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Soon, it was the day for the kids to go to Hogwarts. They have so much fun with each other presents. Sometimes, the twins and Jaiden got scolded by Mrs Weasley and Remus because they kept playing a prank even in the dining room.

But, the twins and Jaiden did all of that stuff was because of Harry. They wanted to make Harry forget about what people were thinking about him. A liar. And they were planning to play a prank as much as they can, since it was the last year of the twins at Hogwarts.

Jaiden was packing all her stuff the night before they all have to go to Hogwarts when Remus walked in to her room. He sent her a kind smile while walking to her bed where she was packing. She returned his smiled.

"Excited for this year?" Remus asked once he sat down.

She shrugged and gave him a small smile. "I will be more excited if you can get your position back." She said. Remus sighed and gave her a small sad smile. "At least I know there's no one want to hurt us."

Remus sighed quietly again and looked at her trunk in front of him. "Are you done?" Remus asked while pointing at her trunk. She put one more hoodie, shut her trunk and nodded.

Remus took it and placed it in front of her bed. He tucked her in under the cover and, he too, lay down with his daughter in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and gently stroking her brown hair while she snuggled into him.

"I know it's hard for you now. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about it. But, if you need anything, just remember that I'm always here for you." He whispered in her ears. "You can write to me, you can talk to me whenever you want."

She snuggled deeper in his arm and closed her eyes. "Alright, Dad."

"And, one more thing, Cub. After this, if you have a problem please, please let me and Sirius know. Last time, we worried sick about you. You were skinnier than ever, you barely eat and you just locked yourself in your room. I don't want you to handle it by yourself. It's too much for a child like your age. Enough with that three years of you living alone. I just want you to know that your family is here for you." Jaiden was at edge of crying but she control herself.

"I'd keep that in mind." Remus heard that her replied came with a cracked voice. He rubbing her back and started to hum a song in her ears. His soothing voice made her sleepy and without her knowing, she fell into darkness.

Remus smiled when he heard a gentle snores came from his daughter. He dimmed the light in her room with a waved of his hand and closed his eyes, prepare to sleep. But before he can do that, he heard someone opened the door. When he looked at the door, he saw Sirius was standing there.

Sirius closed the door and went towards the Lupins. "Guess she stole my cuddle time tonight." Sirius whispered in attempted to not wake her up.

"Oh, come on. You got it nearly every night. Give her a chance." Remus whispered back. Sirius chuckled. "How about you join us?" Remus said.

"If you say so." Remus smiled and gently moved himself and Jaiden to make a room for Sirius. "Night, Remmy."

"Night, Siri."

The next day, when Jaiden woke up, she was confused by why she heard a snores coming from behind her. She turned her head and she saw Sirius was there. She smiled slightly and slowly got up from the bed. She looked at the clock and it was only 6:40. She yawned and grabbed her towel and her clothes then she heading to her bathroom.

When she was done, she walked out from her bathroom just to see that Remus and Sirius were still sleeping. Both snoring loudly. She looked at the clock and it showed 7:15. She decided that she will give them 15 more minutes. She walked out from her room and went downstairs.

Halfway through the stairs, she saw Harry. He was sitting down on the stairs and just staring into horizon.

"Harry?" She called. He turned around and saw Jaiden. He smiled weakly at her and turned back around. Jaiden went to sit next to him. "Are you okay?"

He sighed and looked at her. "Have you had a dream about Voldemort lately?" She shook her head.

"I blocked him out. But sometimes, he can get into my dream if I'm too tired or too stress." She said. Harry just nodded. "What kind of dream you got?" She asked.

"It's always the same thing. He shows himself and disappeared. Sometimes, I heard hissing voice too. How about you?"

"He keeps asking me to join his side. Threatening me. When I rejected, he will torture me with a Cruciatus Curse until I wake up and screaming. It was really horrible." She said and winced slightly.

He nodded. "I know how it feels. Once, when I was at the graveyard last year, he put a Cruciatus Curse on me. Like what you said, horrible." He groaned. "Why we need to face all of this? What would he get by doing all of this?"

"He wants to tear us apart, Harry." Jaiden said.


"You see, Harry. What happen if we're tired and we couldn't rest?" Jaiden asked.

"We get angry?" Jaiden nodded.

"After that, we will let out our anger, right?" He nodded. "It depends on how you control yourself. If you know how to control your anger, then you wouldn't fall into his trap."

He looked at her weirdly. "I'm sorry, Jaiden. I didn't get your point there."

"He wants us to get tired from all of this. From all the dreams he put us in. Like what I said, we'll want to let out our anger. We will let it out at the nearest person we have in life, our family and friends. That time is the time when we'll start to hate them and it make us wanted to stay away from them. And that is when he will attack us. When you're alone, you become the easiest target, unless, you are strong enough and you can control everything in proper way."

Harry looked at her in amazement. He didn't know that his friend can give a speech like this. He didn't know that she can be a good counselor. He didn't know that she got this side in her.

"Thanks." Harry said.

She smiled. "It's not a big deal. I know it's hard for you that the whole wizarding world think that you're a liar." Harry nodded and smiled.

"Thanks again. I couldn't ask a better friend than you." Harry said which made Jaiden laughed slightly.

"Dude, you have Ron and Hermione. They are a good friends too." He smiled.

At breakfast, Harry and Jaiden didn't tell anyone about their encountered at the stairs that morning. At the dining table, they all avoided serious subject and just enjoyed their time.

Soon, it was time for them to leave. They all apperated to the King's Cross station and when they all landed, they made their way to the platform 9 3/4.

After they bid their goodbye, they walked in to the train and started to find them an empty compartment. When they found it, they settled down themselves and started to talking to each other. Not knowing that this year will be the hell for them.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now