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That night, Jaiden couldn't go to sleep. Her wound will always wake her up. It will sting whenever she move. It was 9 pm and Jaiden really want to go to sleep but her wound didn't let her.

She got up from her bed and slowly and walked out from her room. She was at the last few stairs when she heard a voice called her.

"Jaiden? Is that you?" It was Sirius.

"Yeah, it's me." After she said that, Sirius emerged from the kitchen door. He sighed quietly when he saw she had to hold onto the walls to balance herself. "You could've call for us you know." He said while helping her at the last few stairs.

"Why you wake?" Remus asked when he saw Jaiden walked into the kitchen alongside with Sirius.

"I couldn't sleep." She said and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Because of your wound?" Sirius asked and Jaiden replied with a nod. "It will fade away. Don't worry." He said again and smiled slightly at her. She just nodded.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Remus offered but Jaiden shook her head.

Then, Jaiden just sitting there, hearing Remus and Sirius talking about the Ministry finally believe that Voldemort was back. She yawned and looked at the clock. 11:30 pm.

"Tired?" Sirius asked while smiling slightly at her. Jaiden smiled back and nodded her head.

"Let's get you back to your bed." Remus said and stood up from his chair. They slowly made their way up the stairs while also helping Jaiden. Once they arrived at her room, they tucked her in.

"Have a good nice sleep, Cub. I love you." Remus said and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too." She said and smiled at him which he gladly returned.

"See you in the morning." Sirius said and kissed her forehead too. Remus switched off the light and walked out. Before following Remus out, Sirius stopped at her doorway. "Thank you, Pup. You saved me today. Without you, I'd probably.. well, you know where I will be." He said and chuckled slightly.

"Don't worry. Family comes first." Sirius heard her voice coming from the dimmed light room. He smiled and nodded.

"I love you, Pup."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

"Night." Sirius said and shut the door. Leaving her room, with a tiny smile on his face.

The next day, Jaiden was being awoken by Sirius who was gently shaking her. She groaned slightly and opened her eyes. She blinked a few times to adjust her blurry vision.

"Wake up, Jaiden. You have to go back to school." Sirius said while smiling kindly at her. She sat up carefully because of her wound and rubbed her eyes. "Let's eat breakfast first. Then, we have to change your bandage with a new one." Sirius said again.

Jaiden nodded and slowly got up from her bed. Jaiden went into her bathroom and washed her face and also brushed her teeth.

After breakfast, they went back to Jaiden's room and helped her with changing her bandage.

"There." Remus said after they were done helping her. "Now, let's send you back to school." He said again and received a nod from Jaiden.

They made their way out from their house and apperated. When they landed, the three of them were at the outside of Hogwarts gate. The gate was opened by itself, so they just assumed that Dumbledore already knew they had arrived.

Remus and Sirius walked with her until they arrived at the main entrance. Jaiden turned to Remus and Sirius and smiled at them.

"Thank you so much." She said and hugged them. Remus and Sirius hugged her back but not too tight because they knew, behind her smiled, she was hiding all her pain.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now