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Jaiden walked back to the Gryffindor common room. She still can't believe it. Without her knowing, she already met her father. She really happy, but at the same time angry and sad.

Happy because she finally found her father. Sad because she can't live with both her parents. Angry because of everything. 'It's not fair. When mom's with me, I don't have dad. When I have dad with me, I don't have mom. Arghhhh. What's all this rubbish. But at least I have father. Harry lost both his parents. I'm lucky I still have a family.'

Her mind became fibrous. Her feeling are mixed. She sicked being treated like an animal. She will stop being that girl who can't protect herself. She wanted all of this stopped. And it all stopped that night.

She walked in to the Gryffindor common room. Everyone looked at her with disguise and hatred which she sent them glared. Being around Snape, she knew how to glare at people and made them scared.

"Why don't you leave this school? I'm surprised you know. Werewolf." Lavender Brown said and scoffed. Jaiden looked at her and glared.

"You better shut your mouth." She warned.

"Yeah, yeah. Go tell your mommy and daddy. If you have one." She laughed.

"I have a father, you know." Jaiden replied. Lavender shocked a bit but then she laughed.

"I'm surprised he didn't leave you on the street."

"At least he loves me. I don't think your parents give you their love. That's why you busy with other people parents. What a pity." Jaiden looked at her up and down and smirked.

"I get love from everyone. At my home and at Hogwarts. I think your father just faked his love, so that you think that someone love you. After all, who wants to give their love at werewolf." She said.

"One more word about me being a werewolf, you're doom. Insult me one more time, I'm not going to bother myself to lock myself in my dorm. Instead, I'm going to go to you in my wolf form. I'm going to eat you alive." She looked at everyone who was in common room. "And so does everyone! If I heard you talking shit about me, I'll go after you for my next full moon." She looked back at Lavender. "Did I tell you that tonight is a full moon? No? You better be careful." She smirked and went to her dorm.

The common room fell silent. Everyone looked horror. Lavender looked like she was going to pass out. Ron, Harry and Hermione who were there and listen to what Jaiden said smirked.

"That's a good one from Jaiden." Ron whispered to his friends which they agreed.

"Don't we need to tell Jaiden that we'll go through the trapdoor tonight. She probably want to follow." Said Harry. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Harry, Jaiden already said that this month is a double moon this morning. She even told Lavender that a few minutes ago." She said. 'Ughh..Boys.' She thought.

"Oh yeah you right." Harry said slightly embarrassed. They all chuckled.

That night was a very worst night Jaiden ever had. She lost her control. She can't control the wolf she had inside her. That night the wolf was the one who control her. She howling and groaned in pain while transform.

She panting after her transformation done.  'Why it felt different?' she groaned again. 'Oh no. My emotions. I don't-' she let out another groaned. Slowly her wolf inside her control her. Before she lost herself she heard a voice. A familiar voice in her mind.

'Be careful, Jaiden. I love you.'

The next morning at breakfast, Mcgonagall went in to the Great Hall. She made her way to the Professor's table and started to fill her plate. She looked at Gryffindor table and she can't see Jaiden anywhere.

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