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Jaiden woke up to the sound of morning birds outside her bedroom window. She turned to look at the clock on her nightstand groggily. It showed 7 in the morning. She exhaled and lied flat on her back as she stared up at the ceiling. Dumbledore will be here anytime she thought.

After another few minutes of laziness on her bed, Jaiden went down to the kitchen to start making her a plate of breakfast. It was nothing fancy, really. She got out two eggs from the fridge and a pan from one of the cabinets. She cracked the two eggs into a bowl and whisked them together before pouring it into the pan and waited for it to cook.

After breakfast, Jaiden cleaned up the kitchen and went back upstairs to take a shower. She didn't take a long one as she worried Dumbledore might come early. So, she got out of the shower after 10 minutes and dried her hair as she picked out her outfit. She decided she'd wear a pair of jeans and a black plain hoodie.

After she cleaned her house a little and made her bed, the clock just hit 9:30 a.m. She sat down on the couch and stared at the fireplace in front of her. She really wanted her mother that time but her mother's last word was to be brave. That was what make her believed she'll be fine on her own.

She were pulled out from her train of thoughts when she heard a knock on the front door. She got up and opened the door without thinking since she already knew who it would be. She was greeted with smiling Dumbledore.

"Shall we?" Dumbledore asked. Jaiden nodded and Dumbledore held out his arm. Jaiden looked at his arm and back at his face in confusion. "We're going to apparate. Now, whatever you do, don't let go and hold tight or else you going to get lost."

Jaiden hesitantly nodded her head and took a hold of Dumbledore's arm. Then, she felt like her whole body was being sucked into a pipe as the world around her spun. Jaiden also felt like the journey took forever, but really, it was only for a good three seconds before she landed back on her feet. As her feet made contact with the hard pavement underneath, Jaiden lost her balance and fell back. She groaned softly and looked up when she heard Dumbledore chuckled.

"That felt funny." She commented with scrunched up face, showing that she was displeased. She stood up and dusted the dirt off her clothes.

Dumbledore chuckled continued. "It's not the best way to travel, I know, but that's the fastest way we have." He explained and started to walk. Jaiden caught up with him. "The good news is, you didn't puke all over yourself." Jaiden chuckled before her eyes wandered all over the place.

There were shops that sold various types of things. The front display from each shops showed Jaiden what was being sold inside. From books, clothes, pets, broomsticks, you name it.

"But, sir, I don't have any money. How can I pay for my school stuff?" Jaiden asked after she saw an older boy paying for the books he'd purchased to an old lady. Dumbledore gave Jaiden a brief glance.

"That won't be any problem, Jaiden. We are going to go to the Gringgots and take a few galleons from your family's vault. Sounds good?" Jaiden nodded, even though she had no idea what Gringgots was. But, when Dumbledore mentioned the money, Jaiden came into conclusion that Gringgots was a bank.

After they exited the Gringgots bank, the street of the alley had started to get way crowded than before. "I think, we need to separate to get things done faster, don't you think? You will go to Madam Milkin's Robes Shop to get the measurements of your school robes, and I'll go get your books. We'll meet back at Ollivanders, alright?" Dumbledore suggested as he handed Jaiden some galleons.

"Yes, sir." She nodded and accept the money before making her way through the sea of people in searching  for Madam Milkin's Robes Shop.

After being in the robe shop for half an hour, Jaiden walked out while carrying her packed robe. The street wasn't as crowded as it had been before but there were still many people. She remembered back to where Dumbledore wanted to meet up again and started to walk down the street, thinking that it was the right way. It took 15 minutes for Jaiden to find the Ollivanders' wand shop because she went through the wrong direction.

As she got closer to the wand shop, she noticed Dumbledore was already waiting for her in front of the shop.

"I'm sorry, professor. I got lost." Jaiden said. Dumbledore only sent a smile towards her way.

"It's fine. I figured you'd get lost, anyway. Got your robes?" Dumbledore asked and Jaiden nodded.

They entered the shop together and an old wizard, probably as old as Dumbledore, came out and greeted them. That must be Ollivanders She thought. After the old wizard had taken a look at Jaiden, he got out some wands for her but they didn't fit her. When she tried it, the lamp of the shop got shattered into million pieces and some papers were burnt up.

After the unsuccessful attempts, Ollivander took another look at Jaiden, but it was longer that time. His eyebrows furrowed before he went to the back of his shop, pulling out one dusty box from the shelf.

"Perhaps, this." Said Ollivander while handing the wand out to Jaiden. When Jaiden touched the wand, she felt a warm wind blowing around her.

"Hmm.. I think we can expect good things from you. But, please, use it in a good way." Ollivander said slowly and carefully.

"What do you mean, sir?" Jaiden asked.

"That wand has a same core as Gellert Grindelwald's first wand. And, that is very very rare. There was another pair of wands that shares the same core. One belongs to You-Know-Who, and there was a boy who took the other one a few days ago." Ollivander explained while keeping his eyes on the wand.

Jaiden looked at Dumbledore just to know what he was thinking, however, the man only smiled. But, who knows what that man thinks. Jaiden looked at her wand as she checked the weight in her hand. It felt just right and she liked the way the wand looked. So, she put aside the things Ollivanders told her. It's just a wand.

After she paid for the wand, Jaiden and Dumbledore walked out of the shop after bidding their goodbyes to the wand maker. When they stepped outside, Dumbledore immediately took Jaiden's hand and apparated them back to Jaiden's house.

"Well, I will see you in two weeks to take you to the train station." Dumbledore said as he put Jaiden's books by the front door.

Jaiden smiled and replied, "Thank you, sir."

Dumbledore returned her smile. "You look just like your father, Jaiden. More than you think. He is kind and smart and I hope he doesn't leave his mischievous in you." He chuckled.

She smiled and got a little excited when she heard Dumbledore talked about her father. She wanted to ask him more but before she get the chance to, Dumbledore had apparated away, leaving her standing in front of her door.

A/N: Rewritten 26/09/2023

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