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The feast came to the end and all the students walked back to their common room. Jaiden, Ginny and Hermione was chatting among them in front of the fireplace untill Ron and Harry walked in from the portrait hole. They went and sat with the girls.

"Where are you guys? I didn't see you on the train." Hermione asked.

"Well, after Ginny, Mom and Dad ran through the barrier, me and Harry followed after them. But we can't go through. It was like the barrier closed by itself." Ron said. Ron stopped and motioned Harry to continue.

"Then we realized we already missed the train. We decided to take Mr Weasley flying car to come to Hogwarts. After we arrived, our car crashed with the Whomping Willow. After nearly get killed, we peered at the Great Hall door to see that the first year get sorted." Harry said.

"But then Snape caught us and brought us to his office. He said he will write to our family about what had happened." Ron end the story

"You're lucky to not being expelled." Jaiden said and the boys nodded. They chat a little while longer and went to bed.

The next morning they all went to the Great Hall. Jaiden and the trio separated their way. Jaiden went to sit with the twins along side with Lee.

"Jaiden, we just planning about a new prank." Lee said and Jaiden looked up from her breakfast.

"Isn't it still early to pull a prank?" She asked.

"It's not." Said the twins in front of her.

"We'll do it tomorrow after all our classes." Fred said and the others nodded.

Jaiden went to her classes with the trio. They had Charms first which went very well. The next class was DADA. Actually, Hermione dragged the three of them to DADA classroom. Jaiden been dragged by Hermione to sit in the front and the boys behind them.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, but I'm sure everyone know it." He said and winked. All the girls blushed. The boys including Jaiden grumbled and rolled their eyes.

"How about we start with a few quizzes today?" He said and passed everyone a parchment. The questions was all about Lockhart.

"You have 30 minutes. Begin." Lockhart said. The boys including Jaiden, looked around the classroom just to see all the girls were writing down eagerly.

"Glad you're not like the other girls, Jaiden." Ron whispered behind her which she giggled. She started to answer his quizzes.

'Dad, I need your help.'

'What is it?'

'It's Lockhart. We have a test right now. And this-' Before she can tell Remus, he cut her off.

'Jaiden, I'm not going to help you with your test. I told you many times.'

'Dad, this is not just a test. It is about freaking him. What is Gilderoy Lockhart favorite color? How am I supposed to know that?'

'I thought you read your books, Jaiden.'

'I did, Dad. But this is rubbish.'

'I'm sorry, but I don't know how to help you with this.'

'Okay, Dad. Wish me luck.'

'Good luck, Jaiden.' And their link stopped there. After 30 minutes have passed, Lockhart collected all the quizzes. Apparently, Hermione was the one who won the quiz. Lockhart gave her his signed picture and winked at her. Hermione blushed.

"Now, be warned. We'll face a horrible creature." He showed the class a group of Cornish Pixies.

"Cornish Pixies?" Seamus laughed and all the boys including Jaiden laughed.

"Laugh as long as you can, Mr Finnigan. This is the fresh Cornish Pixies. Let's see if you all can handle it." He opened the cage door and all the Pixies flew out.

The Pixies started to attack the students which made half of the room empty. Soon, all the classes already empty. Just left Jaiden, the trio and Lockhart. Lockhart tried to put the Pixies back into their cage but all he did was let the Pixie to take his wand.

"I'll leave you four to deal with it." That's all he said and ran up to his office. Jaiden and Hermione took out their wand and pointed it at all the Pixies and yelled,

"Immobillus!" All the Pixies freezed. They all worked together to stuff all the Pixies back to their cage. With a flicked of Jaiden's wand, the classroom started to clean up by itself. Jaiden repaired their robes and started to walk to the next class.

"See Hermione. He's a fraud. He just left us there. He didn't know what he was doing." Ron said angrily.

"Everyone make a mistake, Ronald." She said. Harry and Jaiden stayed silent.

Jaiden's day went by quickly. After all her classes end, she went to the Black Lake and climbed up the tree. She lay there and shut her eyes.

After half an hour, she heard someone footsteps nearing her. She opened her eyes and saw her father came nearing her. Remus didn't noticed her and just sat down under the tree. Then it hit Jaiden. She planned to prank his father.


'Yes, Cub.'

'Can you help me?'

'What is it? If this is about a test, I'm not going to help you.'

'Geez, so harsh. No it's not about the test. Me and the twins have planned to pull a prank tomorrow. Can you please find us Venomous Tentacula?'

'What? Jaiden, you do realize what that is, right?'

'Yeah, I do. It's going to be harmless prank. Don't worry.' Jaiden saw Remus panic face and she tried to hold her laugh.

'Jaiden! Venomous Tentacula is a poison. It's going to be a harm prank!' Remus shouted in his mind. Jaiden can't hold it anymore. She laughed. Remus looked up in shocked then sighed in relief.

Jaiden jumped off the tree and sat next to her father. She still laughing.

"You looked very shocked!" She said and laughed again.

"Of course, I am! It's a poison! You want to play a prank with a poison! I'm not letting you!" Jaiden just laughed again. She laughed so hard.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'm just messing around with you." She looked at her father and her father had mischievous smile on his face.

"What are you going to do?" Without a warning Remus started to tickle her. They laughed so hard till they didn't noticed someone was watching them.

"Dad! Stop it! Okay, alright! I'm sorry!"

"Say you won't messing around with me again!"

"I'm not promising anything!" She said between her laughed. Remus stopped.

"You ask for it." Before Jaiden can catch her breath, Remus started to tickle her again.

"Okay, okay! Stop it!" Finally Remus stopped tickling her.

"You didn't noticed us, do you?" They looked at where the voice was and saw AD, Minnie and Snape.

"What are you doing?" Minnie asked.

"Jaiden's here, think that she can pull a prank with a poison." Remus said and smirked.

"What?!" The three shouted shocked.

"Hey!" Jaiden slapped her father arm. "It's not. I'm just messing around with you."

"I'll never understand you two." Said Snape.

"Oh come on, Snapey." The other Professors chuckled and Snape sent his famous glared at Jaiden.

"What? Oh yeah, you hate that one. Sevy? Sevy bear?" The Professors again, chuckled.

"I don't want to say this, but you make me. Detention with me, tonight." He smirked. And the three Professors laughed at Jaiden.

"It's okay. It just give me more time to give you a new nickname." Snape's smirked vanished and Jaiden was the one who smirked.

"Enough that. You two so immature. Severus, she just a kid." Minnie said.

"She's more than a kid." Snape mumbled under his breath.

MY CUB ( REMUS LUPIN DAUGHTER )Where stories live. Discover now