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Finally everyone got back from their Christmas holiday. That evening before the other students arrive at Hogwarts, Fred and George came to Jaiden.

"Don't forget about tonight, little prankster." Said George.

"Yeah. You play the main part in this." Fred continued Jaiden just nodded.

That night when everyone waiting for Dumbledore speech, Fred and George made eye contact with Jaiden and Jaiden nodded at the older. Fred threw a ball full of black smoke and the Great Hall became dark.

Jaiden use wandless magic to put beans in Slytherin foods. After the smoke cleared they all became confused but not paid attention much about that which was relief for the three. After Dumbledore speech they all began to eat. Jaiden and the twins will made eye contact with each other every second they got.

Soon enough, every Slytherin's hair and robes changed their color. Some of them have pink, purple, red and yellow. They all started to freak out. The Great Hall burst out laughing at the sight of the Slytherins.

After dinner they all heading to their common room. All the Slytherins ran as fast as they could to get back to their common room to changed. At Gryffindor common room, Fred and George quickly came to Jaiden.

"That's brilliant!" They two said in unison. "You can help us for our next prank then." George said.

"No problem. It was fun. And I have a few simple spell that can help you with your prank." Jaiden said with mischievous smile.

"Cool!" Fred said. "We'll go straight to you after we get our ideas."

Jaiden climbed up to her dorm room and rest for that long day. She still recovered from her previous full moon so it's a bit tiring for her.

The next morning after lunch, Harry, Ron and Hermione told Jaiden to meet them up at the library. She entered the library and saw that Harry and Ron already sitting at one of the table. She approached them and sat in front of them.

"Where's Hermione?" She asked.

"Go find a book. We already told her about what we know at Christmas." Ron said. Just then Hermione came and said,

"I've been searching at the wrong section. How could I be so stupid." She said and slammed the book she carried on their table.

"Woah! Take a chill pill, Hermione." Jaiden said but she ignored her. She flicked through the book.

"Here it is. Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's stone!" Hermione said and the boys gave her a confused look.

"The what?" They two said together. Hermione pushed the book towards the three of them. They three started to read.

The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Sorcerer's stone, a legendary substance with astonishing power. The stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal.

There have been many reports of the Sorcerer's stone over the centuries, bit the only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist and opera-lover. Mr Flamel who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth  birthday last year enjoys a quite life in Devon with his wife, Perenelle (six hundred and fifty-eight).

"See?" Said Hermione once the three of them had finished."The dog must be guarding Flamel's sorcerer's stone! I bet he asked Dumbledore to keep it safe for him, because they're friends and he knew someone was after it. That's why he wanted the stone moved out of Gringgots!"

"No wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry."  Said Ron. "He's not exactly recent when he is 665, is he?"

"A stone that makes gold and stops you ever dying." Said Harry. "No wonder Snape's after it. Anyone would want it."

"Oh, come on, Harry. Not you with accusing Snape again. He's not after it. We need a proof." Jaiden said but Harry looked at her and stared at the table looking thoughtful.

After all Jaiden's classes for that day ended, she made her way to the Black Lake but she was stopped by an owl gave her a letter.

Dear Jaiden,

If you're free right now, do you mind come to my office. We can have a tea here.

                                                 - Professor Lupin

After Jaiden read it she hurriedly went to Professor Lupin office. She knocked on the door and she heard Lupin's voice told her to come in from the other side of the room.

"Ahh..Jaiden, come and sit here." She gestured to the chair in front of his desk. Lupin served her with a cup of tea and they started to talk between them until it hit Jaiden.



"Are you a werewolf?" She asked. She noticed that Remus tensed at that question. Jaiden immediately take that as a yes.

As for Remus, he don't know what to tell the girl. If he say he's not, it would be lying. But if he say yes, then the girl will be terrified. He sighed.

"Yes. Yes I am." That's all he said and he looked at the ground. Whatever the expression he had thought he'll got was not this one. Jaiden giggled.

"It's okay, Professor. Your secret is safe with me. If it's make you feel any better, I'm one too. I'm a werewolf." She said slightly proud.

"Really?" Remus asked which still in shocked state.

"Yup. My mom said I got it from my father."

"So, you were born with it?" She nodded. "How about your transformation?" He asked again.

"I'm not sharing dorm with another Gryffindor. In another word, I have a personal dorm and my transformation taken place there" Remus nodded.

"How was your transformation at Hogwarts when you were at school?" Jaiden asked and taking a sipped of her tea. He smiled at her.

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