Chapter 44

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Assalamualaikum :) I'm truly sorry for this belated update, but I'm very happy for the messages that some of you sent. Thank you for supporting this book :) Barakallah!

My exams(once again) are coming, so I hope you guys can give me some time to study and update :) I'll try to update in shaa Allah even during exams, but no promises :) hehe :D

Quick reminder: Anyone who's suffering from bullies or hates, please please please, don't hurt yourself! Talk to someone, defend yourself. Talk to me, if you want to :) In shaa Allah I'll help. We've all gone through that stage of life where we have to receive hates or unpleasurable words, but don't be afraid because Allah watches us all and in shaa Allah He'll protect us too.


Habibah's POV

The doctors who have given treatments to Gemma have just held a council regarding whether or not, we shall transfer her in an asylum.

Most of them are of the opinion that they should indeed transfer her to an asylum, except Umar, Lisa and I. Therefore, they have given Lisa and Umar a chance to give her treatments and if we don't succeed, then surely, they'll transfer her to an asylum.

Even though I really want to handle and help the case of Gemma, I can't reject the fact that Gemma is indeed Lisa's responsibility. Previously, I was just taking her place for a day—but now that she's back, it's not my responsibility anymore.

My partner is now Miss Amal—who is a very kind-hearted lady. She's two years younger than me and surprisingly, she's a very smart person. She graduated in the age of 15 because she skipped the first two years of High School and got accepted at grade 12.

Right now, we have been assigned to a patient each; she has been assigned to a patient who is a transgender, abused by his parents who couldn't accept his decision and he is now suffering from a serious Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). I have been assigned to a teenager who has been constantly bullied due to her size, resulting Depression, Bulimia Nervosa and Social Anxiety Disorder.

As the teen girl arrives, my eyes widen, shock to see her wearing a hijab. I can't think of my own sister(by religion), being hurt. 

I greet her with a handshake and asks her to sit down on the couch. Before proceeding on all the chats and talks, we have a tea-time.

For many doctors, it would seem so meaningless to have a tea before talking, since the point of going to a Psychologist is to get advices and treatments—but for me, it does mean a lot. Especially that the tea that I make is green tea, which gives not only benefits for the body system, but also to the mind as it's refreshing.

“Please, drink it. It will make you feel fresh,” I smile at her, who is in doubt whether or not she shall drink the tea. “And don't worry! There's no poison there!” I try to crack a joke, and surprisingly she smiles.

After we finish our tea, I proceed on asking her to tell me her story. Initially, she doesn't want to tell, “I can't.”

“Well, if you don't want to, I am not going to pressure or force you to tell me. Feel free to tell me if you want to.” I smile politely, patting her back like a sister. I stand up from my seat, grab the document from my desk and is about to fill in the document when she starts talking.

“It started when I was in grade 8,” She fiddles with her fingers nervously. “I was the fattest. The most famous, skinny and beautiful girls in the school started calling me names and soon, they started to treat me like a piece of useless thing. They didn't allow me to eat in the canteen, they took my lunchbox and at leaving time, they'd always force me to run in the school's field for many laps.

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