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A/N- The timeline in this chapter will be a mess cause I'm running out of idea. But hope you still enjoy it.

I'm sorry if my English is a mess too. English is not my first language so..yeah.

Hope you understand it.

After the bell had rung, signing that Potions had ended, Snape dismissed them and almost all of them rushed out of the room. Jaiden trailed behind them slowly and followed her classmates as they made their way up hundreds of stairs.

As the students slowly went on their way, Jaiden was left alone. She walked through the corridors until she was pulled back by someone pulling her robe. She turned around and was faced with three girls from Slytherin. She remembered seeing them in her Potions class.

Jaiden kept a calm look on her face. "Can I help you?"

"What kind of magic did you put on Snape?" The girl in the middle asked with a bossy tone. She looked to be their leader. Jaiden stared at the girl.

Are these the kinds of things she needs to face while being at school? If so, she would like to go home. She was still trying to adapt to being around people and getting into an argument was the last thing she wanted to do. So, she shook her head slightly before turning around to continue her walk towards the Great Hall.

To no avail, the girls caught up to her and blocked her path. Jaiden sighed quietly.

"You can't talk now?" The girl on the left spoke up.

"Just let me through. I don't want any trouble." Jaiden said calmly.

"How can he let you go without getting angry at you?" Asked the other girl.

Jaiden sighed again, but this time frustratingly. "I don't know. Maybe if you could just ask him. Look, I don't want any trouble with you. Can you just let me through?"

They weren't satisfied with Jaiden's answer, let alone liking her attitude. The leader stepped forward and shoved Jaiden. She lost her balance and fell onto the floor.

"It does not end here." The girl said. Jaiden watched them all walk away silently, choosing to not fight back.

She stood on her feet and picked up her bag. "Good. It's only the first day." She mumbled to herself while dusting her robe. She sighed. "Mum, help me."

"Jaiden?" A voice came behind her. A familiar one. She turned around and hoped that the person didn't see what had just happened. She was met with the figure of Professor Lupin.

"Hello, Professor." She sent a little smile on his way which he returned it immediately. But, his smile contained a little concern in them.

"Are you okay? What did they want from you?" Lupin asked softly. He was coming from around the corner when he saw Jaiden get pushed back until she fell. He can only shake his head at the student's behaviour before approaching the girl.

Of course, he saw it. Jaiden thought to herself.

"I'm fine, Professor. And, it's nothing. Just a little misunderstanding." She said. She was quick with a lie.

"If you say so." He said while still having a little doubt. Then, they decided to walk to the Great Hall together but Jaiden chose to be silent for the whole walk and Lupin respected it.

After lunch, Jaiden had Defense Against the Dark Arts. The class went well. It was interesting. So far, Jaiden decided DADA and Potion were among her top favourite classes.

Charm was also fun. That day, they learned a levitation charm. She got her feather to float on her first try. Same as Hermione. They only shared a smile as they were sitting across from each other. Professor Flitwick complimented them and decided to give 5 points to each of them.

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