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"You think he's going to be alright?" Hermione asked.

Jaiden and Ron groaned. "Hermione, for the third times, he's going to be alright." Ron said.

"Okay, alright. I'm sorry. I just scare for him. What's taking him so long in there?"

Jaiden and Ron rolled their eyes. "Hermione, he's been in there about 20 minutes ago. You didn't think that Harry can reach the cup in 20 minutes, do you?"

Hermione kept silent. After another 10 minutes, they heard a scream came from the maze. Professor Flitwick was sent to see what was happening. About 5 minutes later, they all saw Professor Flitwick appeared with Fluer. They all cheered for her attempt to try to get the cup.

"Hey, Jaiden!" Someone called her name in the middle of the cheering. She looked at her left and saw Lavender was walking towards her.

"What's up, Lav?" She asked once Lavender stood in front of her.

"Professor Moody called for you." She said and pointing at Moody who was already looking at them both. Jaiden tore her eyes from Moody and looked back at Lavender.

"What did he want?" She asked. Lavender shrugged.

"I'm not sure. He wouldn't tell me." Jaiden nodded.

"Okay. Thanks." Lavender smiled and walked away. "I'll be right back." Jaiden said to Ron and Hermione which they nodded. Jaiden made her way to Moody who was following her every movement until she was standing in front of him.

"You asked for me, Professor?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yes. I need to talk to you. I see your performance in Defense Against the Dark Arts is very impressive. Not only in my subject but the others also. Would you care to talk about it more in my office?" Moody asked.

"No, not at all, sir."

"Good. Let's go." Moody said and started to limping through their way to his office. When they arrived, Moody told Jaiden to sit down which she obeyed. "Tell me, what's the other thing you can do? That your other friends doesn't learn yet." He asked once he settled down himself.

She hummed while thinking. "I can apperated." Moody looked shock, but slowly he smirked. "The other thing?"

"I can use wandless magic." He nodded.

"Show me." She waved her hand and one of mirror that Moody had in his office shattered into pieces. With another waved of her hand, the mirror went back into it normal self.

"I can talk to anyone I want through their mind too." She said without even thinking. Moody nodded and a smirked on his face changed into devilish smirk.

"For an example?" He asked.

"Give me a second." She said and concentrated. Moody looked at her confusedly until,

'Professor?' She saw Moody jumped a bit. Then his smirked grew wider.

"Very impressive." He breath out. "The other thing?" He asked excitedly. She shrugged.

"I just know that. Maybe a lot will come after this. Who knows." She said and Moody nodded.

"Can you control something? I mean, people mind or move something from it's place to the other place. Like what you showed me earlier, you can talk to people using their mind. What if you can control them but you just don't know yet? Does it make sense to you?"

Jaiden thought about it for a second before shrugged. "I'm not sure, Professor. I never try it."

"How about you try now?" Moody suggested.


"Focus on something. Here, look at me and focus at me. Make me do anything." Jaiden looked at him weirdly but nonetheless she nodded and focused on him. She imagined that Moody took off his fake leg which he did. Jaiden and Moody looked at each other in complete shock.

"You did it." Moody said in amazement.

"I did it." She said and smiled. "I did it!" She squealed. Moody put back on his fake leg and smiled at her.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Professor."

"It's just like the Imperius Curse, isn't?" She asked after a few seconds of silent. Moody hummed in question. "What I did earlier. It's just like the Imperius Curse." She said. Moody saw that she had a scared looked on her face. He need to think of something.

"It's okay, kid. As long as you use it on the right way. You're gonna be fine." He reassured her. She nodded. Moody cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Very well. That's all for now. You may go back to the maze." Jaiden nodded again and stood up.

"Goodbye, Professor. And thank you for helping me find out my new ability. I owed you, Professor." Jaiden said with a smiled and walked out.

"The Dark Lord is right." He said to himself after Jaiden left. Just then he felt something on his left forearm. "The time has come. The Dark Lord is fully alive again." He laughed. He quickly summoned a quill and a parchment.

My Lord,
        I'm writing this just in case I get caught. I'm very happy that you're rise again, My Lord. I got the information about that girl. I'm sorry that I didn't make it to bring her to you. But this is the least I could do. I asked her about her abilities and she said she can apperated and talk to people through their mind. The other thing she can do is wandless magic. And, for tonight, I helped her. We just found out that she can control someone to do anything she wanted. She tried it on me. It's like, like what she said, The Imperius Curse.

       When she is in my class, she is more advanced. There was one time, I set her up with a personal homework about the dark arts. Surprisingly, she did it right. I'm sorry again, My Lord.


He rolled that letter and called for an owl. When the bird came, he tied up the letter at his leg and the bird flew off. He then, walked back down to the pitch where the last task was held. When he arrived, he heard a very loud cheered. He looked at the front and saw Harry was crying upon Cedric body. He was surprised that Harry didn't die. He quickly went to Harry and dragged him to his office.

Ron, Hermione and Jaiden quietly and slowly made their way back to the common room. After 30 minutes or so, McGonagall walked in.

"Weasley, Granger, Lupin. Follow me." She called. They three looked at each other before got up and followed the older.

"What do you reckon she want?" Ron whispered to the girls.

"No idea." They both said in unison. When they turned to the corner, they came across with Dumbledore, Snape and someone Ron and Hermione didn't recognize. But Jaiden did. That man was held by Snape and Dumbledore by his arms.

"Oh, you guys here." Dumbledore said to the three students. "I've sent Harry to the Hospital Wing so you just need to send this three to him there." Dumbledore said to McGonagall. When Jaiden saw Barty, her eyes immediately widened. Jaiden saw that he was wearing the same clothes as Moody. She couldn't believe it. Even when Dumbledore was talking to McGonagall, they didn't take their eyes off of each other. He smiled evilly at her.

"Hello, Jaiden." Barty said. "Miss me?" They all silent and looked at between Jaiden and Barty. "I hope our lesson this night will help you in the future. Try it on your friends." He nodded to Ron and Hermione. "It's going to be fun."

"Shut up." Jaiden said. Her breath became quicker by second.

"Aww. But I thought you enjoyed it. You even thanked me and smiled at me before you leave. Remember what you said? 'I owed you, Professor.' Did you forget? Too late, kid. The Dark Lord will know your new ability." Jaiden just kept silent. "This is the right time to pay back, Jaiden. Help me out from this."

She shook her head. "No? Just wait, Jaiden. If it's not me, the Dark Lord is the one who will come after you." She waved her hand and put up silencing charm on him. Then she walked away, leaving everyone.

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