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The next morning, Jaiden woke up around 5:50. She rolled around on the bed for another five minutes before deciding to get ready for her day. She cleaned herself up and put on her golden and red robe, making sure they looked neat on her. When she looked at the clock again, it showed 6:45 and she chose to wait until breakfast time in the common room.

She walked out of her dorm and went downstairs with a book in hand. The couch that was set in front of the fireplace was her chosen spot to read her book. From time to time, she noticed a few students walking out of the common room and most of them were older than her. She concluded that they were on their way to the Great Hall. She decided to finally get up from her place and check the time. It was 7:05 which meant breakfast had started.

She went to slowly walk towards the entrance. Once she was out, she looked around. She wasn't sure where to go. Last night, when Professor Lupin sent her back, they were coming from the left direction so that told her it was not the way to the Great Hall. She had no intention of being lost again like before, but standing in front of the common room entrance was not great, either.

When the sound of the door being opened came from behind her, she turned around and came face-to-face with a red-headed boy. It was the prefect who had told her to go to Dumbledore's office last night.

"The Great Hall?" The boy questioned while looking down at her. Jaiden blinked twice before nodding her head, indicating that she was in need of his help. "Come." He said and started walking towards the hallway right in front of them, Jaiden trailing behind.


"Thank you, Percy." She said as Percy was about to walk away from her. Percy only gave her a single nod before walking forward to Gryffindor's table to have his breakfast.

Jaiden's eyes moved slowly around the hall. There was just a small amount of students sitting around. Whether with a friend or alone. A little feeling of nervousness washed over her, for some reason. She was now in the presence of people. Sure, they didn't even spare a glance her way but the thought of being in a room full of people was a little eerie for her.

She recalled not feeling it last night, yet again, she was too excited. It made sense she didn't feel that way.

"Are you going to stand there for the whole day?" She jumped in shock and swiftly turned around. She was met with a smiling Professor Lupin and a man with long dark hair next to him. "A painting helped you again?"

Jaiden shook her head, her eyes going back and forth between the two men before they settled on Lupin's.

"Percy took me here." She said quietly. Remus caught her slow voice and hummed in acknowledgement. Jaiden didn't know what else to say, so she turned back around and walked towards her house table. She didn't want to be stuck conversing with people and she didn't like how Professor Lupin's friend stared boringly at her.

She sat down awkwardly as she stared at the food in front of her before filling in her plate. After a few good minutes, the Great Hall started to be filled by students. Professor McGonagall then came around and gave each of them their schedule.

After being handed her schedule, Jaiden scanned it and her first class for that day was Transfiguration. She finished her breakfast quickly and went back up to her dorm to pack her books for the day.

Jaiden was on her way to go to the Transfiguration class when she saw this one Gryffindor boy with a tired and frustrated look on his face. She decided to ignore him and just walked past him.

"Hey!" Came a voice behind her. She stopped and turned around to face a boy who ran after her. It was the boy from before. The boy reached her and seemed to be out of breath, so she gave him time.

"Hi. Um, are you a first-year?" She nodded curtly at his question. "Thank God. I've been lost, you see. I'm on my way to find Transfiguration class and I thought I could find it by myself. But, well, I was wrong." He let out an awkward laugh.

"Oh," Jaiden's face turned into realisation. This boy will be in the same class as her. "Come with me, then. I'm heading there, too. Come on. We don't want to be late." She replied with a small smile and started to walk. The boy followed gladly.

"By the way, what's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Jaiden Rookwood." She replied shortly, keeping her eyes forward.

He smiled, "I'm Neville Longbottom." Jaiden only nodded. Neville looked around while searching his mind, trying to have a conversation with her. "How'd you know where to get to the class?" He asked.

"I asked a painting for help." She shrugged. Neville's head snapped to her in amazement.

"Really?" Jaiden nodded to confirm it. "I've only been yelled at by them. I didn't know they were kind enough to help."

Jaiden smiled but said nothing else. So, they were both quiet until they arrived at the Transfiguration class. There were just four students who had managed to find the class before them.

"Well, that's my friends." Neville pointed to the two Gryffindor boys who were talking among themselves. "Dean and Seamus. Want to sit with us?"

"Thanks, Neville, but no I'll just sit at the back," Jaiden said, pointing at the empty table to the left.

"You sure? We wouldn't mind." She nodded. "Alright then. Thanks for helping me to find this class." He smiled.

"It's not a problem." She said and went to sit down at her own chosen table.

Soon, students started to fill in and mumbled how hard it was to find the classroom. McGonagall said it was okay since today was the first day. She then told them to write an essay before turning into a cat and sitting on the table.

Jaiden who saw this immediately knew that McGonagall was an animagus. She smiled in amazement before focusing on her work. She was halfway through her essay when the classroom door suddenly swung open and two Gryffindor boys ran in.

"Phew. We made it. Can you imagine McGonagall's old face when she sees us?" Said one boy whom Jaiden learned his name was Ron from the sorting ceremony. Turned out, Percy was Ron's brother.

Suddenly, the cat on McGonagall's table jumped off and turned into Professor McGonagall herself. Jaiden smirked slightly to herself, finding the situation quite funny. The look on Ron's face was a sight.

"That was bloody brilliant," said Ron. Jaiden had to fight the urge to laugh this time.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be best if I transfigured you and Mr. Potter himself into a pocket watch. Maybe that would make one of you on time." McGonagall said sternly.

"We got lost." Harry tried.

"Well, perhaps a map. I believe you don't need a map to find your seat." She said and turned to the front class.

She started to teach about how to turn a match into a needle. Jaiden managed to turn the match on her first try and designed it a bit. It shocked McGonagall but otherwise, she congratulated her. Soon, their first class came to an end.

The next class she had was Potions which she needed to go down to the dungeon as she figured that was where the classroom was. It was no surprise when she found that the dungeon was a cold place. It was under the water, after all.

Rewritten- 30/12/2023

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