothing wrong. The tea is great, though. I've never tasted any tea like this." The man said and took another sip. Jaiden fought the urge to roll her eyes. She thought he was mocking her. Jaiden only nodded and mumbled out a small 'thank you'.

"May I know your name, sir?" Asked Jaiden.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot," The man placed the cup down and cleared his throat. "I'm professor Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He smiled. Jaiden eyebrows furrowed. 

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