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The next morning, after she sent her replied to Snape, Jaiden walked out from her room and walked downstairs. She didn't see Remus and Sirius in the living room so she thought they were still asleep.

She decided to make a breakfast for all of them. She turned on the stove and started to cook bacon and egg and boiled hot water for the tea. After she was done making their breakfast, Remus and Sirius still didn't come down. She decided to go and call them for breakfast.

When she arrived at the front of their room door, she didn't hear anything. She knocked on the door and called them. "Dad, Uncle Siri. Breakfast ready." She reached to the doorknob to open the door but stopped immediately when she heard her father shouted.

"No, wait! Don't come in! Just wait there! I'm coming!" She heard they groaned and there was a footsteps coming closer to the door. She was confused. When Remus opened the door, Jaiden saw he just wearing a pants while Sirius was laying on the bed panting and cover himself with a blanket.

She sighed and looked back at Remus who was smiling awkwardly at her. "Really?" She asked in disbelief. "Damn, Dad. It's 8 in the morning." Remus just chuckled awkwardly. "Oh my god. Whatever, just come down to the kitchen after you done with your business." She said and walked away shaking her head.

"Yeah, sorry. And thanks for the breakfast!" He shouted at her who was on her way to walk down the stairs. He shut the door and looked back at Sirius. Sirius looked at Remus and they both burst out laughing.

"Come on, Pads. Let's go downstairs. She's waiting for us." Remus said once he composed himself. Sirius nodded and got up from the bed. They put their clothes on, walked out from their room and went into the kitchen.

There they saw Jaiden was waiting for them at the table while fiddling with her fingers. Sirius cleared his throat awkwardly to announce their arrival. She looked up and raised her eyebrow at them while smirking.

"Sit down. Let's eat." They nodded and sat across from her. They ate in comfortable silent until Jaiden broke it. "Why you guys did it in the morning?" She asked without looking up at them. Remus choked on his food while Sirius spit out his tea. Jaiden laughed at them.

"Drop that subject." Sirius said while trying to catch his breath. It just made Jaiden to laugh even more.

"But seriously, do it when I'm off to school." They just shook their head. She then decided to mess around again with both of them. "And I think there's another reason why you quit your job, Dad."

Remus looked at her, "What?" He asked nervously.

"So that you will have more time with Uncle Siri." She said and smirked. Remus was blushing madly by now.

"Stop it." He said and Jaiden laughed again.

"Just one last thing," Jaiden said. They groaned and looked at her. "You want to hide that love marks on your necks. You don't want to be caught by the Weasleys and the others now, do you?" She asked while grinning. They immediately put their hand on their necks and looked at each other, blushing. Jaiden laughed and it made the two of them glared playfully at her.

"You're going to pay for this." Sirius warned.

"Yeah~ No." She said and stood up while picking up her plate to wash it. After they were done eating their breakfast, they get ready to go to the Weasleys. They all landed on their feet and made their way to the front door of the Burrow. They knocked on the door and Mrs Weasley immediately welcomed them.

"Remus, Sirius, Jaiden! You guys are here. Come in, come in." Mrs Weasley greeted them and hugged them one by one. They saw the others were having their breakfast.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now