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"My transformation while I'm at Hogwarts was at the Shrieking Shack. You know Whomping Willow?" She nodded.

"Well that tree was planted because of me. To keep other students away from me while full moon. There's this hole which led us to this tunnel which is connected to the Shrieking Shack."

"How in the world that you can passed it's branches? It's like, even you're 30 miles away, its ready to kill you." Jaiden said and it made Remus laughed.

"Now, this is the secret between us. There's this one particular branche that you need to touch to stop the other branches. Or you can just cast a spell on it."

"What is it?"

"Immobillus. That's it. It'll stop the branches from moving. Just point your wand at the tree and said the incantation." Jaiden nodded.

"What happened after your every transformation?" Jaiden asked again.

"Minnie and Poppy will taking care of me. They'll come to the Shrieking Shack and took me to the Hospital Wing to heal my wound."

"Who's Minnie and Poppy?"

"Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey." Confusion on Jaiden's face made Remus laughed.

"Me and my friends always called them both with that name. It made McGonagall furious." They both laughed.

"How about your friends? What's their name?"

"There's four of us. Me, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter and.. Sirius Black." He smiled and looked at the girl in front of him.

"James Potter? Harry's father?" She asked and Remus nodded.

"The four of us were known as a Marauders. We liked to pulling a prank on people. Most of the ideas were coming from James and Sirius. The two of them most likely to pull a prank. Especially on Severus until one day, we can't control it. James and Sirius treated each other like a brother. They're very close. We always got a detentions with Minnie after every pranks we did. James was our leader, Sirius was his right hand man, Peter was just followed the two and me..well let's just say I'm their brain. Sometimes they will dragged me whenever they want to break the rules. Their reason was always the same 'cause you're a prefect. You can cover us up if we get caught.' Honestly, we were at our fifth year but both their behavior was like a first year." They two burst out laughing.

"Did your friends know about, you know..your werewolf thing." She asked.

"At first they didn't, but at the end of our first year they became more suspicious. And at our second year, they caught me. They always asked me, where I go every once a month before they knew. I just said that my mom was sicked. I just thought that time I'll lose them as a friends but no. They made something that I'll remember until I die. They became an animaguses to keep me company. Finally, in our fifth year, they mastered it. They keep me company every full moon. James as a stag. Sirius as a big black dog. Peter as a rat. We also had our nickname. It's kind of funny. James as Prongs. Sirius as Padfoot. Peter as Wormtail. Me as Moony."

Remus smiled at his memory with his friends and chuckled at Jaiden's reaction. She seemed eager to know more about his story.

"After that, we did something extraordinary. We made a Marauders Map. This map was our great achievement at school. This map show every inches of Hogwarts and everything in it. In means everything, I mean everyone. We can see everyone that is in the castle even you're under invisibility charm, in a animal form, under the Polyjuice Potion or under the Invisibility cloak."

"You know about the Invisibility cloak?" Remus nodded. "Harry has one. The Invisibility cloak I mean. He got it at Christmas. We didn't know who sent it to him though. Only there's a note which is said to use it well."

"No wonder there. James got one too. I think James left it for Harry." He said and turned serious.

"But all our happy memories stopped that night James and Lily died. I'm not there that night cause it was a full moon. The next thing I heard was, James and Lily died. That Sirius betrayed us and tried to kill Peter. He blow up a street that full of muggles. Peter died so the 13 muggles that night. He was sent to Azkaban. I still can't believe that he betrayed us. He serving the Dark Lord."

"I don't think Sirius would do that." Jaiden said. Remus looked shocked at what she just said.

"What give you that idea?"

She shrugged, "Like what you said before, Sirius treated James like his own brother. There will be no way he'll betray you."

"People can change, Jaiden. You need to understand that." She just nodded to drop that subject.

"Can you tell me more about your time at Hogwarts? How you and your friends pulling a prank? Maybe that's can be a new plan for me and the twins's next prank." Remus laughed at her statement.

"Sure. I don't see why not. You can come here again tomorrow after your all classes. I'll be waiting for you."

The nest day, after Jaiden's classes end for that day she quickly made her way to Lupin's office. True to his word, Remus told her everything about his childhood.

About how James tried many times to make Lily flirt at him. How he almost killed Severus. How Severus hated all of them very much. He also telling her about he tried to ask Snape for an apology after what he and his friends did to Snape.

Jaiden also told Remus how her life been. How she and her mother will spent their time together. Remus tried to ask her about her father but nothing he got cause she barely knew his father. They also shared about their werewolf things. Their wound that they got after every full moon and how they didn't have a problem to transform at school. But little did Jaiden know that all of that werewolf thing will changed.

It's been three days since the last time Jaiden visited Remus. That evening nearly supper Jaiden got a massage from Dumbledore to meet him at his office. Jaiden made her way up to the few staircases and to the front of the gargoyle. She gave it the password and a stairs appeared. She knocked on the wooden door and heard Dumbledore said come in.

"Come in, Jaiden. Sit here." He pointed to the chair in front of his desk. It's kind of deja Vu for Jaiden.

"Do you need anything from me, Sir?" She asked and Dumbledore shook his head.

"I just want to ask you how were you doing. As I understand it is double full moon this month and it's in 3 weeks. How are you feeling?" He asked. He was the one who brought this girl to his school so that he felt needs to help her sometimes.

"I'm fine even though I can already feel a little pain but it's fine. And about that double moon.." she sighed. "I don't think I'm ready." She told him honest.

"It's okay, Jaiden. As what I told you before, some of our staff already know that you're a werewolf. So that won't be a trouble. If you don't get to class we'll understand. But when it is a weekdays, I hope you will go to the Hospital Wing so that we know where you are and we know that you're safe."

"Okay, Professor. But how many people that know about me being a werewolf?"

"It's just professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Madam Pomfrey."

"Professor Lupin also know about this, Professor." Jaiden said. He nodded. After a few moments of thinking he said,

"Jaiden, I want to tell you something really important. But I hope you can take it well." She nodded confusedly.

"Professor Lupin is-" But before Dumbledore can finished his sentence, someone had opened his office door.

There was stood a Slytherin girl that Jaiden really hate. Skya John.

"Is it true what I heard? Rookwood is a werewolf?" She said with shocked but slowly it turned into evil smirked. Uh-oh.

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