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Jaiden knocked on Dumbledore's office door. The door swung opened itself, so Harry and Jaiden walked in. Jaiden went to sit in front of Dumbledore desk but Harry went and explored the office.

Harry went to where the sorting hat was. They changed a few words then Harry walked away. He went to where Fawks was. He started to admirer it.

"That's Fawks, Harry. Dumbledore's bird." Jaiden said. Harry nodded without looking at Jaiden. Harry went to pet him but suddenly, Fawks got caught fire. Harry immediately back away. Harry's horrified face made Jaiden laughed.

"What's so funny? He just caught fire, Jaiden." Harry said. Before Jaiden can say anything, there came Dumbledore's voice.


"Sir, your bird. I don't know what happened. He just caught fire." Jaiden laughed silently at Harry.

"Ahh.. Fawks is a Phoenix, Harry. They burned up when their time is up, and they were reborn from their ashes." Just after Dumbledore said that, there's a baby Phoenix came out from the ashes.

"Isn't he beautiful? Phoenix is a very fascinating creature. They can lift heavy transport. And their tears have healing power that can heal any wound." Harry nodded.

Just then Hagrid burst in and started to said that it wasn't Harry's fault. Dumbledore tried a few times to stop Hagrid.

"I will swear in front of the Ministry if that's what the last thing I can do." Hagrid said.

"Hagrid!" Dumbledore shouted. "I don't think Harry or Jaiden will attack anyone."

"Of course you didn't- oh. Okay, I'll just wait outside." Hagrid said and left.

"You didn't think it us, Professor?" Harry asked.

"No, Harry. I didn't think it's you. But I need to ask you. Is there, something you wish to tell me?" Dumbledore asked Harry.

Harry looked hesitated at first but then he said, "No, sir. Nothing." Dumbledore nodded.

"Very well. You may leave. Jaiden, I need a word with you." Dumbledore said and Jaiden nodded. Harry walked out from Dumbledore's office and shut the door behind him.

"Yes, AD?"

"Harry wouldn't tell me anything, Jaiden. But I believe that he told everything to you. Can you share that with me? I really need to know. From the start." Dumbledore said.

Jaiden took a few seconds of thinking. She then waved her hand to lock Dumbledore's office door and put a silencing charm so that no one can heard them.

"What you just did?" Dumbledore asked.

She shrugged, "Silencing charm. I've been careful since the day.. you know, that day." Dumbledore nodded.

"Well, it started the day when Mrs Norris petrified. Like what you already informed, Harry was with Lockhart that night. When we went to find Harry, he said he heard a voice. But, me, Ron and Hermione didn't heard anything. Then Harry ran with us following behind him until we saw Mrs Norris. At first, Harry want to tell you but then, he decided against it." Dumbledore nodded.

"And this new incident?"

"Did you know that Harry can speak Parseltounge?" Dumbledore nodded. "Well, the whole school think that Harry is the heir of Slytherin. Harry will always get a glanced from everyone. I understand what Harry felt, so I said to Harry that we need to go to the common room. Then we walked together until we spotted Justin and Nick. Then, that's when Filch misunderstood us." Dumbledore nodded again.

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