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That night after dinner, as what she had promised herself, she went to the library. She had told Blaise and Draco about it but they didn't want to join her that night. They said they got a homework to do and it was due the next morning. She didn't push them so she just went there by herself.

She had to do it quick, considering that she didn't want to be outside of her dorm when it is curfew.

She entered the library but Madam Pince was nowhere to see. She tried to call her a few times but no response.

"Should have inform her that I'm coming." She told herself. She shrugged to herself and made her way to the restricted section. Lucky for her, the section wasn't lock. She pushed the door opened and let herself in.

Too many choices in there. She ran her finger at every title of the books from every shelves. Most of them, of course, were about dark magic. She kept looking through every books that caught her eyes, forgetting about the time.

She then, went to the very back of the shelves. Then, a tiny shelf at the corner of the room caught her eyes. She, too, saw a single book was placed on it. Before she can make her way to that shelf, the light went off.

She looked at her watch and saw that it was already her curfew. She didn't hear someone walked in nor any voices coming, so she continued with her journey in the restricted section. She pulled out her wand and muttered 'Lumos'.

The light came out from the tip of her wand. She wasted no time to walk to the shelf she saw earlier. Soon, she was standing at the front of that shelf. "Why is this book is here alone?" She asked to herself. The book was simply placed there, like someone left it on purpose. She picked up the book and dusted it a bit.

"Secrets of the Darkest Art." She read the title to herself. She looked around just in case someone show up behind her, but there wasn't. She slowly opened the first page. It showed the contents. The book wasn't too thick, so the contents wasn't too much.

The book showed The Unforgivable Curses, hexing spells, Dark Potions and..Horcrux?

"Horcrux? Never heard of it." She whispered to herself. Being herself, she immediately opened the book to the Horcrux's chapter. She started to read it silently to herself. She kept reminding herself to not read anything illegal in her mind because Remus can easily caught what she was reading.

"..A Horcrux is created by manually putting part of the soul into an object. Firstly, the soul must be split into two, where one part remains in the human body while the other is destined for the Horcrux. This splitting is accomplished by the 'supreme act of evil', murder, which 'rips the soul apart'. Secondly, a powerful spell must be used to gain control over the divided soul to allow the witch or wizard to physically move it into the object they have chosen for the Horcrux." Jaiden blinked a few times.

"Woah, my head hurt. Too much information." She mumbled under her breath and shook her head. She stared blankly at the book in front of her for a few minutes until she snapped out of it. "I can't let Dumbledore see this. This is too dark."

She made up her mind and went back to the front of the room. She picked a random book from the front shelf and read the title. Advanced Magic. She opened it and, true to the title of the book, it was about advanced spells and dark spells. Shrugging, she took that book with her and walked out from the restricted section.

She left the library the same like how it had been before she walked in. Closing the door behind her, she put up invisibility charm around her and made her way to her common room.

She walked into her dorm and put the books she took from the library on her bed. She changed into her night wear and went to sit on her bed. She opened the book that was about spells and started to read it.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now